Final Splatfest announced

And the two choices it has are Callie and Marie. Time to see who's the better sister.

Its Marie.

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It's Callie

>Final Splatfest
Why does it have to be the last splatfest?

The game is only a year old/

Even GameXplain has good taste in this. Go Marie!

fucking lazy cheap fuckers.

They could have supported the game for a few years at least.

Not like they have much else to support on the wiiu.

I am getting so tired of nintendo. I am glad I learned how to steal games for 3ds and Wiiu. NX is the first console I am not going to buy until I can steal games for it too.

They've put in a years worth of free DLC though.

Oh please most don't even like splatfests as it locks-out ranked battles. I bet you haven't even played one.

Also, where's the sauce OP?

> Expecting nintendo to actually support their platforms or games for a decent time
Its nintendo we are talking about, you will be lucky if they dont shut down the online for wii u next march

SplatoonUS tumblr senpai

Splatoon has a tumblr?

Well, Callie is best "sister" by a wide margin, so this is the easiest choice of any Splatfest.

Marie will take over this splatfest, if not by poularity, by wins

So Splat2n when?

Well Mariefags are the biggest autists, at least if Sup Forums is any indicator.

callie confirmed best squib sister

I don't get why people like Marie

would rather spend time with the cheery and excitable sister than some condescending smartass

I don't get why people like Callie.

How about look at the post above you, you dense mariefag


Because her attitude would give me a reason to bully and fuck with her in both senses her and I like it like that

>Final Splatfest
How fucking hard is it to do a fucking splatfest?
Holy fuck, this is complete bullshit.

Stupid mariefag

>final splatfest
rip splatoon