Can we all just agree Volskaya Industries is the biggest piece of shit map in the game...

Can we all just agree Volskaya Industries is the biggest piece of shit map in the game? The first point is such a fucking chore to take as the attacking team.

ow gave me cancer

Not one of my favored maps. Both cap points have dumb designs. Also the map just feels cramped.

I disagree.

>Choke point with no aditional pathways of going in

I hate this. not even a fucking undergound tunnel or secondary door. This needs to be fixed.

Well, you're a fag.

There is to the left, but you can only flank around as tracer or pharah or junkrat if youre good hopping with your bomb

And Reaper. And D.Va. And Mercy of course. And Lucio. And Genji.

And not to mention after the archway, using a Reinhardt can allow the whole team into a flanking route to get height.

>not Hanamura
>one big gate with a small window to "flank"
>Torbjörn turret will still take some of your health if you go through it
>Symmetra will most likely have sentries to the left as well
>a Mei can delay a push on her own with ice walls which block the entire entrance
>if you want to push you essentially gotta bum rush the point or nuke their defenses with ult stacking because going left will allow them to encircle you and going right means taking a detour and allow the defenders can reposition themselves
>point B is even worse to take with the large open spaces around

Volskaya is alright because of that truck which gives you enough cover to push in on either side and that flanking path allows to draw the defenders attention somewhat away from the big entrance
>friends decide to go left on attack
>I pick D.Va, they pick Reaper, Tracer and Mercy
>the two ones left pick Roadhog and Soldier and keep the defenders busy
>we manage to cap almost 2/3 of the point before the defenders even arrive to contest it
>our Roadhog and Soldier can push through and shoot the defenders in the back
>take point on the first push
it doesn't always work of course

CP maps are only torture with truly bad teams, but they're all snowbally shitfests where either you cap on the first attempt with ult advantage or you just lose. Can't say I've ever had a close game on any of the maps.

Volskaya is the closest to being good, at least.

Learn how to flank. Worst map is Hanamura hands down since it doesn't allow for flanking at all.

No, that'd go to fucking Hanamura.
Literally only one way in for heroes with no vertical movement

I like volskaya. Hanamura however is the worst map ever created by a human being. Route 66 is only slightly better, I dread playing on either of those maps

Even that wouldn't be bad if it wasn't in full sight of all the other defenses/heroes as well.

I mean compare it to Volskaya, since they're almost similar.

Main arch is blocked by both a truck in the middle, further dividing the path, two side rooms you can go into either side. A building in the middle that prevents line of sight to/from the point. And ontop of that, theres a flanking route which can get you behind the point as well.

Temple of Anubis is by far the worst map in the game.

Is there a 2CP map that doesn't suck?

>flank the enemy team from the left with
>Start capturing A, forcing enemy team to deal with you.
>Rest of your team can now get through the chokepoint mostly unguarded.

Point A is hard as hell to defend nowadays when people figured out how many characters can just go around from the left.

That's not Anubis which is the only map that is truly absolute cancer

All the 2 CP maps suck and Anubis is the worst out of all 3.

This dude knows his stuff.

This one and maybe Hollywood are the hardest for me.

Official Rankings

1. Volskaya
2. Anubis
3. Hanamura
1. Gibraltar
2. Dorado
3. Route 66
1. King's Row
2. Numbani
3. Hollywood
1. Ilios
2. Lijiang
3. Nepal

Best overall: King's Row

I hate KoT, bros. I hate it so fucking bad

>now travelling to: Lijiang Tower

>Esc -> Quit

It's actually my favorite map.

its fine, so long as my team can actually take the first point. the balance is such that it should be very possible once you crack the opening choke, but so many teams fail, even though the defense spawns like 400m away.

i despise all the koth maps. i've noticed the trend lately on Sup Forums is that people hate payload as a gametype and enjoy KotH because apparently its more comeptitive and skill-based. i dont know or care about all that, i've always loved PL, and koth can be ok but i dont like it in OW. i just play for fun though, maybe ya'll have a point in serious business mode, i dont know.

I actually love Lijiang Tower. Why do people hate it?

Can we all agree this game has the shittiest maps an FPS has to offer? Addicting and fun OW is but my god the maps are seriously the worst I've ever seen.

I like it but it feels like the one most susceptible to games going on for a decade because of people tapping the point during overtime (besides that one Ilios map with the hole in it)

Too much of meat grinder. Illios has tons of different routes around or above each point, and Nepal has a good balance on each of its points, but all points on Lijiang either have a path directly to the point or an incredibly open approach to the point. Lijiang matches tend to either be a shutout or a long drawn out overtime rush

What are you talking about? There are several approaches.

On the right, there's a path that leads to the closer side of the capture point, accessible to all heroes. Further up, if you have a hero with particular movement skills, you can move to a ramp that leads to the far side of the capture point.

On the left, you can get to a walkway that leads to a section overlooking the capture point from behind. (This is usually where Widowmakers/Hanzos set up, so it's easy to flank them.) If you have a hero that can fly or climb walls, you can get there from the outside of the factory. If you don't, you can approach the stairs from the inside.

Not as bad as hanamura with only the main gate and easily protected little hole as the only two paths available

As a reaper you can teleport inside the house to the right of the main gate without anyone seeing you. Then you just go up the stairs and you get to the bell unnoticed. Other than that you can go to the small "window" to the left of the main gate with heroes that can fly/jump/climb and quickly go in the house to heal with a big medpack. It's hard but not impossible.

Don't forget all of the useless dead space on the map. At least half of it serves no purpose, like the utterly bizarre dead end behind A.

That area is a decent escape route for characters with vertical mobility, if you need a little health you can hop up the ledge and grab the medikit. Helps if the person chasing you has no vertical movement

What's your opinion on Dorado?

If you go up the window from the main gate, go left into the little house, go where the mini medkit is you can jump down to the "dead end" and shoot the enemy from behind. It's almost always unguarded. If you're a mobile char you can go back up, health and flank again.

The window is pretty much always guarded by something in my experience. Widow/Hanzo watching it, Torb sentry, Symmetra turrets, whatever.

The very last part is a fucking chore when you're attacking. You're almost completely exposed and generally this is where almost every team breaks down in my plays.

Really getting sick and tired of Overwatch threads. It's a mediocre as fuck 20 tick rate class based shooter with insta-killing Qs, hard CC into instant death(Roadhog pull, McCree before the nerf, Mei freeze>alt fire headshot), and poor hero balance. The game is based around not outplaying your opponent but just picking another hero that soft/hard counters whatever hero you're having trouble with.

The game is not deserving of praise nor is it deserving of 200 threads a day on Sup Forums. Please, take your shitty threads about a 6/10 AT BEST game and go to /vg/.

It's guarded almost 100%, but if you're quick enough you can get the medkit and heal up whatever damage was dealt to you. Generally always get a dumbass chasing after me since they think I'm wounded.


that's not hanamura

thisI believe every map on overwatch would be much better if they were a bit smaller, most playload maps are fucking awful for attacking


>Enemy team is blocking the main chokepoint, preventing your team from moving in
>Take Pharah/Genji/Junkrat/Widowmaker/Reaper/ down the left path and stand on the point
>Enemy team panics and comes to kill you
>The main choke point is now open for your team to move in
Works every single time. Sometimes I even get to 50 or 75% of the cap before the enemy team even comes for me.

Right side lets you get above the cap point fly or not thats how toblerone pros drop fheir turrets and wreck anyone defending

It is because you can approach it only from very limited directions unlike other maps. It's really hard to take second checkpoint unless enemy team is retarded.

And the funny thing is that the chokepoints at the start aren't even the worst part. It's the fact that the Defending spawn is RIGHT on top of point, so unless you can wipe the entire enemy team at the same time, Attackers cannot win. Barring the occasional immediate rush following the A cap.

I don't mind it sometimes, but if the defending team is obnoxious enough it can be really painful throughout. It has too many good turret and ambush spots throughout the map, so you're just fighting for every inch right out of the gate.