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Do you cheat in video games?
Be honest Sup Forums.
Do you cheat in video games?
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ive never completed gta vc and sa without cheat codes
I regularly tag switch in gsg
nOpE sUtipD Nigs gonnIN biG
I don't think I've ever not cheated in a Compile Heart game. I always get a trainer and max my money out.
I cheat in money in almost any game I can.
really, please do it
i savescum
no because i simply don't play video games.
i dont even consider it cheating. any game with a quickload/save built in deserves to be savescummed
if there is some fun to be had with cheating and fucking around after finishing it, why not
i do if i have played the game gorillion times now and don't want to grind and play it just for the story
I often manually allocate provinces back and forth in peace deals in Victoria 2 to simulate real border treaties and assign land to third party countries. Use it almost every time to pay off war allies with land WW1 style aswell.
I hate games that give me the option to cheat easily.
It's always too tempting for me to resist, and then I just end up ruining it for myself when I cheat my way to God hood.
>playing online
You deserve to get cheated.
>BBQ Pit Boys
Fuck I don't want to be reminded of them right now
any game with f5/f9 is MEANT to be savescummed you fucking over-anxious-to-be-samurai cucks
I only cheat in mind games.
This 2bh.
>playing video games
>tfw using hacks in gm roleplaying servers
>redneck gets triggered
Lmoaing at that patch, the FOX hat, and tattoo. Dude looks like a cringe lord.
>not buying 10 copies of csgo and cheating your ass off for the next 10 years
As long as its not outright hacking probably, the last time i remember doing anything of the sort was in MH4U doing the Basarios glitch for earth crystals because fuck that noise otherwise
Always. I just want the story. We should be able to skip gameplay in every game.
Yes, when I don't have the patience to git gud.
I thought this was FF but now I'm disappointed it's real
Burn in hell you stupid fucking frogposters
Then watch it on YouTube
Don't ever reply to me again.
Not normally. Only if i'm testing how far i can break the game.
I attempted to access 8F in pokemon red in order to write arbitrary data and code my own cheats into the game.
However i wiped my save so i'm only gonna stick to less-game breaking glitches. Like the mew glitch.
I don't use cheats in online multiplayer games but in solo-player games i enjoy fucking with the game, mostly in free-roam sandbox games like gta and simpsons hit 'n run.
We need more games with physics-breaking cheats. Shit's fun as fuck.
>if there is some fun to be had with cheating and fucking around after finishing it, why not
I've gotten countless hours of fun enabling the different cheats in GTA SA and dicking around in free mode
>disable wanted level entirely so I can go in and out of Area 51 whenever I want
>go around sneaking up and killing people and actually feel like I get away with it
When I was a kid we had a GTA 2 demo that we'd cracked so that the time restriction was lifted. My younger brother and I used unlimited ammo cheats and would see who could rack up a 5 star wanted level and then last the longest.
Outside of that, never really.
I used game shark to get pikachu in pokemon blue when i was a kid
just a quality look into what america is really like
I sometimes load up single player GTA V with trainer and mods enabled just to fuck around for fun.
I also use the dev console extensively in TES games to unlock Master locks, kill really bullshit hard bosses and to give myself free items.
I cheat all the time in grand strategy because the whole point is to roleplay.
>Do you cheat in video games?
given the chance i do
When the going got too tough in Dark Souls, I used the trainer up until the day the Steam migration broke it.
i fucking remember that bitch
>cheating in a bethesda game
>high tier kek
Yeah, it was pre-gamersgate/obsession with SJWs. People could bitch her out without obsessing over conspiracy theories. Way better era.
I feel it's perfectly justified to cheat when you've lost progress or if the game is in early development and bugged as a result.
Subnautica for me recently. Fucking quartz never respawning is horseshit, and I've already lost a save 5 times because of updates.
Is having a mouse/keyboard for console games (overwatch, destiny) considered cheating?
Only in singleplayer games.
I never actually completed chapter 7 in Valkyria Chronicles without cheating
Fuck that. It's never acceptable to cheat, whether singleplayer or multiplayer. Games should be played the way they were designed, without resorting to savescumming or cheating. Don't like it? Don't fucking play it. There's a reason Nintendo exists.
ive been hacking in TF2 for the past couple days
never in multiplayer, rarely in single player
In GTA V, I was getting shot down by something when stealing the fighter in the military base, so I just activated godmode because I wanted to fly the jet fighter a bit
Does using unfair game mechanics count as cheating?
I use chicken scripts and autopot in Path of Exile.
And I don't even play hardcore.
you know its a jet shooting down right doofus? just fly low and you wont get shot down ever you casual.
Second playthrough of a SP vidya.
Never in MP, that shits wrong.
I waited until Boo camp was available in FE conquest so I could grind before going further than chapter 10
it wasn't that, it was a tank or something, I never got the missile incoming sound, it was just an instant explosion on my ass
Last time I used a cheat code (ie cheated in any way) was on the ps2, unless you count looking shit up
Can't stop myself from cheating in Paradox games, especially CK2.
>really need a daughter
>spam the event where i visit my wife's chambers
>she shits out 10 kids
>give myself all the traits that give health
>daughter becomes of age
>kill wife and marry daughter
>spam that one event again
>32 years old at that point
>10 more kids
>granddaughter becomes of age
>rinse and repeat while removing any undesirable traits such as hunchback or inbred
I can usually get to my great-great-granddaughter. When she has kids, whoever my heir is marries one of his sister-cousin-nieces and i do the same thing, over and over.
If a game picked my interested enough, and it has cheats, i finish it no cheats, then replay with as many cheats as i can for fun
I used to cheat in Age of Empires II and Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds a lot when I was a kid.
I was never a fan of RTS, so I made buildings autoconstruct and gave myself as many of those overpowered units as possible, then destroyed the other civilizations.
I cannot play MB Warband without cheats
Yeah man, I like being God.
Not in many years, but I used to love making codes in the gameboy version of gameshark, or enabling cheats in games like THPS to glitch out of the levels.
I never beat Warcraft 3 or Age of Mythology without cheats and yet Warcraft 3 is still one of my favorite games ever.
I've only cheated in SA so peds would attack on sight with bazookas
Never saved progress you know why you don't in GTA games
at the end of Descent where you fight the boss thats only vulnerable from behind
just fuck that guy
What cheats did you use? I used reduce wanted level a lot during my first VC full run, but then I found being wanted to be more fun.
I use savestates when emulating old games that I feel are bullshit and deserve it.
SA isn't hard. Whenever you die, just grab a handgun and go conquer some rival gang territory to get better guns. Once you get an AK with a nice amount of ammo, and pick up an armor drop during a gang war, then you're set to go through the story.
I used to a lot.
I don't anymore - UNLESS I'm tired with a game and just wanna get it over with (Mass Effect 3 most recently).
Back then I used to experiment with Half-Life console. Gave myself notarget so enemies avoid me, started the game in the lab and started spawning soldier grunts, and just watch the mayhem
I want to use CE in Dark Souls PvP by changing how some weapons work (i.e. making catalysts scale with physical stats so they're better at hitting people with, or making a claymore have very fancy Velka Rapier R2's), but I'd never do it solely to win. Just to do some cool shit with.
why? i couldn't get past tutorial for being casual but i don't want to cheat.
always. stay mad fags and deal with it
Only cheat I use is the experience multiplayer in RPGs that require grinding.
I'm looking at you Neptunia.
I miss the hamburger helper memes.
didn't she write a god awful fanfic short story also about wolves or something? besides Mass Effect
Only if I've beaten the game already and want to experiment new stuff.
If the game lets me use console commands I always use Noclip when I don't feel like dealing with puzzles.
>Cheating in sp games
That is fine, if you complete the game to 100%
>Cheating in mp games
Simply no, unless its really creative and makes you laugh or go wtf and still have a good time.
>being this retarded
You go to the horse racing betting shop and bet all your money then savescum until you win. Repeat 5 times.
I like to cheat engine my way out of rogue likes
Enter the Gungeon gets completly mad when you get all the shit on the same character, the fucking game running at 1fps because 2muchbullet
I had a lot of fun editing my coc save by hand until I found out someone already wrote a tool to do it for you.
I jack off to it.
Here's another way i play CK2:
>be count
>secretly impregnate my liege's wife
>all his kids are actually mine
>his dinasty is actually dead but no one knows
>marry my heir to one of his (my) daughters
>murder all his (my) boys
>my son's kid ends up inheriting the duchy
>proceed to do the same thing with my new liege who is usually a kind
>his kids are mine
>marry one of my official ones to one of his (my) girls and murder all males
>do it again but with the emperor
>become emperor
>pollinate all the wives of all my vassals but not secretly this time
>everyone is angry
>everyone's dynasty is dying out
I can only jack off to CK2 at this point.
I've been editing packets and force sending packets. It's pretty fun to do but it's pretty dangerous if you get caught. You can get sued for it.
Anyone else?
fuck I meant multiplier
That is a very convoluted way to fap
I like giving myself maybe a nice pistol and an armor set at the beginning of New Vegas with console commands.
I never cheat in multiplayer games though.
After im done playing a game, or ive seen everything it has to offer and got bored of it
Cheats make it interesting to go back and play the game, being god mode and destroying everything in one hit
Dark souls 2 for example, i'd rather cheat to get my drop rates 100% with item inventory, rather than grind another 100 hours for the things i want. Ive already done it before and it wasn't fun
I believe in honor and what not, so no
Guess i jack off to the thought of having power or something.
I legit cum buckets with CK2, crazy stuff i tell you. Especially with the AGOT or TES mods.
>get stuck in a wall
>haven't saved for a while
>noclip out instead of reloading and losing tons of progress
>that feeling when using gameshark and moonjumping everywhere for shits and giggles