>[email protected]


as a huge retailer and the main source of import games for the west they have more weight to throw around than some NEETs making a petition on the innanet

Uncensored LOCALISATION is now at HAND


Who is that?

I hope we get the pirate loli game from Compile Heart since IFI more than likely won't want to localize it

For the love of god

Could this work for games on 3DS and WiiU?
As in, release games that are R3*

*also playable in R1 hardware

If not, at least I'd like Bullet Girls 2 and Criminal Girls 2. Also, Moero Crystal fucking when? and flat pirates adventures.

i can dream right?



Tales of Innocence niggas

No, now it ends.

Now that Stranger of Sword City got localized I'm not sure what else is really pressing that isn't already coming over. A lot of my desires are to port Vita stuff to PC or PS34

I h-h-hope that girl is l-l-legal

>flat 1:1 translation that won't work, but won't matter because China is full of subhumans who don't care
>region lock
>overpriced on PlayAsia

Yes, this will solve everything. Thank you based PlayAsia, now I can finally play all of these amazing games that don't get localized this and next year like...Wait shit.

No company will bother translating older games that people want, so why should I care? Are they going to translate the Love de Lic games? The DS Goemon game America never got?


Oh look just more baiting people to be enthused about their games by creating controversy.

Vita stuff getting ported to PC is great. I just sell my Vita copy and pirate the PC version

Eushully games on Steam + EN release


What did he mean by this?

>no eyelids

Gooks aren't even fucking human.



No PR is bad PR. They got me interested in them again and I've probably spend half a grand at PA in the past 5 years.


>Implying you wouldn't let her experience the pleasure of being cummed inside anyway

>tfw SRW is getting an English release.

Good times are upon us.

This was hella disappointing compared to the first issue

Nope, not "localization". That's what makes this so great. They're just straight translations, no localization bullshit.

No shitty dubs.
No copyright fiasco.
No censored shit.

This is the future Japanese games need.


You're a sucker.

>guise the SJW took your games away, now instead of going to any other import shop that sells games at reasonable prices, buy from us, who mark games up so we can make profit

And what do you know? DoAX3 wasn't worth the fucking drama. It's the worst of the three games, manages to have less content THAN A GAME THAT CAME OUT A DECADE AGO. Did you buy DoAX3, despite even Japan saying it's not very good because you wanted to, or because PlayAsia told you to? Because goddamn, there are better titty games that get localized.

Please spam Idolm@ster. It may be our only chance for a localization.

No I actually didn't even buy DoA. I bought other things there that I wanted. I was happy with how they went about that fiasco though. I'm sure it earned them a lot of nice attention though.

>not hacking your 3ds
i haven't yet but i'm on 10.7 so i still have a chance
the process is annoying though and i just want to give the middle finger to the region lock, not interested in pirating. i hope they find another, and easier way to hack it and skip the lock soon


Fucking this.

Give me my buttslut Iori.

As long as they keep doing SRW I'm good.

>no copywrite fiasco

>no censored shit
Also, unfortunately wrong. Games in Japan are censored a lot more than they are in America. Especially Japanese games.

Gonna quiz you real quick on one game. Tell me which is the Japanese version and which is the American version.

Thank you fucking god.

What games are coming up/already out on the PS4 in Japan that need a localization.




The small amount of people that homebrewed their 3ds is not worth translating an entire game for

Posting anal idol for more awareness

This is actually a consistent thing with this developer.

Why do "progressives" like censorship though?

I thought they were liberal and shit.

Ciel No Surge pls

Sent. I want this too.

Fucking clean up after sega's incompetence already jesus christ

these guys are fucking based


I'm saying it's a solution if they were to.

>mfw sjw's are failing because they are being exposed as the neo-prudes they actually are


It's too late. They can't release 3 without 2

They don't seem to be failing given how many games are getting censored

I like how this pretty much limits us to only PS3/PS4/Vita games.

At some point, the roles reversed on culture, but stayed the same everywhere else.

You act like that isn't mainly what japs play on besides mobile anyway



2 came out here, user

Wait they will talk to devs about releasing in US or just fan translations?

I know that, I'm just saiyan

5 people who liked the original had a PSP

No they're going to contact devs about releasing english translations in asian countries which would then let english speakers outside of asia import these titles,

Sup Forums getting hyped about a tweet from a company that doesn't even publish games, what a surprise

They will talk to devs about releasing with english subs, leaving America Land of the Free out of the equation.

Wouldn't it harm playasia's business to actually get more games localized in NA since then less people will buy from them and more will buy from FUCKINGGAMESTOP?

I think with where we are at this point it'd be better to hope for kiwami instead

You're right, I'll just go buy Super Robot Wars and DoAX3 at gamestop right now.

I can't read moonrunes but idolmaster has always interested me. life is pain.


PA can provide purchase records of games with english subs to companies and show them that it's a profitable route to take.
It's more than likely why we are getting all these Gundam games translated into english for asia alongside Super Robot Wars.

>current epoch
>not knowing japanese


This+Kenzan pls

Or because it's incredibly cheap. Companies like Square, Namco, Sega, they've all done it before.

Delicious smug

Fuck off, Oakland. Back to jav thread on /jp/ with your mommy issue.

in English?

Yeah. I remember that Dissidia Duodecim was a really big game to get an Asia release. Especially since it was more or less an undub. The big reason these Asia releases include English is for countries like Singapore. Also, when you do machine translations, IT IS VERY CHEAP.

I do not have mommy issues, thank you very much.


>that doujin where the rabbit grows a penis and buttfucks her

it's always anal with the anal idol

That's like asking why feminists support taking in refugees even though according to statistics they turned Sweden into the rape capital of the world.

Anal queen


lefties have done a full 180 and become regressive

Got any more of these clean Iori wallpapers?

Play-Asia is really gonna try to milk out all the "muh censorship" crowd the best they can, aren't they? Smart men. Good luck with them and their overpriced shit.


Sadly I don't

How about other idols?

The overall goal of prudes is to suppress things they don't like.

By taking the form of fat women who get triggered on the internet (which is slightly relatable to other losers) rather than bible thumping nutjobs like Jack Thompson things got done

Euros are somehow dumber than Burgers

Sorry I only have Iori. But I found another one

Muh censorship people are just as triggered as tumblr whales. They will legit do anything as long as it hurts their greatest enemy.

This shit needs to stop but because SJW bitches hate being ugly in the form of "muh objectification" and horny weebs fear extreme PCness leads to a meme show or something similar as our future neither will bow out.

How about instead of posting a dumb slut that takes it up the ass you post good idols

just kidding iori is great

but hibiki is better