Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums,

Remind me why I should buy a PS Vita again!
Or why I should not
Honest answers ONLY.

Are you a weeb? buy it
Not? don't


Fuck you.

You already know if you want it or not. We can't give you compelling info if we don't know your reasons.

From the thumbnail, I thought that was a bald person resting their head.

I bought it to play weaboo games. Go fuck yourself.


Alright, here it is
I just want to play CV: Dracula X, and metal slug anthology

That guy's got a nice ass.

Then get a PSP for cheap. Put custom firmware on it too.

I want to save this but I can't because I don't know if it's a dude or not. Sup Forums has made me a skeptic.

is being a weaboo the only reason to own it senpai?
really disappoint

I opened this thread becuase I saw a rounded skin color object.

Don't even care if that is a guy or girl,that's a nice ass.

Bruh with that ass who gives a fuck

now that's a 10/10 butt
guy or gal

Every time I see a questionably hot chick, I stop and think, is that really a woman? Sup Forums fucking ruined me. That thing in OP is easily poundable, but I can't sleep at night if it's really a guy.

That's a man, isn't it?

>being this insecure
kill yourself senpai

can kinda see tits so a girl i think?

This gif sent blood to my dick.

There's nothing sexier than a girl who knows whats she's got and flaunts it. It is extremely slutty though

it's a chick, I can tell

t. professional ass expert



why are so many people on this forum gay?

>this insecure
i hope its a dude

your right...

why arent you? and if not are you sure?

hnnng, please tell me it's a boy so I can not feel bad with myself, also tell me his name

kill yourself
