Just now playing this for the first time

Just now playing this for the first time.

Killed the third colossus.

Boy have I been missing out on something truly great...

I really want to play it but I cant get 60fps in psx2 no matter what I try.

Keep going, it gets better.

Then a little worse, then better again.

Wait for the flying one.

I just finished the PS2 version
I'm going to pick up the PS3 game and try to platinum it

It's such a wild ride. Enjoy it.

Also make sure to look out for secrets and make use of the unlockable time trials.

Agro dies.

artificial difficulty fucking bullshit game

You're killing colossus to resurect an ancient evil who possesses you in the end and kills a bunch of priests as you're being locked away into some form of soul prison.

you should play ICO as well

you're killing them to resurrect your cute girlfriend actually and you do.

To this day, the handholding mechanic of ICO hasn't been topped.

This. And the cave. Good shit. Flying one is GOAT

Still in my top five favourites

it's still an escort mission

and it never will

done right

So just play it at 30fps which it runs at you donut

Not my favorite game by any means, but it really is fantastic, and it stands apart as a very unique experience. Stellar atmosphere, reminds me of Hard-Boiled Wonderland (the End of the World half), and by proxy Haibane Renmei. Then the gameplay during the fights, which really can be broken down into just puzzle bosses, but it does a good job of making you actually feel like a badass taking down giants.

>I'm going to pick up the PS3 game and try to platinum it
>I'm going to pick up
yeah good luck with that

It's on PSN

no like the joke was the broken grab mechanics and... yeah

How is it broken

The grip mechanic is broken for the ps3 version because they took the european beta version because they lost the source code to the original. The grip or whatever goes down twice as fast IIRC.

SotC on the PS2 runs at 15-20fps. PS3 runs at constant 30fps, which unfortunately fucks with how well Wander can grip colossi, and how balanced he can be while moving on one. It's immensely more difficult than the PS2 game. Note, it's not more difficult in an organic gameplay sense. Just that it's more frustrating. Much more.

Why is it rare?

I played the PS3 version and it was fine. The way I read it was that the PS3 version uses the mechanic of the normal PAL game and the NTSC version was made easier

>I played the PS3 version and it was fine

I'm 100% certain you're wrong. Did you play hard mode? It's pretty notorious.

I really hate that you have to fight the bosses in a set order
I just wanna explore and come across the collisi, not follow the sword

Yes. It was a bit bothersome sometimes

Nothing stops you from doing just that.

It made it feel like you were hunting them.
And it was kind of nice having a set path and having time to just think about stuff when you ride over to the next colossus.

I tried going to a place I knew a colossus would be and it didn't appear
Did I fuck up or can you actually do that?

But that's not true. You can yes explore at your leisure but the order of colossi is always the same. I wish Team ICO had waited just a few more years for the PSTriple. Oh well. I'm extremely surprised nobody has tried to imitate this game and improve on its faults. Here's hoping Prey To The Gods one-ups it.

Only one of them spawns at a time

The colossi don't appear, but nothing stops you from exploring the world.

Damn I was hoping to be proven wrong

its amazing

I played on PS3 too and had a fine time with all the colossi except Celosia, who can go die in a pit of napalm.

>Here's hoping Prey To The Gods one-ups it.
Not to sound synical but I doubt it. An indie studio trying to copy a fresh concept sounds like a disaster.

We live in hope. It's just kind of bizarre to me that since 2005 this is the ONLY game that has tried to do the concept anew.

Well, Dragon's Dogma had giant climbable enemies. They weren't much of a puzzle but it was something

it's hard
like stupid hard to get a moving character to attach to another moving character.

Like the only game that comes to mind is dragons dogma, but that wasn't really controlled like SOTC where you could actually let go and actually run ontop of what you were climbing.

SOTC wasn't just an artsy game with really cool bosses, it was really ahead of its time.
At best I see them copying dragons dogma.

Sure, but is there any reason to explore? Like items or something?

Scenery, motherfucker.

There are trees with fruit that increases your health and white-tailed lizards that boost your stamina.

Man DD looks so fucking good. Shame my PC can't run it.

Is it that hard? Couldn't you make the model of a gigantic monster and then superimpose an invisible, climbable version onto it that the player character can climb on? Then again you'd have to have consistent animations and shit.

>Shame my PC can't run it

Really? I tried it out on my thinkpad and it was able to run. With everything on lowest setting with a tiny resolution but still. It seemed pretty light

>Shame my PC can't run it.
It has to be a really old one, then. DD runs on an intel 4000 with stable 30 FPS.

Ran on my Intel 3000 about as well as the PS3 version when I tried. Or actually it did slow down a bit more

>it's a small colossus level

>it's a water colossus episode

Yes, you were missing out, OP. But not anymore. It's going to change you, this is a sacred time in your life.

Can you cum in a sock and mail it to me? I want to add it to the collection.

>It's any colossus