ITT tryhard devs

ITT tryhard devs

yeah fuck this gay dialog reading shit dark souls is much better and actually dificult

>trying hard is bad


ITT : edgelords


I will shamelessly shill for CDPR any day.

They shill too much

Fucking devs should just give up, don't put any effort, and stop trying so hard to make good games. We need more weeaboo pandering trash.

ITT: OP's a faggot

FROM, Platinum and any game made by kojima

Why is tryhard even an insult? In any context trying hard is almost always a good thing.

OP is a...


How you doin?


How you doin?


How you doin?


How you doin?


How you doin?


How you doin?


How you doin?


How you doin?


How you doin?


How you doin?


How you doin?


How you doin?

>tried hard
>worked hard
>won hard

Which is more that can be said for other AAA devs. I'm looking at you Bethesda!

>Makes a game that wins over 200 GOTYs
>Critical acclaim across the entire jounoworld
>the only ones giving them shit are PCucks with inferiority complexes and SJW that whine about a lack of "diversity"

kys console warrior

i wonder weeb like OP have account on neogaf.

The insult is mainly used in multiplayer games where players have to try their hardest to beat someone who is better than them, so they have to use whatever they can to beat that person because their skills at the game aren't good enough. It's usually said by people who can't handle losing at games.

come at me bro.

More like the fanbase is try hard, thinking that there's some kind of superior "game design" going on with their games and make 3 hours long analysis videos about it.

this tbch

Very well said

being this edgy

>ITT: tryhards

muh nostalgia

Why would anyone on PC complain about TW3? It looks good, runs well and has basically become it's own benchmark. You're just making shit up.

>someone that beats you is worst than you
I don't think that's how real life works, unless you can cheat in the game, using anything the game can offer is just knowing the game better, thus being better.

That's actually the worst way you could have said that, and it's also backwards. If someone tries really hard and beats you, then you're worse than them. What you essentially said was that the person who loses to the player trying their utmost to win is the better player (even though they lost) which is completely wrong. Winning and losing is binary, you can't measure an amount of 'win'.

what the fuck does tryhard mean

how is that edgy you fucking cocksucker?

Millenial quasi-insult for anyone who puts in actual effort to do a good job.

pcfats still butthurt about the downgrade

Tryhard has existed far longer thenthe millenials have been alive

OP is still probably an underage faggot

This desu senpai.

I think people on any platform would be upset by a downgrade since you were all advertised the same product. Not to mention, console games can be £5 - £10+ more at release, so I'd say a console gamer would be more upset.

Honestly I don't know why you're trying to make it exclusively about the PC platform. Everyone is a consumer.

A try hard is someone who very transparently tries to affect an image, e.g. a dorkusmalorkus at school who acts like hot shit because he bought a leather jacket and started smoking fuck you kevin you're a fucking loser.

So, being a tryhard is synonymous with insecurity and an over-investment in how people perceive you.

Projekt Red is a company, definitely a bit retarded to refer to them as "tryhard".


biodrone tubblers still mourning their fudge packing simulators apparently

Yeah well Dragon Age Inquisition won a bunch of game of the years as well.

>have inferior hardwarde that causes devs to fuck up graphics for PC
>be butthurt about "butthurt PCucks" that are rightfully pissed off about this

>fuck you kevin you're a fucking loser.

what good games have these guys made?

I love much Witcher 3 triggers weebs. And I love that Sup Forums finally acknowledges it's a perfect game instead of meming wahhhh muh dork souls wahhhh muh overmeme

Posters that try too hard:

Not enough to make that list.
They probably bribed some San Fran Faggot who was starving to death in his $4000 shoebox apartment who needed a few bucks.


>fallout 4
>place 2
Why. It's so bad compared to Witcher 3 and yes you can compare those kind of games. I'd rather have Splatoon there or Undetale.

I would rather see a dev try hard to make a good product than a dev not try at all


>witcher 3
sorry user, games are about gamepay

2013 was such a shit year that DAI was the best Triple A game released. Even though its subpar at best. Same with 2012 and ME3.

>there's only one kind of gameplay

>trying hard at something is now a bad thing

please go kill yourself.

and the kind that Witcher 3 has very poor