Before delving further into Zarya’s sexuality...

> Before delving further into Zarya’s sexuality, it’s important to reiterate that just because a woman is mega-strong and pink-haired, that does not by any means mean she is gay. A woman’s appearance has absolutely no bearing on her sexual orientation, period.
> That being said, Zarya’s fan art overwhelmingly portrays her as gay. When our own Nathan Grayson dove into the deep, dark world of Overwatch porn, he discovered that the Chinese hero Mei appears to be fan-Zarya’s main squeeze, which my own forays into the Tumblr fanart community have corroborated. In many cases, Zarya is drawn to be more “butch,” capitalizing on her muscles and cropped hair. Sometimes, she’s drawn with a penis.
> Blizzard hasn’t explicitly commented on Zarya’s sexuality, but has left the door open for these fan interpretations. Bill Petras, Overwatch’s artistic director, confirmed at 2015’s BlizzCon that the game would contain a gay character. In Blizzard’s PAX East presentation last year, Zarya was touted as a diversity hero: “We’ve been hearing a lot of discussion among players about the need for diversity in video games."

Where the heck is this "Zarya is gay" meme coming from?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Where the heck is this "Zarya is gay" meme coming from?
She looks like a typical dyke.

Zarya beats her tiny frail nerdy boyfriend

>Where the heck is this "Zarya is gay" meme coming from?

>That being said, Zarya’s fan art overwhelmingly portrays her as gay
Majority of OW characters are either gay or futa on fanart, that's what fanart is about.

>Zarya’s fan art overwhelmingly portrays her as gay
If we followed this metric every single female video game character is gay.

Haha how unfjortunate Russia.

>sometimes, she's drawn with a penis.

>Sometimes, she’s drawn with a penis
Zarya confirmed for male. The fanart can't be wrong.

>we need more strong women in vidya!
>draw Dolph Lundgren with tits
>no one finds it offensive whatsoever that a strong woman have to look like a man
>claims that she's gay, since she looks like man, therefore has to like woman like straight men do
It's just the typical hypocrisy, OP.

>A woman’s appearance has absolutely no bearing on her sexual orientation


this pretty much

>Sometimes, she’s drawn with a penis.

I personally find it extremely funny that the Russian conservative racist character has become a Tumblr icon just because she's built as fuck and has pink hair.

Show just how the only thing that matters to them is appearances. Zarya is probably one of the least Tumblr characters (lore-wise) in the game, Blizzard really pulled a bait and switch on them.

>Porn is evil and oppressing to women!
>Unless it happens to match our political views :^)


>journos get paid to look at porn of video game characters and then make up some bs political subcontext based on that

we did it lads
it's finally the current year

>Literally flirts with McCree in dialogue
>"B-Blizzard hasn't explicitly stated that she's straight, therefore she is gay!"

Why are faggots so dumb?

>A woman’s appearance has absolutely no bearing on her sexual orientation, period.

its just a crazy coincidence guys

So the proud nationalist of a homophobic country and racist to omnycs to top it off has become some sort of shitty LGBTIOJSDFJHASDJKASD icon?

Ayyyyy, you can't make this shit up.

>russian flags
holy fucking shit, this is golden

Imagine if they'd done a really flamboyant male character with short pink hair that wore makeup and short shorts and strutted around in high heels and talked with a lisp.

People would probably call it an offensive gay stereotype, despite his sexuality never being mentioned.

entertainment writers arent journalists

my camera

>Zarya from Overwatch has become a gay icon, ironically
ironically? so these people do not know what irony means

not my OTP

if you know her backstory (which apparently not a single tumblrtard has read) it actually is quite ironic

Go on.


Zarya being a gay icon is ironic because she's a Russian nationalist and Russia hates gays. Also, she's made no inclination of being gay, tumblrtards are stereotyping her as gay just because she's fit and has pink hair which is also ironic because tumblrtards freak out when other people stereotype them due to their appearance.

>those nasty fake tits

it's not
she looks like a dyke and was always meant to appeal to homos and SJWs everybody knew that right from the beginning

why is widow so fucking smug

And to add insult to injury she is also racist as fuck when it comes to Omnics. Funnily enough the only other racist character is Swedish.

>A woman’s appearance has absolutely no bearing on her sexual orientation, period.
>That being said, Zarya’s fan art overwhelmingly portrays her as gay

Oh fuck off. If you're going to be an SJW at least be consistent about it.

Last one.


Found the fag

not exactly typical. the bodies actual pink haired dykes have more similarities with trolls and goblins than anything resembling muscular structure.

sounds more like you don't know what irony means, dongus

she's also a robo-biggot

the moment you saw her you knew she was a lesbo, so no
there's nothing ironic about her being a russian
russian lesbians exist

irony is when the opposite of what you expect happens
she looks like a dyke and is meant to appeal to lesbians and SJWs, so that she becomes a gay icon is totally to be expected
there is nothing ironic about it faggot

>liking fake tits
Found the cuck

Literally using porn to prove a point. Could work with any character since they all get porn. In fact, you could just rewrite that article with any other female character in the game.

> Before delving further into Tracer’s sexuality, it’s important to reiterate that just because a woman is mega-spunky and short-haired, that does not by any means mean she is gay. A woman’s appearance has absolutely no bearing on her sexual orientation, period.
> That being said, Tracer’s fan art overwhelmingly portrays her as gay. When our own Nathan Grayson dove into the deep, dark world of Overwatch porn, he discovered that the French hero Widowmaker appears to be fan-Tracer’s main squeeze, which my own forays into the Tumblr fanart community have corroborated. In many cases, Tracer is drawn to be more “anime,” capitalizing on her round eyes and spiked hair. Sometimes, she’s drawn with a penis.

> Before delving further into Pharah’s sexuality, it’s important to reiterate that just because a woman is mega-armored and short-tempered, that does not by any means mean she is gay. A woman’s appearance has absolutely no bearing on her sexual orientation, period.
> That being said, Pharah’s fan art overwhelmingly portrays her as gay. When our own Nathan Grayson dove into the deep, dark world of Overwatch porn, he discovered that the Swiss hero Mercy appears to be fan-Pharah’s main squeeze, which my own forays into the Tumblr fanart community have corroborated. In many cases, Pharah is drawn to be more “butch,” capitalizing on her muscles and dark skin. Sometimes, she’s drawn with a penis.

>big, muscular woman
>must be a lesbian

So progressive.

>russian lesbians exist
And none of them look like Zarya

>Pharah drawn with a penis
I need this, for research purposes.

Reaper or Lucio are the most statistically likely to be gay, if we're going by IRL figures.

Girls tend a lot more towards bisexuality than homosexuality, at any rate. Zarya probably wishes she was small and feminine at times, despite being proud of her physique. She'd probably be most attracted to the most twinkish of the male characters.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.

she looks like a dyke so of course there are lesbians that look like her lol

Actually what did happen was they just made sexual characters and just said 1 of them is gay to make the loud minority happy, I can bet my ass even Blizzard doesn't know who the gay character is.

>Joe the SJW are crying we dont have a diverse cast of heroes
>just fucking tell them 1 of them is gay
>Which hero you want me to make gay
>I dont care just tell them its a secret and call it a day.

it's ironic because her actual character and appearance differ completely and it shows sjws care only about appearance which is exactly what they say they are against

they're fucking classifying zarya as a lesbian just because she looks butch when there is nothing else about her that hints at her being gay and she also happens to be a nationalistic russian bigot

So this is basically the "Samus is trans" article again only now they're trying to justify it with porn

>Nathan Grayson pretending he's some kind of pure paragon of moral values and not the dirty degenerate he is

>girl in a video game being drawn having sex with other women means she's a gay icon

are these people just discovering drawn pornography

>be transwoman
>no trans character in Overwatch

It's not fair

Just because SJWs and Tumblrites have pink hair doesn't mean it should be a tumblr stereotype
Fuck the west, leave my meme waifu alone

>Bill Petras, Overwatch’s artistic director, confirmed at 2015’s BlizzCon that the game would contain a gay character.

it's obviously not Zarya because she's a racist Ruskie, who could it be?


zarya is cool for appealing to the unwell/gays imo.

its lucio

lucio is basically the most sjw character

>hurr durr muh omnics are just real people
>everyone shud be freee
>humble origins

nothing of what you just said makes any sense
she looks like a dyke, she's meant to appeal to lesbos and SJWs
lesbos and SJWs like her

Is this the kind of nonsense overwatch players care about? Yea I'd rather stick to dota

Why do games have to be diverse? Why can't we just leave it to the devs to decide for themselves?

>Next week: "This place called /d/ is really progressive, there are a lot of transwomen with dicks on there!"

>Samus is one of the most long standing badass female characters in the industry
>she is too badass to be a natural born female, she has to be trans

Absolutely hilarious.


>being not gay ever


If you made Zarya real, she would literally be a conservative racist. If she doesn't trust Zenyatta or Genji in game, what's the chances she'd trust Muslims IRL? Tumblr sees the pink hair + bodypositivity and immediately ignores everything else about the character.

You're free to make your own cis white male only game, friendo

Holy shit! I don't care! MUH DICK!

because people who don't play video games are angry that minorities and statistical oddities aren't properly represented even though they technically are, and that those people don't care about being represented in fucking video games

im starting to think you either have serious brain damage and are unable to understand anything that isn't clearly spelled out for you or you're being obtuse on purpose

>A woman’s appearance has absolutely no bearing on her sexual orientation
Confirmed for never seeing a real lesbian couple.
Dykes are men with tits.

>She's a gay icon because fan art!

So is the entirety of Touhou a gay icon too?

Because practically all Touhous are super gay.


why do they write about "diversity" like its the 1950s?

>look at us eh eh? ebony and ivory eh eh? :^)

This is the perfect scenario to keep the community actively interested, as everyone is simultaneously right and wrong, but thinks they're the only ones who are right.

So you think that if Blizzard will make Hitler charackter that willl suck jewish dicks and will let jews fuck him in the ass that would be ironic also? Irony in this case can only apply to something that happens in real life and not to something that was part of a charackter from the begining.
Some faggot in Blizzard hates Russia because they don't allow gays to go on their degenerate parades tho he creates fucking duke lesbian bitch with Russian accent and makes her gay This is pure Ressentiment on their Blizzaard behalf.

>be transwoman

Gonna need some pics


there are feminine lesbians too tho

I mean, why is there pressure to make games diverse?

Yes, that is an absolute statement

Nah tumblr can keep their gay Zarya.

Image searching this led me to

I have a new fetish!

Isn't being fit anti-SJW as well? So probably not even that.

Any woman who gets her muscles to that level isn't really straight anyway.


Doesn't Zarya express interest towards Toblerone or something
Besides why would you want a robo racist to represent your minority group?

thinking the same thing about you
gr8 b8 m8

No, but if Blizzard made a Hitler character that sucked jewish dicks and neonazis deciced to make the character one of their icons then that would be quite ironic. Which is exactly what is happening here.

Zarya herself isn't ironic, the Tumblr reception of Zarya is ironic.

Whoa now user, don't get your reds confused for your pinks.

Have you ever seen an actual dyke? It's usually fat and has a cunty face.

I just realized what this article reminds me of.

They don't play the game, obviously.


You just FAT trolling at this point. Here is your (you)

It's just shipping and fanart. There's nothing "iconic" about it

I haven't even seen anyone on tumblr praising zarya

I'm pretty sure everyone, including "journalists" who write about tumblr's opinion are going off of one or two blogs despite the site having hundreds of millions of users

>make shitty analogy
>get called out on it
>"ur just le trollering!"


They should leave it to those minorities to protest on their own terms. Do these people think those minorities are too weak?

It's McCree she flirts with
And SJWs don't actually play the game, so they don't know Zarya is a huge conservative robo-racist with a cowboy fetish