When will Sony next Handheld Console release?
The Vita is barely alive with only Indies and Weeb Games helping it. Will Sony try again?

I rather just keep playing torrents of ISO's and homebrew emu's for the PSP.

Sony expressed no interest in a new handheld, so likely never


vita means life

which means it will never die

They should just made android based tablet with controllers

Really? So that mean Nintendo will be the king of Handheld Gaming forever then

>Monster Hunter

Hah you wish. As long as Nintendo makes handhelds Sony will be there, at the very least in Japan.

Vita would have done better if the nigger kike jew whores at sony didnt decide to nigger kike jew it up an dmake their memory cards proprietary and sell them at retard nigger kike jew prices.


Yeah, but what are the lifetime sales between the two? I would put money on Sony not putting another handheld out. Why waste money losing the handheld market when you're dominating console sales?

would be hacked into oblivion

>"I myself am a huge fan of PlayStation Vita and we worked really hard on designing every aspect. Touch-based games are fun - there are many games with really good design. But having sticks and buttons make things totally different. So I hope, like many of you, that this culture of playing portable games continues but the climate is not healthy for now because of the huge dominance of mobile gaming."

Doesn't sound like a company who's willing to put out another dedicated portable gaming device.

just like nintendo should stop making consoles and stick with handhelds
sony should just stick with consoles and leave handhelds alone

if they just made a non-shitty phone with buttons, they could sell 20 million units easily

Its sad. I hope this doesn't means the end of handheld gaming

Because competition. Their games division in Japan makes the most revenue out of all game companies in Japan too, even more than Nintendo.

A return to the glory days of the PSP, then?

Japan itself is not enough to justify the R&D, production and marketing of such a product.

for consumers, sure

if you check the sales of psp games, it's not that good

Xperia play had decent specs for its time
It flopped