Only the best covers ITT

Only the best covers ITT

but have you played it


don't forget to post reversed cover

You again?

>inb4 orange and blue




I like this one a lot more :(:

I'll never forgive Eternal Punishment for what it did to Maya.


Made her mute? Not sure what you mean.


Whenever I hear "game cover" this one always flashes in my mind


Soul of Cinder >>>>>> Bearer of the Curse both lore wise and cover wise.


meh game, beautiful fucking cover for the book box . the actual game box is sorta bland.

>kaneko will never ever draw anything ever again

He drew some shit for the DMC4 special edition last year

Every time I open the game and see his name I get so weirded out



What really? Got a picture?

I still own the big box copy of this, with the two flight manuals the size of books. This package was amazing.


>yfw you thought that was a giant robot



Wikipedia lists him as the "packaging illustrator," which I assume just means he did the new cover art

Weird choice to get Kaneko of all people to just draw your special edition box art and leave it at that, but I know he's done little bits of work for the other games so whatever


I thought that was just because they still use his Devil Trigger designs from 3?


That... doesn't look like kaneko art though, just 3D models

There must have been some sort of other packaging or boxart than that then

it wasn't ?

Demon designs.


one of the best ever



nice, i liked 3's designs the most anyway

Google gives me some kind of weird special-special edition that comes with all this shit that looks more like the kind of thing he'd do

No idea though

damn you're fast


>Pizza box

>Kaz' last great work is a pizza box

Also this

>meh game
no fuck you it was great



I had blocked this from my memory holy fucking christ

If this isn't the most concise, perfect explanation of what's wrong with Konami, I don't know what is

lulz so fanny

Now gtfo.

It's Midgar


Holy shit, those giant hands.


>one child's movie ticket

was it? I never hear Sup Forums talk about it.

One of my absolute favorites.

Was gonna post this. It's is beautiful, especially the coloring and inks.

>They even kept in the free movie ticket promo
>This package probably came out years after the movie left theaters

Mah nigga, Double D II is the tits

I really want that Kaneko Works III art book but it's over $150 used :/

Who is the artist?

2 EA games, 1 THQ, 1 Bandai



It seems to be Kazumi Kakizaki (かきざき和美 in moonrunes)



>not posting the best cover of all time
shame Sup Forums



>reversed cover

I really want to know who was the Konami artist who did that Michael Biehn traceover for the Metal Gear 1 boxart.

>tfw I had a boner to pregnant eve

What was I thinking?

>only JRPG in history where the MC gets pussy

Might have been the boobs



No. It was her being pregnant. Not the tits

holy shit I was only ever aware of the American box art, this is slightly unsettling.

Persona 3
Final Fantasy 7
Monster Girl Quest


Any game box art with a single character walking towards or away from the viewer is shit.

Would you bust her planet?

This. I can't believe it's so popular to use.

outstanding art and outstanding game


>no one posted secret of mana
Really get a sense of grand adventure

whoa das cool m7

this is kinda badass

Final Fantasy IV even before the game fucking starts
Two dudes get to fuck Shion on Xenosaga trilogy


>that poster/map



Is there actually a 3DS version?


What a smug goat


Isn't Kaneko back drawing for SMTIV Final?

Dat ass