Video Game Teleportation

>The teleport actually works by destroying the original you
>Then making a clone of you at the destination

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What a revelation, OP. I don't think anyone has really thought of it that way before.


Quick, make a game where destroying yourself by teleporting makes an explosion and the cloning yourself sucks up/distorts things

>realize that summoning abilities MUST complete or terrible things will happen to you
>level 1 characters learn Home Teleport
>be offensive support character
>learn skill interrupts
>walk around early zones watching for people using the Home Teleport skill
>interrupt them
>half of them makes it home
>still not sure which half

Do games do Telefrags anymore?

No one has focused on the angst from the clone once they realize their original self is gone forever

>The teleportation device malfunctioned and didn't destroy the original.
>Now there are two yous.
Who should live and who should die?

UT 2016

>This process leaves your original soul behind, and the clone gets a new soul because he's human too
>Most people don't believe in souls though, so they don't really think about it
>A wizard pays people to be repeatedly teleported to farm souls

Literally the whole fucking game.

>teleport into someone causing them to explode

TF2 UT and EYE are the only games I know that do this. Any others?

Name one game with better teleport powers then E.Y.E

>die in video game
>new character isn't the same as the previous
>you have wasted thousands of peoples virtual lives throughout the years

Zone of the enders
Zero shift is based as fuck

Why not work together?
Oh wait cuz you'll both realize you can't stand each other.

>game has respawning technology
>only the main character uses it

oh shit ive not played it

what is zero shift

I would use my clone to multitask shit. Send him to work while I jerk off on drugs. The only problem is that the clone could contemplate to kill me.


>Teleportation doesn't move you it moves the world around you
>Two people using teleportation to different points tears the world apart.

The clone would think he'd send you to work while he jerks off on drugs. Who goes to work?

>Send him to work while I jerk off on drugs
He's you, so he'd definitely try to do the same thing

We'll switch every other week.

This thread reminds me of the Dr. Who episode where the guy cucks himself with himself

>Casting a Warp spell a VR game
>Requires a jump to the left
>A step to the right
>Then you have to place hands on your hips and knees in tight.

but who goes first

Do you mean "The almost people" from season 5?

what game

That's actually a cool mechanic. Teleport can only used by one character at a time. This would make raids so much more tense. If shit hits the fan, you can't all cheese it at once.

>Teleporter is actually a cloning device.
>Have to kill your clone everytime you use it.
>Not sure if you are the original one anymore.

Literally the name of the fucking game.


>go in elevator
>the elevator stays still, instead the world moves around you

Fucking Battlefield

I read a book like this once.

He enjoys seeing his woman being fucked... by himself?
that's basically watching a sex tape of yourself, but live

Everyone has.

It's not a very original trope.

SOMA is a shit interactive movie faggot.

>get bonus points for teleporting into clones labelled with repeating digits

You kill the original, but only in a way that your long-time rival will be blamed for his death.

Star Ocean 3

>True teleportation hasn't been conceived yet
>instead teleporters disintegrate the person and re-create them at point b
>criminal action can jam the signal so you're disintegrated at point A but never reintegrated at point B
>most come with a failsafe to avoid this event
>dont' think the encyclopedia goes on about constantly reintegrating clones of that one person saved on the teleporter

Star Ocean 3's fake science/lore encyclopedia is GOAT. You can spend hours in that thing.

>Not doing a joint maturation with your clone.

Get a load of this fag

The idea of this is the reason why it would be much better to just kill off your clone. Because you'd have the same mindset towards everything. You will agree and disagree about everything. You ca never 1up your clone and he can never 1up you.

That's the only logical way teleportation would work in the real world, but that's not video game teleportation, you oaf. In video games science isn't a factor, so the player object simply skips from one part of the map to the other, it is not removed and recreated.

Then how will i kill him, when we come to the same conclusion? We'd essentially mimic each other in the planning and the action and we'd either both die, come to a stalemate drop the whole thing, or one lucks out a third variable is present, though the more i think about it the more the latter wont happen, as im the kinda guy who over thinks everything to the point its annoying.

Your experiences would eventually set you apart and you'd become different people with slightly different tastes and even different skill levels at the video games.

this would be a waste of memory to garbage collect the original character and instantiate a new one, so in video games, teleportation is technically really teleportation, since all that's changed is the position of the character.

They already tackled this conundrum

thats why i killed my identical twin

>clone isn't desintegrated
>instead of trying to kill each other you have fun with video games together
>same taste, always get stuff you like
>switch turns going to work for extra free time

I don't see the problem

You two would be in separate places.
It'd be the one who's quicker.
The other who could be in another place where it's not suit fit to react where you would be.
Or hell maybe you got fucked and a train stopped you, and the clone has the upper hand.
Mind is the same yes, but taking reality and random happenings take in account.
The better one would be the one in the right place.
Now if you were so 1:1 you'd be in the same place.
But what if there was another you and you didn't want that you to be in that place, so you elude but they'd elude to.
That's where it gets crazy.

Identical twins aren't on the same page as clones by miles user

You and your twin are still two people who grew up experiencing different things

Your clone is you with a 100% accurate replica of your memories, tastes and etc up until the cloning moment. Divergences might appear as you two go on about your lives, but a clone will always have your EXACT personality

thats why when my wife had two identical twin sons, we killed one of them

How can you be 100% sure the other you isn't plotting to kill you?
Will you take chances?
If not then you should plot to kill him first.

I agree with your clones and twins thing.
But a split second difference between you and a clone can change the entire lives cuz they'd be a different entity taking a different life from yours.
Same personality, but now you didn't live what happened to your clone.
Different lives regardless.

Why would I kill myself
Dude takes half my shifts

>wanting to fuck yourself
/lgbt/ please

Fun fact: All of your atoms from 14 years ago have been replaced by new ones. Everything that used to make up you is now gone. Are you still the same you?

it's not gay if you're clones

>tfw no clone to play vidya and share a life with

hurts worst

>working one shift to support two people

You're an idiot.
I would not support a clone, cuz I can barely support myself.
Take on another of me? yeah right.
His ass better shove off and get a job himself like I did.
He should be able to, I did.
Isn't that the point of this POINTLESS conversation?

You must be fucking gay to give yourself handjobs then.

Ah but that's what he wants you to think. You'd drop your guard.

Those are teleporters too. If you watch a killcam of xsomeone who killed you and then goes up, say on Hainan (spelling?) the pc literally stays in the car on the first floor while the doors close and then the boxcar plays an animation and a soft whrr sound and then pops you up in an identical box at the top and opens the doors.

Lazy shits

nice try but ive been eating my own semen from child. so at least some of the atoms are the same

Okay, but what if the other you comes out the opposite gender because reasons?

It's pretty obvious most of us would go gay/lez for them, but what would YOU do?

Jesus user, how much do you make? Minimum? I pull more than double that just sitting on my ass watching mobile data traffic. If I could halve the time I spend doing that I totally would, and I could spend my off time hanging out with a dude I will always agree with. Sounds like fucking paradise.


A person is a continuous makeup of atoms in a certain configuration, so switching them out over time doesn't make you a different person. You're just constantly changing as a person

Wouldn't be an issue if you had a really slow teleport. One that would take months or years.

I could explain everything that is wrong with that, but you're an idiot.
I make enough money, but I would never trust myself.
A different being living a different life experience is no longer my clone.
Fuck them.
I hope you get a clone.

Is that the secret of eternal life?
We all had it before our crotches, we only had to listen to our nature

>not cloning someone to also get neet bux and splitting rent and utilities

Yeah cuz where would they get their social security, retard?
Just a bunch of dumbasses.

>clone infinite number of autist selves to get infinite autismbux
>autismbux system collapses
>army of disgruntled autists takes over the country
>government destroyed
>autocracy established

It would require some legal precedent but I don't see why a cloned person in a country wouldn't have the same rights as someone born naturally

I wonder what would christards say if there were tele-cloned people running around, acting exactly like the originals.

They'd have to make a lot of new excuses about souls and skydaddies and shit.

>acting exactly like the originals.
would someone who KNOWS they're not the original act the same though? or is that a completely divergent path in personality?


Borderlands did this


But whats the game called?

If teleportation machines could create a perfect copy, wouldn't that machine be able to create everything else?
What would be the power or material requirements of such machine?

Is this some new Sup Forums meme? Star Trek did this for years why do you keep bringing it up?

It's a completely different person. It's not the same consciousness.

nobody ever thought of this before wow

Am I a cuck if my clone fucks my girlfriend? Technically we're both her boyfriend.

I think most people who havent given it much thought would be convinced that they are the originals, and it wouldnt matter anyway because of the same memories etc.

I dont think I'd like myself to fuck myself as a woman, so I dont think we would do anything, and its not like I'm going to rape myself.

This is why I never fast travel in games. Sure it says "travel" but how do I know? HOW DO I KNOW IT'S NOT TELEPORTATION????

What about teleportation by moving your legs?

Your character is not the same every time you reload, just a clone made of code

Not true in Fallout 3 and 4. This is used for some exploits.

how do you know you're not reloaded every time you fall asleep irl?


When you fast travel you're actually changing to the viewpoint of another character that looks extremely similar to your previous character and happens to have the same name and equipment as you

Fallout 3 has an exploit where reloading the game just as you break your legs boosts your speed by how much breaking your legs would slow you down.
Fallout 4 has an exploit where reloading a save can fail to update multiple stats and triggers, including mission status and inventory.

So basically all player characters are the same character. At least as long as you don't start a new game or quit the game.

What if for a second after the cloning the only thing you saw was yourself, how would our brain react?

Also, wouldn't any interaction outside of with yourself make the clone a separate entity since they did not receive the same feedback?