The one game you would play forever if you could erase your memory of it again and again (you do remember that it's the...

>the one game you would play forever if you could erase your memory of it again and again (you do remember that it's the game you enjoy the most though)

What did you enjoy about it?

the thing i enjoy most about gothic 2 and 1 for that matter is that you start as a complete piece of shit that can be killed by a rat if you are not cautious

and in this game armor REALLY feels earned, you are proud when you wear it of how you got it and what you had to do for it, also it shows off what faction you belong too

secrets around every corner, exploration is generally rewarded

also i liked how you could start an apprenticeship in the medieval town, as hunter or blacksmith or something else

does the steam version work?

i heard its broken or something

Just use the system pack

gothic 1 was way better

better than gothic 2 plus NACHT DES RABEN?

doubt it pal

never could get that expansion to work senpai, heck, I could barley get the base game to work half the time.

Currently playing G1, and after 4-5 failed attempts all those years (since practically release) the game finally "clicked" for me.

I always liked what it was trying to do, the freedom, the anti-handholding it boasts and the multiple branches for factions and quests, but the ass-kicking always turned me off after 3-4 hours. I finally got gud enough to kill lizards and wolves, getting rich on spoils and advancing on Old Camp, got a shit armor that makes a world of difference and can finally wield my axe as a non-retard.

Shit is as comfy as it is brutal, loving it.

>tfw you will never find Lobart farm for the first time again

You are missing out.

Gothic 2's start is even more brutal. You don't even start off with a decent sword and have to use a stick to fight your way through wolves to get into a town that's not letting convicts in.

Why are there no women on Bengar's farm?

>tfw you will never discover anything at all for the first time again

They have ascended and are no longer bounded by their primitive instincts.

I've read somewhere that G2 with NotR is waaay more difficult than vanilla, would it be okay for someone after (barely) beating G1 ?

They live so close to rhe Valley they realized bitches ain't shit.

but why was this system so exploitative and useless in G3?

your like of the game is definitely a product of your age

this was the sort of game that I instantly skipped during that time period because it looked too much like a ps1 game

its hard to imagine what gaming looks like to the generation where literally every single game that came out for many years straight was a 3d chasecam mario64-alike, even games that weren't 3d platformers were built like 3d platformers

Yeah you'll be fine. NotR was my first Gothic experience. It just requires patience and a bit of character building knowledge since it's stricter than Gothic 1. The difficulty balances out with the OP shit you get in the expansion.

>I've read somewhere that G2 with NotR is waaay more difficult than vanilla
That's correct.

>would it be okay for someone after (barely) beating G1 ?
You will struggle but if you are uo to challange I don't see why not.

Just know that most of NoTR difficulty comes from the fact that skill points are VERY lmiited so don't spread yourself too thin. Everything is going to cost more skill points the better you get at it.

For example 1 point of STR will cost 1 skill point but once you get enough STR it will cost 2, up to even 5 skill points per one point of STR.

For that reason you should save all the items that permamently increase your stats (potions, tablets etc) until the cost reaches at least 3 points, preferably 4 or even 5.

The world was too big

and it was unfinished to boot

Expansion makes everything easy in Gothic 2

Also save all your stat potions and tablets for lategame because levelling skills costs more and more LP the more you level a skill. You can also game it by training something to 29 then spending 5 points to get to 34 instead of having to spend 10 points to get to 35 at 30 skill.

You really felt like a part of khorinis. I remember the first time i managed to join the mages. The moment you get the robe, after your fucking trials is one of the best moments in gaming.
After that, everything felt different

kill yourself beardo

wew, rude?

>tfw walked into the city with mage hoodie on
>everyone respect and saying nice shit about you
>180 from being mercenary

its the little things

Kek. Just torrent repack

No, and all the fixes I could find for it didn't work either.

Remake of this game would be awesome just polish the combat a little bit, uprgade the graphics, maybe add few locations and quests and fuck off.

You need to do some manual fixes to get it running on Win 7 and above.

GOG version works fine.

t. user who owns both versions and multiple retails

>that short period in which gothic mp deathmatch was alive

Why couldn't they pull through? Why didn't they finish co-op!?

did you know that you can survive a jump from ANY height in gothic 1 when you just hold block?

Yes, stepping to the side also works.

The graphics are so comfy.


im completely fine with the game as it is right now with the dx 11 mod.
game looks fucking amazing and there are no technical limitation a remake could improve.

>g2 NoTR
only 1 game that i finished more then 30 times god gonna pirate now

I remember when i would beat up every npc in the game and the last one was the tavern owner, he had a berserker axe, the strongest two handed weapon in the game and a shitload of health. Good times.

>more then 30 times
That's pretty good, I'm only at 21.

I you want a challange try making a crossbow focused build.


>I you want a challange try making a crossbow focused build.
done with merc but i just fucking love two-handed in this game every sword is GOAT

>no one mention God RPG of all times
fucking peasants

casuals please go
it's good but no challenge

That's not D2

>weapon trainers actually tell you how to fight and your moves change accordingly
its the little things that make it the best rpg ever created to date.

>God RPG
You're exaggerating.

Imagine a huge MMO with these kinds of comfy graphics with a stat system like RuneScape.

Damn im glad i atleast experienced a little bit of that, dm servers seemed to have pretty shit and boring gear setups tho and too bad almost all servers are polish, also remember that i played a bit in some russiab rp server, i barely understood any russian at that time and i tried to comunicate with people as a pleb that i was roleplaying as couldnt even figure out how to do the right animations for tools and shit eh good times

we can only dream user

Have any of you tried taking control of an orc or a dragon with marvin mode and putting human clothes on them? Its fucking hilarious

>Have any of you tried taking control of an orc or a dragon with marvin mode
>and putting human clothes on them?
kek no, post pic if u have

Kek, is there a video?
I remember taking control of orcs and just walking peacefully around their village, or fuck shit up in Khorinis

>tfw discovering the code to spawn NPCs and creatures
>spending hours and hours watching epic battles between paladins and dragons

>create new character

Eh i every screenshot i take comes out as a blank white page no matter what i do, maybe someone can get a screen of that shit and post, also you can go to khorinis and talk to people and they dont give a fuck :D too bad dragons suck so bad you cant tear the whole ciry apart

>Someone with tons of army of darkness scrolls summoning skeletons
In front of old camp killing all the freshspawns and taking over the camp

>they call you Chosen One for some reason

>my name is....
>I don't care who you are


Feels good to be playing the game for the first time.

If only the camera was just a little better. It usually isn't a problem, but walking up places like Xardas' tower is suffering.

Also, this fucking bug made me wish I was a Water Mage. Walking around with a trail of bubbles coming from my head looks quite comical.

playing gothic 1 and 2 only using keyboard masterrace reporting in

Should I start with Gothic 1 or 2? I just got the trilogy on the Steam sale

start with the first nigger

>Walking around with a trail of bubbles coming from my head looks quite comical.
It's even more comicial when you continue swimming even though you are not in water anymore.

Basically flying.

Shit nigga i could go thru the whole game with only my left hand

What a dumb question, fucking retard.

Definitely the first one.

It's a lot more easier, and will make you appreciate the improvements in the sequel more. Also, the setting is better, and the game itself is much shorter than 2.

Speaking of swimming, was some kind of underwater combat planned for this game? There is some giant fish inside a ship, but you can't interact with it in any way and it just keeps floating in one place. Feels like remnants of some scrapped content. But at least finding it was a beautifully what the fuck moment.

I don't think so, seems like they are just there to make the enviroment more detailed.

Underwater combat would be pretty retarded tho

If there is one thing that is kind of disappointing for me about G2 so far is that it really lacks memorable looking locations. Don't get me wrong, the game is incredibly beautiful, the water, the lush vegetation, it all looks great.

But it all just feels boring compared to places like the Swamp Camp with it's tree houses, or the New Camp with its cavern, gates, and rice field.

Well, maybe I just haven't been to the best places yet. Although the Monastery is kinda nice.

G1 was better then 2 though, the way you learn skills, the atmosphere was better too, aswell as the story and characters
and I didn't feel any difference in difficulty, I think people are just absolute scrubs if they think Night of the Raven was so difficult, I felt no increase in difficulty going from G1 to NotR

>Feels good to be playing the game for the first time
how much i want to be you right now
1 then 2 or if u have some balls go 2 with expansion drop 3 its shit.

Could be, I mean there are manta rays swimming around for no reason whatsoever other than looking good. Although it's hard to see them unless you mess around with the camera so you can get a clear picture of the underwater. But the one inside the boat is one damn huge fish.

Eh, I'm sure it can be done in a not so retarded way. If lizards and lurkers can attack you in the water, there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to fire a spell or pull out a dagger.

Gothic is fantastic till the later half of the game you meet the orcs. The game starts falling kinda flat at that point.

But Gothic 2 has a similar problem with the dragon part.

I love gothic 1 to bits and it has a more interesting setting than 2, but eerything else is miles better in G2

My only issue with the story is that it intentionally ends with a to be continued, in a very jarring way. It doesn't tell you what happens with the barrier, the camps, or anything. You just get a cutsecene of killing the Sleeper, and the credits roll. It's almost as bad as the end of Baldur's Gate where a message window pops up with "Sarevok is now dead by your hands. The end." and that's it. It would have been better if they made it more stand alone. Fuck, but I think I was most angry about not finding out what the hell were Diego and co up to. You don't just get the player to arrange a secret meeting and then tell him nothing about it. That's a dick move.

>I didn't feel any difference in difficulty
You didn't notice the huge improvement in enemy AI? That enemies coming at you in groups are now much more common, hell, even molerats do it? That blocking now no longer makes you invincible to anything and everything, and you can't block against creatures? You didn't even notice that getting a weapon skill to a level that finally starts to feel semi-comfortable takes goddamn forever compared to G1's 30 LP investment you can get out of the way like an hour into the game? Or that they fixed one of the most ridiculous savescum exploits I've ever seen in a game?

It's a shit tier RPG with a good story. Overrated as fuck by storyfags

Gothic 2 is better hands down just like Fallout 2. There aren't even pop culture references in G2 bringing it down.