System shock is being remade through a kickstarter. GOG are currently giving everyone free access to the demo

System shock is being remade through a kickstarter. GOG are currently giving everyone free access to the demo.

steam is too

jesus christ could you shill any harder

Oops didn't realise steam was, just got an email from GOG that's how I knew, sorry.

Holy shit your retarded not everyone uses steam you moron. Could you be any dumber.

Don't be sorry hes a fucking autist with muh steam vs gog crap.

I never played the original so this will work well for me.

I've played the original and the demo is so true to the original I knew where all the enemies were and where all the loot was despite not playing the game in a decade. It was awesome.

They're turning it into a straight FPS?



Wow, that's really promising.
Really nice to hear amongst the awful kickstarters like Mighty Blunder 9.

What you apologising for ya dingus? Thanks for the info.

>It's another remake
Literally room for room except with less shit.
Why do people like this "remake" meme?

I agree with stuff like system shocks age if they keep it loyal.
It's safe to say, some amazing games have aged like milk. I welcome those refreshed.
Things like skyrim, the last of us etc can suck my length.

How are the controls and music? At least similar to the original?

It uses Unreal 4.


>It uses Unreal 4.

You okay there buddy?

Tried it. It was an absolute nightmare in performance because fucking Unity. Nothing good ever came from Unity. Unity engine is the most unoptimized piece of shit imaginable. Also, the mutants looked kinda plastic. It'll probably be an okay game but nothing it could have been with an actual engine.


Fuck it, I'm game. Lets see what they can do.

To be fair the demo DOES run like garbage.

yeah. it's the same complaint I have with the game.

The zombies look plastic as fuck. Change their groan into something more painful. They are supposed to be biotic mutated freaks being controlled remotely. They are to be in pain.

Also, their animations are cartoony as fuck.

A demo you can try out for free...fuck this life when someone cant even use shill right.

You're welcome bud

Thanks bud

the demo does run like shit though.
unity being shit isnt a meme.
in theroy the engine is good.
shit programmers however and misuse of its features lead to shitty unoptimized games.
the demo is a prime example.

Not sure about the low res textures with nearest-neighbour rendering they're doing. I know it's an aesthetic choice to make it seem retro, but it doesn't fit. Hope there's an option for high res filtered textures.

They've said the music will have more of a spooky vibe. The controls, I would hope not

How do you fix the circuit panel?

>Max FOV is 90
>rub up against a wall and your pipe clips through it

>90 fov is bad meme
Fuck off TotalBiscuit.

I played the demo and it didn't really sell the game to me

It doesn't have a cyberpunk feel at all, it feels like Dead Space in first person

110° is certainly better.

Doesn't matter now, I accidentally locked myself in the supply closet. 0/10 would not back.

Right click the screws to make a path

so another generic and forgettable soundtrack, great. how about sticking to the highly regarded music, at least a fucking remix. they can't be this stupid right ?

How much shit can you have visible on your hud at once? I'm watching some streams and they don't fiddle with that much. My laptop is too shit to run this so I won't even bother

You didn't even look at the kickstarter page, did you?
A remix of the original soundtrack is one of the stretch goals.

>highly regarded music
Have you recently played the original game? if not, do start a new playthrough and ask yourself ten minutes later, if the music so great by today's standard.

The effects feel overdone. It hurts to look at all the glowing shit + bloom.

Don't apologize, it's a good information. That user is retarded and think everything is plateform war and shilling.

Thanks man, fuck that guy. Glad you guys found the info useful

>Though computer music software has improved exponentially in the last decade, there is no equivalent to the breathtaking and visceral sounds that real instruments can produce. We have been working with Videri String Quartet, and we are in talks with Prague's FILMharmonic Orchestra about recording the score for System Shock. They're a very professional orchestra, having recorded scores for Civilization V, Thief, Hostel, Dream Theater, and many more projects. If we can reach the stretch goal required to afford everything that it takes to record a full orchestra, the game's musical experience will be much more expressive and terrifying than would ever be possible without.

This seems pretty frivolous if you're strapped for cash. Just make some nice synth stuff

Looks like the just sucked all the life out of the game.

Looks to me like they're trying to make it like "what if SS1 was like SS2"

Sound design makes up more than half of a game's atmosphere, user. It's important.

The previous games didn't need an orchestra to achieve fantastic atmosphere.

I love System Shock, but I just can't seem to get excited about this.

The original was a clunky mess. It's too easy to imagine them cleaning it up and ending up with a generic FPS. The project page doesn't sound like they want to try much more than that.

Yes, actually played through the original game for the first time a year ago and found it amazing.

Also some of the best MIDI beats I've heard in a game.

Sure but if they're just going to do some spooky strings in the background, it seems a bit excessive to get a live orchestra to do them for your budget game. I would prefer something more electronic anyway

The sparq gun still had the power settings, that must be a good sign. I don't think they really need to do more than change the HUD and menus to something more contemporary anyway, augments on function keys and so on

>The original was a clunky mess
Not it wasn't it controls perfectly. It's smoother than the horrible demo they just released.

That weapon scale holy shit is the guy holding the weapon with his nose or using binoculars i swear this trend is just getting worse and worse who the fuck wants to see their weapon plastered in the screen with such a size not to mention weapons should only be visible when they are being primed to be used i do not approve of this goddamit,

Just walking around feels a bit iffy in System Shock. The menu stuff is fine when you get used to it but I think there are more elegant ways to do it now

Who the fuck doesn't use steam?

I never understood why people have so much trouble with the original controls. Have they never played anything other than first person shooters (ones made after WASD became standard at that)?
I think it's a shame they're ditching the hud and controls. I mean, that's how you interact with the whole game and it has a unique and definite feel that stands out. Changing that would be like making it third person.

The same tryhards that do not have facebook. Fuck sakes even people with linux use steam.

I just pirate all my PC games

>lean left/right
Holy fuck I haven't seen actual leaning in games since S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Fuck consolization of games and controls.

good cutie

whats the point in kickstarting a remake

why would i want to give money to something already made and something that will likely be better

the way you controlled your character in ss1 added a lot to how you explored and treated encounters(looking around corners, putting your head to the ground to find items, etc). If they give it standard FPS controls it's going to lose a lot.

>he doesn't like sick techno MIDIs

the only acceptable complaint about ss1s controls is lack of mouselook which is addable. The Ultima underworld style controls and interaction with the world is part of what made it so good. Take that and the tactical approach to encounters away and were going to be left with bioshock in space: still dull edition.

It's a bit grating to constantly switch mouselook on and off. Though I guess maybe hitting Tab is essentially the same. On the other hand picking up items is a bit smoother

thanks for the heads up, I choose gog over s team any day

The original controls had no mouselook.

>bioshock in space

System Shock 2? A lot of my enemy encounters also boiled down to running at them with the laser rapier, that thing was so good

You're welcome bud :)

>Though computer music software has improved exponentially in the last decade, there is no equivalent to the breathtaking and visceral sounds that real instruments can produce.
It seriously annoys me when people think better instruments means better music.

Take for instance the recently remastered Monkey Island games. Along with improving the graphics, they redid the audio in much higher quality. But they dumped the iMUSE audio engine, which allowed the music to sync up to events in the game and dialogue, and have seamless transitions between areas. So instead it was just flat audio tracks faded in and out.

I'd rather see the music work alongside the gameplay instead of just something looped in the background, which is much harder if you start trying to work with full orchestras.

Sure, but I think that's just clunkier. Nothing you can't get used to, but does it really add anything? System Shock is still a fine game with mouselook, which I suppose is much closer to standard FPS controls

They should remake the original midis (which are fucking great and DO give a good athmosphere to the game, much like SS2's music) and have the orchestra as the fuckhigh stretch goal.

Should've known the entire dev team was retarded the moment they said "lowres textures are a part of our art direction".
Holy shit I'm mad.

If I enjoyed the demo would I enjoy the original game?

I'm interested in seeing how it feels with spooky ambient stuff instead of the funky midis, but the original music definitely gave the game character

If you aren't averse to 1994 graphics and a non-WASD control scheme it's a lot of fun. If the controls give you too much trouble, try staring the game on lowest difficulty (so the enemies ignore you) and fuck around at the beginning until you get a hang of it, then start again.

I'm not really sure about a faithful remake that rewrites the story.

It's not like the first game was ever much of an RPG in the first place, so what else would it be.

I played the first in the original control mode and honestly, making it control like an fps makes sense. The inventory and 'cyber' elements are still there, so it's not losing any complexity.

>People on thread complaining that a pre-alpha demo is unoptimised.
Wow, no shit!

SS1 tried to be more than just another Doom clone. Remaking it into a generic FPS seems to miss the spirit of the original.

It controls really well. Much like how I remember it.

> $1.7m Goal : Enemy limb dismemberment, More puzzles, Ammo types/weapon settings, Vending machines, Basic components/research, RPG progression, Weapon upgrading, Hardcore mode (No respawning), Ironman mode (Only 1 savegame. If you die, the save is deleted)
>RPG progression
Why would I want that in a game that was never about RPG progression and, if anything, was meant to be a step away from that (given that System Shock is basically a refined version of Ultima Underworld with the RPG progression stripped out, which further defined Looking Glass' immersive sim style)?
Why is something that would have to be integral to the gameplay and the devs' creative vision in order to work well tacked on as a stretch goal?

I thought this looked nice when it's announced but it seems more poorly thought out the more I hear about it.

Just played the demo is the team getting the money for the kickstarter? I've never given to one before but this needs to be made

See you in 2020 when it is finally ready, and I don't longer care for videogames.
Both are garbage.
Mt Frameworks, Source 2, Id Tech, Cryengine or bust.

>inb4 cryengine
Unlike Unreal 4 which is stiff as fuck and a resource hog, Cryengine is a resource hog that can surprisingly get shit done.

Devs keep falling for "le unreal engine is ez" lie. It is a fucking piece of shit.

>It uses Unreal 4
literally the first thing you see when you boot the demo up is a "made in Unity: Personal Edition" screen

If you want the original game then play the original game, still I guess it sucks if you don't want rpg progression but still wants to back the game

Capcom doesn't even use Mt Framework anymore, they use Panta Rhei. Besides, there's no English documentation for Mt Framework soooo no avail. Also
>Source 2
user pls

I hope the kickstarter makes $1,699,999.99

Games like Daggerfall, SS, and others like it can never be recreated as they oppose what kickstarter games are all about: nostalgic cash-ins on popular properties that resemble other modern games. They are trying to make System Shock into Bioshock, and Bioshock is a barebones version of SS2.

This shit won't fly.

Mighty Number 9 already sealed the fate of the kickstarter meme. The best you can expect are competent games like Shadowrun, and Lisa, that is where they stop.

Honestly I wasn't planning on playing this anyway since I do like the original, so I'm not pissed or anything, but it makes it seem like the devs don't understand the game they're working with.

If they're going to change it that much, why not go all the way and make an original title? (hard mode: don't say brand recognition)

>one of the dev is MaxOf2SD
>constant crash on AYYMD cards

top kek

>so much engine bait in one post

What happened to the SS3 that got announced too?

Jesus fucking christ its all ogre. this is going to be confirmed Levine-tier trash.

>NO Shodan welcome to Citadel intro detailing the floors of the station
>NO email to find and read to ascertain the code
>Rebecca calls YOU and its scripted

Seriously, why even have a keycode lock?
into the trash it goes.

It's a demo of course it's gonna be free unless you're some shady gook who has a legion of fanboys that will defend charging $40 for a two hour one.

I hate to be le shillmeister, but I've spoken with a few of the devs, and they literally dumbed the game down for Polygon.
The final game won't have the code on the wall, and you'll need to read through emails.
A lot of voicelines/details are missing right now, and they're even going to recreate the intro sequence.
Remember, this is like Pre-Alpha.

Funny thing is I approaching the keyboard and just instantly entered 451 without noticing the blood. I sort of dislike how prevalent the reference is nowadays. Now it's in a bunch of shitty games like BioShock Infinite and countless indie games.

I think they're just a small studio out to make a name for themselves. Remaking an existing game is a pretty easy choice.

proof of them dumbing it down for Polygon please

pure bullshit because the whole point is to show it to the consumer. why would they intentionally show something that they know fans of the original wont like if its not how itll be in final?

I seriously want to know the justification of even having a keycode lock in this situation. From a logical stand point. Someone please explain.

Didn't she call you in the original as well? All the times that characters speak with you are scripted, that in and of itself is not a problem.

It's not coming out for a long time.