Is this game worth picking up? I'd be getting it on PC

Is this game worth picking up? I'd be getting it on PC.
I haven't played a single other game in the Tales series and I've heard mixed reviews.

I've read that it's pretty damn bad, most other anons will tell you to that it's the worst in the series. If you want to play a Tales game just get Tales of Symphonia

Just play Vesperia and then drop the series after you beat it

That's the 360/PS3 one right?

This, Symphonia is a good jumping on point. It's considered "babbie's first Tales" for a reason.

Then you can play Berseria with the rest of us when it comes out, or play evern better titles in the meantime

NA version is only on 360, which admittedly sucks ass.

Goddamn I didn't realize that, that's pretty stupid.

It's better than Graces and Xilia, but baby first Tales should always be Symphonia.

Go get a PS3 and play the Tales games on that. Theyre all on sale for under $10

worst Tales of desu

also Rose a shit

It's the worst in series.

Avoid that one and play the previous entries, It's really fucking bad

user, if you've pent some time on Sup Forums, you should know that "the newest game is always the shittiest".

See FF, DQ, Tales, Fallout, Biochock.
FF XII is released? Its shit. Nothing like masterpiece FFX. i was here, fucking 10 years man
FFXIII is released? Its shit, nothing as the classical and beloved XII

Rinse and repeat.

Also, add that every single Tales game now will be on steam, so every hater is probably a salty PS4 owner.

Mikleo best grill, but I'd rather play any other tales.

What specifically makes it so bad? It looks impressive enough visually and the combat doesn't look terrible. Is it just really uninspired or something?

I figured as much, that's kind of why I was asking.

All Tales games are fun with a buddy.
You guys do play with someone else right?
You're not all fucking losers who play Tales alone, right?

Best girl is Symone.

thats a funny way to way Sheena Fubiwabayashi

Getting good equipment is based on farming.

The game expects you to farm to become competent. I bought it, it's really awful. Even worse if you take a moment to think about the plot, and Rose.

It's shit.
>b-b-but it's fun with friends
>constantly locked to specific characters
>b-b-but the battle system is good
>shittier version of Graces
>b-b-but the world is large
>fucking empty
Don't even try to defend the plot and characters.

seems fun to me op

get the 60fps patch and a reshade

I'm pretty sure FFXIII will still be considered shit when XIV comes out though. XII was divisive but XIII is almost universally considered bad.


XIII wasn't terrible once you got to gran pulse, though it was still admittedly worse than every other FF

is the main character shinji or is that a mod

Few JRPGs can be worse than III, not XIII

The main character is Shinji.

Start with Symphonia IF you don't mind

>anime tropes up your ass
>annoying MCs
>general silliness

It's alright, has some really good moments. Overall it wastes a lot of potential but that doesn't make it a BAD game, just average.

Worth it for the sale price.

>NA version is only on 360

Fuck any good tales game for the PS3? looking forward to the new tales game that's coming out so i want to play one before it releases.

>FFXIII will still be considered shit when XIV comes out

I have some news for you user...

Xillia 1 & 2 and tales of graces f are good

I think v hates graces though. I think it's fantastic

It felt really rushed and seemed to have half of the games content cut

It's dogshit, most NPCs don't even have a fucking idle animation, how lazy can you possibly get?

Thanks for the (You) ill definitely check out Xillia since I've always seen it mentioned here especially 2