Why aren't major companies making classic-style RPGs anymore?

Why aren't major companies making classic-style RPGs anymore?

All I see is these Indie groups trying and failing to encapsulate the quality of old school and large companies neglecting the easiest cash-grabs that people will actually enjoy.

I don't want to sit through 3 Discs worth of linear map topologies of endless fight-hallways where I can just mash A to use my best attack.

I don't want a long sequence of QTEs or Climbing sections with absolutely no freedom of direction. That, an no phony dialogues that all converge to the same outcome regardless of your choices.

I want something comfy, full of adventure, simple mechanics yet tactically challenging, and many diverse plot directions.

Hell, I could have more fun with a map of New York than half of the games of this generation.


It made him taller and blackened his suit?

You do realise game developers make games because of money? No one would buy classic-style RPGs in 2016.

Because "modern-style" RPGs sell more.

>classic-style RPGs
What do you mean exactly? There's a lot of variety among old RPG's, look at the differences between fallout and gothic for example.

whos this bloke?

People don't buy them because no one is making and marketing them. Also, the cost to produce is exponentially lower and can yield linearly lower profits. This is indeed the case, each sale goes for less.

But now consider that you've amassed this giant army of developers who can produce these games faster than Coldsteel the Hedgehog. For the same amount of man-hours, your can achieve exponentially more yield.

In terms of marketing far more games, that's another issue on its own. If anything, you've created linearly more jobs for marketing professionals in the field of gaming, which you can now afford to pay because you've got more money.

>Pillars of eternity
>Divinity original sin
>Torment tides of numenera

>inb4 responses saying those don't count and that they're shit

I feel you, ain't gonna happen tho, just look how much praise gets any fuckfest of a game that this manlet shits out.

is that one on the left seriously the happiest picture of him there is?

You forgot underrail

I just want another Xenoblade chronicles. X while still good, was not nearly as good.

Nope, this is.

because those don't sell anymore and the desire of making money overweights the desire of delivering a good game

Shin Megami Tensei till going strong


even review brah can get a 9/10 girl

what's your excuse?

is this guy british or just plain ugly?

Is that his mother? Would berry/10

So you wish for companies to start churning out cRPGs mobile-style? That's a stupid thing to wish for.

Most big publishers wouldn't do that because they have a reputation to preserve, believe it or not, and inundating the market with borderline-shovelware games is not the way to do it. Not to mention an overcrowded market would soon collapse on itself (see: mobile) and the tactic would stop being profitable very soon.

is that this mom? would creampie and be his new daddy 10/10

So THAT'S why this guy is being posted on Sup Forums

I've actually played Divinity Original Sin. The engine is close to perfect, but it's still far from where it could have been.
They rushed Divinity from the Kickstarter and had to publish the Enhanced Edition (Finished Edition), of which they failed to timely release the editor for.
If that game's engine was taken further and given native four-player (which everyone had to manually hack in with a hexeditor and code injection), it would definitely have been a no-headache Bro Quest.

Unfortunately, half of the ability progressions were useless, crafting was mandatory or you would always be poor and useless, and you spent so much of your time doing absolutely nothing or doing "maintenance", you couldn't even enjoy the rich lore of the game.
"Oh no, my armor has lost durability because I was standing in any one of the fluids the game adds in various places!"
"I guess after this fight, I have to right-click > repair EACH OF MY ITEMS EVERY SINGLE FIGHT"
"I guess I'll just sit here and have Jahan cast Regeneration 20 times to bring everyone up to full health."

>this guy
>being so new you don't know who review brah is

this. there's a reason clasic style RPGS are either low budget as fuck or kickstarter trash, usually both. there's no real demand for it nowadays, so you either get stuff like Age of Decadence which is an ugly game with low production values and no interest outside the few CRPG holdouts left, or the kickstarter campaigns which are the developer's way of guaranteeing sales during development for a risky product that might not be popular.

>calling him review brah not report of the week
fucking kill yourself friend

>calling him report of the week not rotw

>calling him rotw not energy crisis

>odds are I've called him a cuck

>calling him energy crisis not idle mind

>calling him energy crisis not voice of the report of the week


I heard Bravery Default is pretty good.

>unironically reads Sup Forums

I hope that's a joke. Unsubscribing if not.


This is shopped, right??

You doubting pictures of Todd "Pissy Pants" Howard?


>calling him idle mind not his real name nobodyknowshisrealname

Shame on you. As an apology, you should go out and buy Todd's game. It's the only sensible thing to do.

ok brb gonna head over to my local gamestop

Just got back from my local ga-ga-ga-gamestop.


Now that you own Bethesda's masterpiece The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, you should buy the DLC and upgrade to the new Special Edition! I cannot recommend it enough! It's simply Bethesda's greatest work since Fallout 4!



What ams that

nevermind, found it

Why? He keeps his politics to himself.

I'm sure he'll be heartbroken user.

I do too, pls no downvote


That's not a classic style RPG.