Sup Forums help me understand. Why the heck is no one talking about Battleborn?

Sup Forums help me understand. Why the heck is no one talking about Battleborn?

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Did Battleborn fail because of sexism?

Good game. You should all play it.

>Why the heck is no one talking about Battleborn?

The retards at Gearbox thought they could beat Overwatch, the most hyped game of the year,

Someone add Battleborn please.

Did it do terribly? On both PC and consoles?

this is what you get pandering to people who don't play games I guess

out of interest, how far back do you have to go to find a game more hyped up than overwatch?
is there one?


Titanfall? Halo 3?

>'moba'trash game

Fallout 4, Witcher 3, MGS V

I hope it did

Battleborn failed because Gearbox is a shit company that lucked out with stealing Borderlands' art style and combining it with Diablo's endless grind. Randy Pitchford deserves no rewards.

same reason as in the last thread: it sucks

At least Battleborn has singleplayer


at least you can find battleborn on the list.

overshit nowhere to be found. why is that? oh right, blizzard is afraid people will see that nobody plays it.


also it has quality writing

Reason in your pic mang.

Nobody cares about "badass women", waifus are the shit now.

>implying you wouldn't waifu pic related

Why does this article have a different picture every time there's a new thread?

pretty much

Didn't gearbox say battleborn is doing better than the borderlands series in terms of sales?
Why does everyone keep saying it was a failure?

What's with this era and pandering to feminists?

Port-Mortem analysis of Battleborn.
Battleborn declared dead.

because no one cares and mobas are cancer

There are just so many badass women to choose from!

Men will buy the game anyway, women have to be catered to to expand the market.


>Look Mom I posted it again!

Such a lust for replies.....

I thought all the characters were dudes

I read that green text in Scooter's voice. Kill me

>brianna wu.jpg

The game certainly is badass. It even says so on the box!

reminds me of this hotty

Jarl Ulfric, what IS THAT THING?!

This is the third time I've seen this exact same thread OP posted.

I seriously hope you're all saging your posts.

It's surprising how the market can be such a mystery to these overpaid millennials vomiting their leftist college agenda on their blogs.

Overwatch sold, because it sold us waifu bait. Had it not had Tracer and Widowmaker in the first trailers, and no other cases of tits and ass, then it would have tanked just as hard as HotS.

Meanwhile, some other game tries to sell me deformed ugly women in a shit artstyle struggle to "empower" themselves.

It's baffling how there are people who actually thought the latter would even stand a chance against the former. Overwatch would still outsell them even if the gameplay was leagues below Battleborn's.

I doubt that. Highly doubt it. It's like half off right now and its first dlc hasn't even come out yet.


Battleborn? More like Stillborn!

Jesus are all the Battleborn women that ugly?
So Gearbox tried to make sjw approved women, while Blizzard went with a harem of waifus and ended up on top?

>posting clickbait game journalism


because Blizzard spent hundreds of millions of dollars making sure everyone only talked about Overwatch

I don't know why it's hard to understand


how many times will you make this same thread?

not THAT bad, but none of them are exceptional

Why do all their characters have bug/saucer eyes and faces like they are sucking on lemons?


>game about badass women
>women didn't buy the game
>it flops

Fucking women.

>why can't these Muslims understand that it is 2016?

Fallout 4?

And because Battleborn is boring.

How much does Vice pay you, you fucking autst?

It looks ugly.

I'm a transwoman and I bought battleborn. It's okay but I prefer Overwatch

what a fucking cuck, can you even get anymore beta than this? this guy is devoting his whole life and livelihood to appease these people and still is a nobody

>there are people that paid $60 for Battleborn

>I feel powerless
>how do we stop attacks like Orlando?
>seems like my "prayer" (he is an atheist) isn't enough, wat do?

SJWs avoiding a certain elephant in the room is always amusing. (Islam)

I bet you thought this would be a legitimate reply? Boy, were you wrong. I have no idea what you were trying to say, but I played poker the other night and it was really fun. I lost $20, but I gained a friend. Have a good day


The old thread is literally still up.

>please kill me so I can win

And change the fact BH closed down along with the other F2P games.
I will never understood that Loadout bullshit.
Overwatch is successful but i'm not even sure if they wanted the TF2 audience.
Does Battleborn fit that list?

If her mouth wasn't so wrinkled and the nose so witch like yeah I'd hit it.

It's sort of like the public debt: Enough people on television have said often and loudly enough that there's a problem that people come to believe it. With that in place, people feel righteous talking about what a problem it is and maybe making some token gestures, while feeling righteous indignation toward people who don't care about the problem or don't make token gestures.

Yet another game that charged AAA price while still attempting to milk it's customers with in game micro-transactions.

When will this shit end? If you're going to include them, the fucking game shouldn't be full price out of the gate.

If you are killed by your enemies, you win.

That's how you badass a woman.

>ineffective at repelling dementors
do these people never grow-up or how are they not even a little bit self-aware

It's the new trendy thing! It brings easy clicks to websites and makes you look superior to everyone! Publishers see all the buzz with the shitty websites and think that must be the way to go. Too bad games are all about escapism, nobody likes heavily politicized entertainment.

Literally any major release. Overwatch is just the new COD at this point. Somewhere where you can mindlessly dump hours with very simple gameplay

old people in denial

>dude don't talk about the problems with the game it will scare away new players

1) A gearbox game
2) Gearbox writing
3) Horrendous art style
4) Multiplayer focused

The only way to make this less appealing to me would be to make it Origin exclusive.

>I know, I know: we love to hate Battleborn. With Overwatch's general excellence, its brilliant accessibility and incredible cast of characters, it's easy to enjoy watching Gearbox's ill-fated shooter wallow in the shadow of Blizzard's latest multiplayer smash. I don't personally play Overwatch – competitive games are my least favourite type of game, below watching the clock tick during a slow day at work – but even I'm in love with Mei.
>Competitive games are my least favorite
>Kaitlyn Tremblay

Opinion discarted

I'm sure that is exactly why.


Fuck you.

Or it could be that Overwatch is on Battlenet and not Steam
Weak bait, 4/10

Forgot my pic

I paid around $20 for battleborn from a CD key selling website at launch.....AND I still feel ripped off.

The art design was one of the flaws of this game. They really should've went for more aesthetically pleasing characters.

>but even I'm in love with Mei
How surprising. She and Zarya are literally SJW bait.

When a game becomes $30 two weeks after launch with still no buyers, it's fucking dead.

pic related

>western developers
>doing badass women correctly ever


I read it in handsome jack's.
It sounds just like some BL2 shit.

Did Gearbox intentionally make this game have the ugliest art style ever?

was cuck anthony a writer for this shit?


Sleep tight, Reap tight

>Game does
>No one buys it

Colour me suprised.

Usually characters have multiple concept sketches, for Battleborn they chose the first one.

>that clipping
No wonder it failed.

He contributed, but he wasn't the main writer

reap tight little sleeper

>o bad games are all about escapism, nobody likes heavily politicized entertainment.

Too bad it literally infects everything. Think this shit is an edit? Nope, legit published as is by Marvel. I'mma post others just to show you how fucked cape-shit has become.

I download and played the beta. I feel ripped off.

Does anybody remembers the furry sick fuck with vore fetish that defended Evolve in the steam forums? His posts were exactly like the ones in your pic.

Tracer's VA is shit, though.