Do you make game purchases with your dick, Sup Forums?

Do you make game purchases with your dick, Sup Forums?

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Never have, but my dick dose control how the story progresses in every rpg ive ever plaied.

>Bought this for my dick
>dick has thanked me since February with powerful erections

Feels good man

Why would I? There's porn and real girls for that

Yes, all the time.

Bought FF13 and imported Anarchy Reigns

Not doing that again, hopefully

Yes. It guided me to DRPG games and visual novels.

I'm still not regretting Code:Realize on impulse.

Never, but I first got interested in Overwatch for the SFM porn, then bought it because it was actually fun

Fuck no, for the most part vidya is all male power fantasy for me, bonus points if I can self-insert at all.

I want to impregnate Tengu with my dick

I tried. Once.

Was too hard trying to press menu buttons and entering my pin number with my dick.
Pretty soon they made me leave, and I can't come back.

There aren't any vidya that satisfy what I want

Post more Tengu.


Nope. I generally don't like fanservice in games. Not too much, anyway.

All the time. It pays off most of the time as well.

Last time I did that was Persona 4 and I got bored of it after like 2 hours, so no, I no longer buy games with my dick and I just use whatever is available online to bust my nuts.

On a similar subject, does anyone else have a bad habit of buying cheap games and then letting them just sit on your shelf?

Nope, I fap before all financial decisions.

That comic was the cutest shit. I'm happy to see it again.

honestly I bought the Liru game less because my dick told me too and more because I felt like Seismic deserved not having another pirate added to the list after all the shit he went through.

Plus it was only like 18 bucks

Yes and its both worked out and not. I love the neptunia games but hated senran kagura.

Of course. I just bought 4 Tales of games and I haven't even finished Vesperia.

Almost never actually
I'm quite good at stopping myself. Money is quite valuable where I live.

My sex drive never really played a part in my game buying decisions. As an example, I remember buying Dead or Alive 2 when I was a teenager, mainly because I liked this song a lot and I liked the actual gameplay when I played the demo.

I have the same problem with the Shin Megami Tensei series.


though i have paid for fetish porn, so i'm not blameless

>Assault Horizon

F-16 is a good plane.

Go play Falcon BMS and leave that casual shit behind you.

Not that user but what kind of setup should i go for as a mid-tier pleb

Shush. I played the older Ace Combat games too.

If it's not on sadpanda, sukebei or AS then I will purchase it

Why would I spend money on games for my dick when I could save that money and get hookers for my dick instead?

Much less buyer's remorse.

I still live with my family, so I end up sticking to video games that are less likely to cause ">mum walks in" situations.

Yeah. It's an awesome relationship. I make my dick happy and my dick makes me happy. Win win.

No, porn is free in the web

>bought skyrim because of lovergirls mod that was posted everywhere on Sup Forums boards

Wait till that time delayed content arrives then you'll be singing another tune.

ya pretty much this.

>buy a fucking garbage softcore game like doax3 or whatever
>go on gelbooru, spankbang or literally any other millions of free porn and wank for free.

literal what kind of moron would buy a shit game to get a wank off?


I regret nothing.

Someone that doesn't have the same tastes as you. Will wonders never cease?

Nah, it's actually pretty uncommon to get anything from high-end girls. I get tested regularly, I'm careful, been doing this shit for years.

No DLC yet.


It's the first thing I consult
Hasn't let me down once

>tfw your dick has never let you down
High five, bros!

Yes but I refuse to make a JPN account.

I've spent HUNDREDS on DOA DLC over the years but sadly they have yet to allow PSN purchases on NA accounts.

For DoAX3? No need to, you can buy all the bikinis with game money.

>Yes but I refuse to make a JPN account.
Why? It's extremely easy. Plus you open yourself up to more games digitally since there's no region lock. The only time I don't buy digital is when I want a physical copy.

Bought Senran Karuga Burst. It was alright. Got into the SK series and love seeing anime girls beat up other cute anime girls and having their clothes ripped off.

>B-b-but porn is free!

Last time I checked SK isn't porn.

Plus vanilla porn/hentai gets boring after a while.

I'll still try to think on it for a few days, at least.

Dragon's crown


Na i pirate them

>no Tina
Why would I buy a game for my dick if it goes out of it's way to keep me flacid?

Speaking of, pc version when?


>buy lollipop chainsaw just for pic related
I like it
>buy overwarch just for the cute girls despite the fact I hate FPS's
I like it
>buy fifa 16 just for the 3DPD women with robot like moves and uncanny valley faces
somehow I ended liking it

I can't tell if it's just me or my dick the one that is so easy to please

My dick is immune to fanservice based impulse buying. Too much porn made it too weak, or too strong, I can't figure out which.

Yes. Usually against my better judgement as my dick gets bored with the same stuff. Meat rod too stronk

All the time.

Never regreted it.

was a good game. didnt really think of it as a furry game though, none of them were sexualized.

post more

just once... No regrets

Always jack-off before I consider buying something based on T&A. Usually afterwards I remember that it's a terrible idea.

Catherine. I was very pleased.

More than half of my purchases are caused by Sup Forums in 4 years I only have one real stinker

HNNNNNGGGGGG that tiddie sorceress and that cute elf sold this game to me. Plus i love side scrolling beat em ups and vanillaware

>Do you make game purchases with your dick, Sup Forums?

As long as the game has some form of redeeming gameplay involved.
Or it's just a straight up sex game. But I usually just pirate those since Japanese devs are faggots that don't want their fucking maid simulator played outside of their country, and if I need to jump through hoops to play the game I'm certainly not going to pay for it.

hook line and sinker

>new protag can get stripped also
Muh dick is never wrong.


pic related


When ???

barely legal mate