Steam sal

Guys please halp, should I buy the GOTC edition or the normal one? I just bought Dragon's dogma and Va-11 Hall-A, any recommendation?

Wew, you have shit taste

Recommend me something then senpai

I want to try Ys. Should I be starting with origins or I/II?

I got Tesla Effect, Killer is Dead and Bully: Scholarship edition

Finished Tesla was pretty good adventure not as good as pandora directive but still a solid 7/10

Playing through Killer is Dead right now, it's fun

For the little more expensive ones I suggest Darkest Dungeon and Dragon's Dogma

Current mood

>Ruler Designer is DLC
FFS Paradox

Bought Dragon's dogma, got bully years ago, will check with Tesla and KiD,

forgot I want KiD, thanks for reminding me

I guess there's no point on making another thread.

Any recommendations? I mostly play rpgs and adventure games. I bought Bioshock Infinity and Rise of the Tomb Raider lately but still have cash to burn.

Added KiD, thank god it's fucking cheap, still doubting with tesla effect, any other recommendation?

What's that? Would I need that?

I recommend

Really nice modern crpg
>Age of decadence
Very hardcore RPG, you can literally finish the game by persuading people, battle is kinda hard tho'
>Dragon's dogma
Great adventure game and gameplay but very slow in the beginning, I put 3 hours in and finally have fun
>Expedition Cisquitador
It's mostly text story, camp management and turn based srpg, it's fun and interesting tho'
Aged like shit, but I find the melee combat is fun, protip: if you just want to click to hit enable that in option or you'll have to play it like mount and blade, use the weapon you have highest skill on


Is everyone already got what they want by now and busy playing it? Is there no love and compassion for anons who wants recommendations?

Recommend some arcade style games in style of Hotline Miami and Luftrausers? Between story heavy games I need something to empty my head.

Pillars of Eternity if you want something like Baldur's Gate. Personally I didn't like Divinity:OS but if you want a classic rpg with somewhat different combat.

How's Worms Revolution?

awful, stick to reloaded

HYPERSPACE SOMETHING SOMETHING kinda nice shmup. mushihimesama perhaps?

Not that user but I just got used to baldur's gate gameplay, perhaps I'll like PoE now? I remember resting after casting spells is kinda tedious for me in PoE

What's a Sup Forums-approved racing game?

GRID, but I also remembered Sup Forums recommend GRID 2 with all of its DLC if you can get them cheap

Is Darwinia any good? I'm considering buying the introversion pack

another OP bump before I sleep, I got and can actually fit one more game around $2, any recommendation?

Official Poorfag Buyers Guide of Good Games Under $5

Specifically avoiding bigger games, so don't bitch about no Deus Ex or any stuff like that. Suggestions for additions and removals always appreciated

-A Story About my Uncle
-Avernum: Escape From the Pit
-Child of Light
-Crimzon Clover
-Crypt of the Necrodancer
-Don't Starve
-Dust: An Elysian Tail
-Electronic Super Joy
-Evil Genius
-E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy
-Frozen Synapse
-Grow Home
-Half-Minute Hero Plus
-Hotline Miami 1 + 2
-La Mulana
-Lovely Planet
-Mark of the Ninja
-Mini Ninjas
-One Way Heroics Plus
-Risk of Rain
-Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
-Spellforce Platinum Edition
-Steamworld Dig
-Super House of Dead Ninjas
-Super Meat Boy
-Tales of Maj'Eyal
-The Swapper
-They Bleed Pixels
-Volgarr the Viking

Did anyone here play oxenfree?
is it fun?

25 € Budget
What should I get?


W3 is great and the DLC is greater, if you can stomach the combat

Stardew Valley is quite comfy albeit kinda bar in content after 70 hours in, haven't played it again yet

KSP is fun rocket building and figuring how things work, if you're into that kind of game

Undertale is bretty good if you liek the story

Subnautica is kinda 50/50 being it's early access but Sup Forums really like it

I regret nothing

The Witcher 3, easy. Get the expansion pass once you get enough money since both expansions are easily worth 20+ more hours. Not to mention all the free dlc the base game comes with.

My bad senpai, typing fast with keyboard kinda resulted in that.

Do share some recommendation tho'

What's Child of Light like? It's been showing up on my queue a lot

>no Binary Domain
>no Anachronax

shame on you


Better to get one good meal than some snacks.


can some help me choose between
> wastland 2
> pillars of eternity
> shadowrun

also is mgs5 multi on pc is healthy ?

I heard Wasteland 2 is quite bad, Shadowrun is kinda nice but I don't know why I can't get into it, PoE is kinda like BG

Anachronax seems fun, what kind of gameplay it has?

To like tesla effect you'd have to either really like adventures or be a fan of the tex murphy games and I'm both, but I don't know about you, If you're none of those you did good to leave it out.

Valkyria Chronicles, Alpha Protocol, Driver San Fransisco and Transistor are pretty cheap too, all decent games. You might want to check those out if you haven't already

wasteland 2 was so disappointing.

POE is okay, solid story+voice acting but fairly boring combat.

Artsy 2d turn based rpg. Totally okay game eventho combat becomes pretty boring at some point. I got 20+ hours from it so not too long or short.

If you could stomach Baldur's Gate, PoE should be a good pick.

To be honest, haven't played it yet, but it was only 3.74 so I thought, why not

>Child of Light
Fucking uPlay really turns me off from this. I got so annoyed with Farcry 3 always having to launch uPlay first.

Also if you've got Avernum on there you should also add Avadon and Geneforge. Same developer, just as good. Honestly found Geneforge to be better than Avernum games.

A plane ticket out of Europe

I do like adventure games but I kinda doubt it, seems interesting but not what I'm looking for right now, I still need to play snatcher

Lemme see if I can fit PoE in

Forgot to mention Already have Valkyria and Transistor, will check the other two

> stardew valley

is the hentai version with bonus ntr out already ?

System Shock 2, E.Y.E or Shadowrun Dragonfall? Can only get one of them.

Serious question
Witcher 3 or the new Doom?


Both are bad for different reasons.

SS2 is kinda stealth RPG
E.Y.E is fun fps don't ask, just execute order
Dragonfall is kinda good

Pick your poison

How much extra is the GOTC edition?
If it's not too much then go for it. DLC's are okay.

>What's that? Would I need that?
Basically just you can custom make your own ruler, instead of choosing a specific character you want to play as.

i already know about witchers combat and Doom´s multiplayer

I've played Multiwinia. For an rts retard like me, it's fun because of its super simplicity, yet there is strategy involved.

Alpha Protocol is excellent.

The gameplay stutters a bit here and there but I still think it's great.


Witcher 3 have some great quests and the DLC has greater quest, but the combat is not for everyone

D44M is unexpectedly a fun modern fps with fast paced single player, consensus of the mp and snap map is quite meh

39k extra, should I? Bought it to play with a friend and create lewd characters

>HITMAN 2016 doesn't even get a 10% discount

For fucks sake.

okay but what is that in america money

Right, GOTC is $5 and the standard is $2

>no Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

I'd personally do it if you like to do the dressup, since that's most of what comes with the DLC, aside from extra powers and such. It can be a little more fun, especially if you've got someone you can do multiplayer with.

any other replies? I'm very unsure

just wait for the full retail version

That game needs to be dirt cheap as possible, well it is dirt cheap now

Alright, cleared my doubt, thanks man,
now what else to add for around $1.5

If you've got others to play with, I'd say EYE is pretty good.

Yeah but what about Elusive Targets, I wanna get in on that stuff.

How come there's no Sup Forums plays E.Y.E together? I'd liek to play with other people

Not sure, prices are different for you. For me, GOTC is $10.

Guys halp me, I want to gift Dark Souls II: Scholar of The First Sin to my friend, but it's impossible to gift only the upgrade. If I buy him the entire game with SoTF, will he get the extra content (DLCs, new mechanics, etc) as well?

He only bought the base game, no DLCs on his account.

bls resbond, I've been ignored in /dsg/ already ;_;

That other thread turned up dead.

Posted yesterday, reposting today, since I still didnt pull the trigger.

Should I?

If not, what to replace with what, in oder to make it good in your opinion?

I'll play with you, onii-chan. What's your steam?

they will probably add the targets later again

Did I do good?

People seem to either hate this game with passion, or class it in their personal top 3 of all time. Nothing in between.

Welp prices are expensive there, Va-11 Hall-A is actually only $8 here so yeah, I'll look up at for anything else I can add, thanks for the help user

search Pembokat X on steam

now I rarely play it though

Mighty Switch Force: Hose it Down
Savant - Ascent
Gunman Clive

These may or may not be that price for you

Thanks, I'll look it up first

Can't decide

can anyone recommend me some strategy games, or choice based games?

I have an Asus T100, what are some nice games for a toaster?

Total War series

Telltale Games

Did they ever end up fixing Arkham Knight and arkham Origins properly?

Ended up adding savant, I liek shmup games, thanks man

Time to go to sleep, thanks for the recommendation anons

Any recommendations?
Anything cyberpunk is good too, already picked up valhalla and the shadowrun games.

Is this you senpai?

I'll add you in the morning if it's you



I really really hope so. When asked about it on Twitter they didn't flat out say no, just that it "will be something talked about at the end of season one" which if they weren't going to allow new people to get a chance at these then I don't know what else there would be to talk about.

Although the idea of doing them when they release sounds pretty fun.

King of Dragon Pass

sent ;)


The fuck is this?

Shogun 2: Fall of The Samurai

Apparently Indian rupees.
Very, very little value.



What the fuck

Shouldn't he be buying a toilet with that kind of cash?


any hidden gems on the sale?

A toilet? He could buy an entire street

Sorry OP, didn't mean to bring in dank memes.



bless you redirect-kun