Another mediocre game is completely dead on arrival because of DENUVO

>another mediocre game is completely dead on arrival because of DENUVO
Good fucking riddance.

What a shame. I was really looking forward to it when I saw the original trailer.

>A sequel of a seven years old niche game made with questionable design choices bombs

Denuvo has nothing to do with it.

>Gosh, I really liked that unique and non-cookie cutter game.
>Where's my sequel?

This mentality is where it went wrong.

>no piracy
>no word-of-mouth
>no interest
>no sales

This is how it works.

It's ESPECIALLY a problem for niche games because they don't have multimillion dollar advertising budgets and Gamestop preorder exclsuives and shit. They rely on word-of-mouth to generate buzz and, like it or not, piracy generates a lot of word of mouth.

>"Piracy increases sales"
That's not true and you know it. A good game will get positive word of mouth regardless of being able to be pirated or not. Just look at Doom 2016.

I literally heard nothing about Doom before that shit with the Polygon reviewer being completely incompetant.

Because Doom is Doom. Even nongamers get hyped for it. We're talking about Mirror's Edge, here.

Well, and sarkesian or whoever

Ubisoft open world design is what killed this game, nothing more.

Wait, it's out already?

It failed because it had zero advertising when it mattered. They didn't advertise the release. And they couched the release just before E3, during the crazy storm of distracting news. When they should have instead used E3 to promote the fuck out of the game, and release it a week later.

>I can't pirate it so it's bad

That's what I'm hearing. But, the game is actually bad whether or not it was Denuvo

While I've always liked Mirror's Edge, every failed denuvo game is a cause for celebration.

What about Lords of the Fallen? Are you going to tell me that Denuvo is the one responsible for that game not having billions of sales, and not the fact that the game has shit length and clunky movement?

You're just afraid of not getting new games for free so you're trying to "boycott" Denuvo. A pretty stupid fear given how every anti-tampering system is cracked eventually.

There hasn't been a single denuvo game that can be considered a massive success which wasn't part of a decades old franchise that even my mom knows which would sell it no matter what.

>all Denuvo games are shit
>Denuvo makes a bad situation worse

It's nothing special, whereas the first one was really fresh and unique. They've just tacked on a shitty story now and got rid of most of the glorious artstyle.

>wanting a sequel
Just enjoy the god damn game, appreciate it for what it is, and move on. Wanting more of the same will just lessen the unique experience you had.

The Denuvo complain falls apart when you realize that the game is multiplat.

Why did they make Faith so ugly? I'm a guy and even I looked better than her that one time I cross dressed and put on makeup for Halloween

I don't really have a horse in the race cept I'm against sequels for sequels' sake.

More pics, slut.

>Even nongamers get hyped for it.

Fuck off

>non-cookie cutter
not a native here. what does this mean?

I liked it.

>we've got the point where sequels are bad by definition
Man this industry is shit.

It should only be celebrated if denuvo will be in any way related to its failings. There's no correlation 99% of the time unfortunately.

I remember playing ME back then because a friend pirated and liked it
I wouldn't have known about the series without piracy

>Lords of the Fallen

Huh? I'm sure I pirated that game and hated it just the same. How does denuvo have anything to do with it? The fucking gauntlet nonsense along with retarded enemy scaling fucked that game.

I love how contradictory those two posts are.

There is a correlation.
Only rich publishers can afford Denuvo since it costs like a hundred thousand to license it.
Rich publishers only make casual trash mainstream games.

While Denuvo itself does not cause the game to be shit, it's still a mark of shame if a publisher rather buys an expensive DRM instead of spending the money on development to make a game worth buying.

In fact, Denuvo is cheap enough that even low budged games are starting to use it.

It's somewhat of a mark of shame yes, but it's probably the publishers pushing its inclusion on the developers, which probably takes little of their time and doesn't eat out of big game budgets.

Denuvo is great for a reason: now developers and publishers have real PC sales figures. That "what if my game couldn't be pirated?" isn't clouding the statistics anymore, allowing developers and publishers to determinate if PC is really profitable or not.

If the publisher pushes shit like this on the developer to make more sales, they will also push casualization down their throat for sales. The game will end up being shit.

>A good game will get positive word of mouth regardless of being able to be pirated or not. Just look at Doom 2016.

Less than it would have had if piracy was possible. The issue is to see whether the lost sales (and there are some) are worth the added sales (and there are some).

The more niche a game, the less resources it has for marketing/advertising, the more likely it is that piracy is worthwhile advertisement.

Anons claim that games don't sell due to Denuvo and not due to their own failings as games.

Interestingly enough, Lords of the fallen sold well enough to get a sequel greenlited, months before the game was finally cracked (it took an entire year to crack that game).

>Less than it would have had if piracy was possible
You have no way to know that. You can speculate as much as you want, but at the end you can't argue against actual, real sales.
Well, maybe if you had a way to look at a parallel universe where denuvo doesn't exist.

How bout "Uncle Moe's Family Feedbag"?

Mirror's Edge and Just Cause 3 aren't really any change on the casulization front as both are pretty casual to begin with. Total Warhammer was casualized a bit but still managed to be a better title than some of their recent stuff.

damn that's true

You have a point there, but how many pirates are actually going to buy the game if they like it as they often promise they will?

As said, games don't fail because of denuvo, they fail because they're shit games.

I hate it.

I literally forgot this was a thing

It's more of a combination of Denuvo and Origin.

not him but the assumption that more word of mouth would have been generated if it could have been pirated is very likely.

Except it's pretty good, I enjoyed it. Beat it at 21 hours.

People saying the graphics are bad are focusing on the worst looking parts of the game. Some places do look worse than others, but not the majority of the game.

Story is fine, I don't get the complaints. Feels like it's geared towards women, honestly. It's a simple revenge plot of an older sister. People claiming there's no reason to hate the conglomerate in the game didn't play it enough.

Mechanically it is a little slower than the first game but still plenty fun. Puzzling environments you have to navigate through don't really show up until mid game, but that's fine. Many of the time trials are actually fun and towards the end they get pretty tough.

Also, music is good. Overall the game is pretty good.

>You have no way to know that.

Some people are opinions makers. They pirate, they make word of mouth happen, and generate sales.

If there's no piracy, *that* doesn't happen. The buyer's still happen. But we know it's not going to be in proportion comparable to piracy. We *know* because those non-piratable games haven't seen their sales rise to the level of their expected piracy rate (which is no difficult to evaluate).

>let's make a sequel to a niche game
>but let's completely ruin it by turning it into a generic open world action adventure game with rpg elements

By here do you mean Earth?

Learn to google, Pedro.

>You have a point there, but how many pirates are actually going to buy the game if they like it as they often promise they will?

Does it matter if it results in more sales than you would otherwise have had.

Would you prefer 150k sales with no piracy, or 300k sales with 1M piracy?

Well if it wasn't for Denuvo I'd certainly have pirated it, but without that possibility there's no game in existence that would make me install Origin on my pc.

It's not fucking Denuvo preventing sales for this, it's

>game only on Origin and little marketing means most people are unaware
>Anita PowerPoint from years back became a meme even though she had nothing to do with development, but it was enough to curb what little discussion there was
>first game was a niche title to begin with

Denuvo or no that game was probably going to suck. But thanks to it I will never play it anyway because EA and origin can get fucked.

I loved the first one for some reason even though I replay it and don't really enjoy myself much. I'd probably only be interested in another game of it if it was highly polished, and open world usually goes against that.

Regarding the music though, did they use Solar Fields again? The first game's soundtrack was great.

If piracy went on and positively affected sales by a larger margin than were lost from it you could ask for that comparison. But it is impossible and thus not made.

Solar Fields is in Catalyst again.

I have no idea how Anita's inclusion or not could possibly affect anyone's opinion. You can tell the story is going to be trash either way.

I really don't have a problem with the story. I didn't exactly play the first game for its story. It's fine for what it is.

>If piracy went on and positively affected sales by a larger margin than were lost from it you could ask for that comparison.

That's the thing, it does, but not for every game. Which is where things start to get messy. Then add the issue of entry price point and it gets even messier.

this game was sunk well before the DRM was implemented

I mean I was insulting and came off negative but I have the same opinion. The story is trash but the first game was still good.

I played a pirated Lord of the Fallen and I don't feel to buy it because it has no replay value.

kek, you really think that?
those hacks will just come up with another excuse like "used game sales are killing our actualy sale statistics!"
denuvo won't change jackshit

>upgrade tree
>open world
>forced combat
would've bought if it wasn't shit

Had nothing to do with the game. Ridiculous that people still go on about her, like they just want something to complain about.

Sure more people will know about it if you can pirate it, but that doesn't do shit for sales. People will just pirate it.

Oh yeah, second-hand sales... those people are a joke, and it kills me that their word still has any value in public debate.

I guess if the FMI can still take the high ground despite an almost complete history of failures...

I mean, it would be way too convenient for piratefags like me if piracy actually increased sales, but I find it hard to argue that it doesn't dramatically improve word of mouth exposure. There's got to be at least a few games out there that actually benefited from being pirated.

and now you made an assumption that is factually wrong. pirateable games are still being bought by a portion of the people.

I wanna lick those walls
goddamn what makes OG mirror's edge looks so good yet the """reboot""" so bad?

yes, in 2008. nobody asked for a sequel in 2014 yet somehow EA announced out of thin air they want to "reboot" this game

Catalyst doesn't have the high res textures, they went for a more glass / shine look. Most indoor areas look just like that otherwise, some areas arguably better than the first game.

>I haven't played it yet but it's still shit
Nice. Upgrade tree and forced combat are lame, but the game is still good.

There are still high res textures m8...

Why the fuck would you want to play a mediocre game DENUVO or not?

But I thought Denuvo was cracked.
You mean Sup Forums lied to me again?

>the core parts of the game are bad
yeah it's bad i'm not giving EA my neetbux

Mostly out of interest in a specific niche genre.

It's a way of encrypting the .exe on a case by case basis. It's very crackable, it just takes time. It's a measure to counter piracy in the short term, when most of the purchases will be made.

They don't stick out like in the first game, everything has a glossy effect on it.

The first few Denuvo games are cracked, the rest aren't.

>in the short term
>6 months

Denuvo isn't like previous tools, it actually functions very differently. There is no one size fits all 'crack' that applies permanently to all denuvo enabled games. That being said, they're working on it on a game by game basis. It seems Doom has the most support out of all denuvo games.

The core parts of the game which is first person parkour and pretty minimalist scenery are still intact. And those things aren't "bad" anyway. But spend your money how you want.

>That's not true and you know it.
Then how come whenever I really enjoy a game I pirated, I recommend it to friends who I'm sure would also enjoy it and usually end up picking it up?

There are.

I remember some article about some shitty app, as soon as you could pirate said app the sales trippled.

Also a lack of color based levels. The original had a unique color and feel for each level (the boat was green, Pirandello Kruger was orange/red) which really added to the style

Too bad the music in catalyst is a massive step backwards. All the tracks are far too ambient and not memorable at all compared to the original

>unlock all the important upgrades after an hour of playing

I'm running Doom cracked right now. Its over Denucucks.

Not seeing the torrent, sempai

Is it just me, or did they not advertise this game at all? I didn't even realize that it came out until I saw the Zero Punctuation video of it

There's still color based areas of the game though. The wealthier areas are a deep purple and then the light pink with cherry blossom trees. There's the deep orange and green in a couple of the story related indoor missions. Stuff like that. It's a bit more scattered because of the open world but since it's open world you also travel through these colorful areas more than once, so it's all good.

>drop it within an hour of playing

This Denuvo thing also stops me from upgrading my computer. No games I want to play that haven't been locked up by Denuvo.

wait they finally released a sequel?

when was this?

beginning of this month