Did people actually like this demo?

did people actually like this demo?

I honestly thought there would be something worthwhile to it.

It was the worst way to showcase their game. Slow, boring, aimless.

My first major exposure to XV and it convinced me to wait until after launch to see the reaction.

I thought boring

This. It should've been Duscae 2.0.

I only played it for the Carbuncle pet, I actually hate the combat system and thinking about cancelling my pre-order.

did your cat like it?

are you trying to bait 15 kun again?

canceled my pre, I mean, I won't pre-order

What is kun 15?

some nigger that comes to every 15 thread who has genuine mental disabilities

I played episode Duscae first and I hated this Platinum demo. Magic works like grenades and you have limited numbers of them. Combat did not seem to have gotten much better. Seemed worse in a few small ways. I don't really know what to think of this game at this point. Might use that gamestop card discount on used games to grab a used copy for cheap after release.

It was okay at showing the basics of combat, they just need to speed it up. Like, times three.

It was really boring and kind of killed any hype I had for the game. But I've read it was developed by a different team so I just dont know anymore

It was slow as shit and didn't have any engaging gameplay. The first demo was barebones but it was a much better experience overall.

sorry, do you mean every 15th thread? or?

I literally mean every single 15 thread

he means every ff 15 thread don't know why the other guy just says 15 to promote confusion

why does that rat have a dog penis on its head?


Shadow of the Colossus ran better than this shit

I am fine with it being a tech demo. It was not fine with just having 1 iron giant in it.

Should have had spawners for all the Duscae enemies and maybe a new one.

The combat was literally Hold B To Win up until the boss at the end, where suddenly you get your shit rocked in a second if you try to do the same
Really hoping the actual game has more in depth combat outside bosses

>hold square to dodge everything without even having to worry about timing
>hold x to walk up to and attack enemies without having to worry about their attacks or weaknesses
I really hope they changed that at some point.

it was whatever. i didn't expect much, just glad i had something to play from XV. i thought the little noctis game was cute and i liekd hammering the enemies with my toy

fuck outta here even when my pc said it was running at "60" fps it felt sluggish as fuck.

XV is way smoother

Iron giant isn't a boss, its a regular enemy you should expect to see them in a pack of 3 or 4.

I happened to take a photo like this back when the game first came out

Yes, it was good.

The kid Noctis stuff isn't in the actual game, it was done just for that tech demo.

macro carbuncle porn when

Lets face it; this game is going to get good reviews now that Sharp FE is getting super well critical scores all around. They will give it extra marks for just being a Japanese game.

I mean, just think on what the journalists mind when reviewing:

>"I'm too old for this shit"
>"What if the scores are good well around and am the only one giving it a shitty score"
>"I already gave 8 to a shitty indie game, so might as well do the same here"
>"The fan base will kill me if this game turned out to be good"

AAA RPGs by far never score below 85 metacritc. Fucking Dragon Age inquisition got around 88 and that turd was forgotten in a month.

Yes. It made me realize I'd probably enjoy the fuck out of XV

Episode duscae got an 83, compare to GZs 70s. Full game is guaranteed 89-93 score.

I like your cat OP. Post more pics of her.

>herp muh derp dragon age got an 88 therefore AAA cant be below an 85. Its inconceivable to my tiny peanut mind that DAI and other AAA games are actually good, and dont fit the "hurr its TORTANIC shit" mold that Sup Forums tries to shill down my trend loving throat

>using "herp"
>one green text for a wall of text



Even reviews called 2014 a weak year and that DAI was pretty meh, that's why no one talks about it anymore. Sorry, biodrone.

People recommend Final Fantasy games for first time gamers, their children, and to hardcore players who never played RPGs. FFXV will join that list weather you like it or not.

Noboday remembers Dragon Age. Nobody recommends it, and nobody plays it RIGHT NOW AS WE SPEAK.

There are 3x people playing FFVII right now then there are people playing the latest Dragon Age on Steam and PSN.

>asshurt dark souls II, or any soulsshit, didnt win GOTY

sorry fromcuck

the buttfrustration will never abate it seems

I agree with many of the opinions here, especially It felt extremely badly executed. The premise, Noctis trapped in a dream, would have been perfect for an introspective, surreal introduction in which to throw hints at plot exposition and characters. I don't really know how they didn't exploit that.

People would have discussed hints and perpetuated the hype and it would have familiarized players with the convoluted plot that it is bound to have.

Sadly, I strongly agree that this demo made me wait until the game launches and then get it whenever I can instead of taking it as a priority.

Well it did throw hints to Noctis and Regis 's relationship like the story about the ball Regis got him but all Noctis wanted was to play with his dad.

he's sleeping now

I like that picture, too bad about the wooden thing in the way.

it looks like they are lookin at each other

They've added a mode in the real game where you have to constantly press the button now instead of holding it in the real game

Ffxv is going to be garbage guaranteed. At least we got p5 on the way bros

I want to fuck Carbuncle. The FF8 or 9 Carbuncle though, not that dog dick head Carbuncle.

Iron Giant has always been an end game enemy, and in this game it's one of the first enemies?