Are there ANY vidya characters left whos addition into Smash could break the internet as hard as Sonic and Snake did?
Are there ANY vidya characters left whos addition into Smash could break the internet as hard as Sonic and Snake did?
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Nathan Drake and Master Chief
An Undertale character
Arle Nadja
If Cloud failed to I can't see anyone who could. Maybe Gordon Freeman. Or Snake again.
Snake was dumb in the first place really. Would have been way more fitting have Sonic introduce third party. Supposedly his last minute entry in the story is proof that he was added late though.
Probably not.
What made them so special/exciting was the fact that they were among the first non-Nintendo characters to be put in the game.
There was no precedent for it before them.
Now that there is, we can still be shocked but it won't be near as big.
That said, the biggest shocks today would probably be Master Chief and Sora.
Sora would be huge actually because Disney.
On that note the next actual sonic level shocker would have to come from a medium outside of gaming so Bash it Biff could also be gigantic which can be an easy trade if Disney still wants Mario in Crush it Craig 2
Literally no hype, Snake and Red were the true heavy hitters
also, a Belmont
Master Chief
Chosen Undead
Knuckles & Knuckles feat. Knuckles
>Literally no hype
Objectively wrong.
Red was big but didn't get near as much attention as sonic.
Articles of "FINALLY MARIO VS SONIC" was everywhere.
I can only assume you weren't around for that Japan Time to think otherwise.
>Reading thread
How about some realistically possible new challengers instead of retarded delusions?
We all know FF7R is coming to NX
Segata Sanshiro
If Megaman and Cloud couldn't do it, what makes you think there will be something even comparable in the future?
Can NX even handle it?
probably goku
imo if they were to do it they would probably be better of using kid goku but either way the autists will never be satisfied
Probably just James bond because golden eye
This would be a huge announcement in Japan and only in Japan.
General Western world probably wouldn't even know who Reimu is.
No, because we expect them now.
Realistically no.
Ton of people in thread are expecting this now, given the responses.
Now if they picked someone like Shrek or Donald trump then yeah it'll be a firestorm.
Probably not. It would have to be something barely vidya related like Goku
Fuck now I really want Goku to be in.
>break the internet
This is the most retarded phrase
>An Undertale character
But Ness was in every Smash Bros.
Goku has tons of vidya though
break the internet? Probably a character from FNAF.
Shovel Knight
Not really. Sonic was by far the biggest third-party character that Smash could have gotten (with no small amount of help from the famous Sega-Nintendo rivalry in the '90s).
Probably Segata Sanshiro. You know how many people were fucking hype when he got revealed in PxZ2? Imagine that but on a larger scale.
I was more excited about Mega Man than Snake and Sonic combined.
Kid Goku would be a better fit but he's not nearly as marketable. People are much more familiar with Z.
Snake again.
Barely anyone even knows who Segata is anymore.
Three words.
My Little Pony
If only for the absolutely biblical levels of mad it would cause.
What if Snake was advertised, but Raiden was the actual fighter?
holy shit
>40 something Caucasian male that can only fire guns and shit that wishes he was as iconic as Crash used to be
>Outdated 2000's character with no character other than "I'm cool but no Bobba Fett cool"
If anything the closest thing to a mindfuck would be Mickey Mouse or some shit like that, maybe Bajo-Kazooie
This would be insane
Shit, son, I'd honestly forgotten they put Cloud in.
What ever happened to that Sony clone of smash? Did it get any actual playstation classic characters put in?
Literally nobody could have that kind of effect anymore. Snake already set the bar way too high for unexpected surprise inclusions, and Sonic did the same for characters who people felt belonged in the game. Snake also opened the gate for 3rd party inclusions, a kind of impact you can only truly feel once.
After Sonic, Megaman and Pacman were just the next logical steps and there was no doubt in anyones mind they would show up. Ryu was no surprise either because he is Capcoms new posterboy and we weren't getting an authentic Megaman without Ryu as part of the deal. And by this point Bayo was an obvious choice.
Cloud would have been the biggest shitstorm ever if Snake and the Smashpolls never happened. But now after alls said and done, nobody could really surprise or shock us. Even adding Goku at this point would just be like "yeah ok now we have literally everyone our younger selves dreamed of back in the melee days".
master chief
rei ayanami
This. Cloud's excitement was extremely short lived because when he came out it everyone dismissed him as Little Mac with a sword.
Bayonetta made a splash, but not nearly as much as Sonic or Snake.
>You know how many people were fucking hype when he got revealed in PxZ2
Yeah, all 26 fans of Project x Zone sure broke the internet. Especially the 8 of them old enough to know who Sanshiro was!
if cloud was announced during the pre-release hype period it would have been huge, but he came out as paid DLC way after the initial release of the game
>Japan Time is a decade old
A DHMIS character
>shooty man from rival company A and shooty man from rival company B
The post was obviously sarcasm user..
>Crash Bandicoot
>The Assassins Creed cast
>Kingdom Hearts crew
>The Darksiders
As much as I marked the fuck out over Snake in Brawl, I'm still wondering why he was there to begin with. Only MGS3 was on a nintendo system.
Are there any Smash character whos exclusion from Smash could break the internet?
>Arle Nadja
Only for you and me user.
I can only imagine the psychosis.
Didn't Kojima beg them to put Snake in Melee but the game was too close to completion already?
>MG 1 and 2
>Twin Snakes
>Ghost Babel (Snake wasnt in it but still)
Snake Eater 3D didn't even come out until YEARS later.
And the japs.
If Cloud was in the game at launch, and had a fancy reveal trailer like other characters, I think that would've been somewhat close.
>You were always number 2..
That's the story. All to please his baka gaijin unappreciative son of course.
>Arle Nadja
I unironically want this to happen. If adding FE chars in Smash helped with bringing the series over then surely it'll do the same with Puyo too.
Cloud was the biggest. Everyone I knew irl and on the internet shit their pants. Sonic was predicted but Snake was pretty big.
I don't think so.
Mega Man simply didn't come anywhere near that level just because Sonic and Snake opened the floodgates, he was the obvious next in line. And while most of the other third parties were interesting and unexpected in their own ways none hit that mark.
The only real contender is Cloud, but I don't think that quite got to the same level of "oh my god, what the fuck is happening, how is this real"-ness
Unless we start getting things that just aren't video game related, namely Goku since he's as much of a joke suggestion at this point as sonic was before he was actually shown for brawl or cloud was before his DLC was dropped, I don't think that kinda magic will happen again.
never ever
Duke Nukem
Ridley, he caused a collosal shitstorm just from the tiny chance that he MIGHT have been in.
Deadpool and Sans.
Ultimate meme characters
>Literally no hype
You weren't around back then. Also no one would give a fuck over a Belmont and I say that as a Castlevania lover.
It already happened, It was Megaman.
Cloud could have had it not been shown at a different time, if he was shown at E3 it would have been crazy.
The only way to top Sonic the Motherfucking Hedgehog, the third party who's main home was the Nintendo Console for almost a decade after having been rivals with Nintendo for so long, is to bring in Barack Obama.
I think Sonic's addition to Melee would be even more mind fuckery if they went through with the plan. SEGA and Nintendo were still pretty much viewed as rivals at that time.
>Ctrl+F Banjo
>0 results
Jesus fucking christ, people. Imagine if Banjo-Kazooie being announced for Smash also heralded Rareware's return to Nintendo. It would be as huge as Snake's announcement assuming that Snake had the least hype of the two characters, albeit still a giant amount.
We've basically come full circle. Nothing can go beyond Mario, Sonic, Megaman, Pacman, and Cloud being in the same game.
Anyway now that i think about it, krystal could cause a shitstorm. And maybe even ridley, they're that divisive. Hope it happens.
They need to go crazier if they want to surprise people again.
El Chavo
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Darth Vader
I honestly think this would push people over the edge. It found inspire bigger mass shootings than a homosexually repressed Muslim a gay bar.
Mickey Mouse
Shantae needs to be in smash already
Have her be 2nd or 3rd party at least and not some indie company.
call her what you want. she's been on nintendo systems since the gameboy color.
certainly a more worthy seat than bayo-only barely managed to break 1 million sales after nearly 2 years and an inclusion in smash for marketing purposes-netta
>All these faggot ass retards who unironically want goku to get into smash
If theres at least ONE fucking standard that smash should adhere its that it should at least stick to video game characters only. Goku is a fucking manga character. Yes there are DB video games but he didnt originate form that shit. By putting goku in smash you open the door for other bullshit like naruto and luffy and then smash will REALLY be complete trash.
I still wish we got ballot results instead of Sakurai saying that Bayonetta was the number choice in Europe apparently.
If Cloud was in Mega Man's place as the first trailer, maybe, he came way too late after many third parties to make any shock value.
Only possible thing left is a non-video game character. Like Mickey Mouse or Goku.
That salt won't change her situation man. Tell wayfoward to quit memeing around and start growing.
Luke Skywalker
>If theres at least ONE fucking standard that smash should adhere its that it should at least stick to video game characters only.
Let's pick her, then
Kill yourself please.
This. Cloud was a big name for another internet hype explosion and, while people wanted and even hoped for him to somehow win the Ballot, nobody actually expected him to be released (even Snake had some games on Nintendo consoles), especially as a character unrelated to the Ballot, but it already happened and we all know that it wasn't was big as Snake's.
If fucking Cloud failed, how can I believe that some other character associated to Sony, Microsoft or any other big/classic brand would be able to do better? It will probably never happen now that we already know that "anything" can be "invited" to Smash Bros.
What the fuck does it matter? Hype doesnt mean anything. Are you all children? You guys just wanna sperg out like retards over a fucking video game again? Is that all it takes to fulfill your sad lives?
Lets add in steve from minecraft. With skins as his alt costumes and building temporary mass to move about with. Minecraft would drive a ton of kids to play