Let's have a test, Sup Forums
The purpose of this is to see which you choose first, then second, then later last.
First test, choose one
Let's have a test, Sup Forums
Let's not and pretend we did
right, because I beat off with that hand
left. it's always left
left,the right one is mimic
I'd open the one closest to the door from where I entered and then the remaining one.
But you must! The fate of the world depends on it! I won't accept no for an answer
Left is slightly duller. Which means its either a trap or a mimic.
I'm left-handed so left.
Second test
Pick which first, then another second
This is the only right answer.
Good, more XP or money.
Right Middle Left
Right and middle.
left and center, fug the right m8
Left than right. Makes me feel smarter to avoid the center one.
Right and Middle
What do I win?
Final test
Pick a first, second, and lastly third chest
Left, middle left, right.
Middle Left, Middle Right, Far Left
Right because polls show people have a tendency to choose left
Left, middle right, right
In order of whichever is closer to the door or whatever direction I was holding the stick when I went in.
Open all of them, get all loot, and deal with any traps. Traps are good, I get money or XP from them.
Left, middle-left, middle-right
Always one on the left.
Chest 3, chest 4, and chest 1
Up, up, down, down
1st set, left chest
2nd set, left chest and middle chest
3rd set, the left chest, the second to left chest, and the far right chest.
Thank you for taking the time to participate in test. There was no point since I'm not recording any of this at all. So have a great rest of the day or night
You're not even going to call all of us retarded faggots? What a ripoff
y tho
you arent OP
What is missing, Sup Forums ?
Some foresight to buy some fucking red paint so the bitch wouldn't have to use goddamn lipstick.
A girl with big tits and a long fat dick.
1000 gold vs 500 exp chest
Which one Sup Forums?
gold because im a hoarder, exp is not useful in any game ever because i dont play games with a shit rpg leveling system
Then prepare to die old man! I ain't playing your game.
Open second with key i have, then open first with key that just dropped.
OP is designing a really shitty RPG and thinks he's gonna come across some revolutionary chest placement game design paradigm via this thread
exp, I'd rather level than get new gear
Probably not. It's more likely that he will do nothing with the information he gathered here, that he just made up this "test" to feed his addiction to (You)s.
Asking Sup Forums a question--no matter how stupid--is a sure method of getting replies.
Lets not even pretend and say we did.
Oh yeah? What if I ask Sup Forums why they're worthless pieces of shit?
because i'm tired of fucking your mom
I was homeschooled for a few years before high school, so my social skills didn't develop as quickly as they did for other children. When I entered public school in my sophomore year, I was really meek and folded to bullies easily. I developed depression and anxiety and was put on pills, which deadened my emotional response to pretty much everything, which caused a sharp decline in my grades until I dropped out. I continued taking meds for another couple years, and was immediately thrown into the self-defeating loop of anxiety and hopelessness that most NEETs find themselves in. My shrink refused to put me back on meds, so I started to self-medicate with various "research chemicals." A bad combination of these caused me to have a psychotic break one day and I was found bleeding in the middle of my destroyed, piss-soaked room by my mother. After that, I started to get disability and I've felt okay about staying at home since.
Thanks for taking an interest, user.