I make poost

I make poost.

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Worst way to start a nep thread in a while.

Who's gonna scalp top nep hats this weekend? I work and can't drive to LA.

>top nep hats





I NEED it.

I'm playing Rebirth 1 on the Vita.

I've been playing it for a few weeks now, changed the language to Japanese almost immediately, and just the other day decided to switch it back to English out of curiosity.

Holy shit, the English voices are atrocious. All of the characters have the exact same voice and inflection.

Please - PLEASE - tell me that nobody on Sup Forums played this with the English dub. It's just not possible.

>live in LA
>want a TOP NEP
>tickets cost $55 dollars for one day

Is that a Plutie?

>Holy shit, the English voices are atrocious. All of the characters have the exact same voice and inflection.
no they don't.

The English dub is awesome in Nep. Melissa Fahn as Neptune is great. The only shit one is Black Heart, but her Noire is fine

>implying japanese voices are better
I hate english dubs, but neptunia games cant even voice correctly. Its so annoying

>you will never punch a nep

If the tickets themselves are $55 the hats will be scalped for $100+.

Neptune is looking a little chunky. She should lay off the pudding.


They're fine

are these the greatest deals in video game history?

That's 3 prime grade neps for the cost of a pizza.

Nah, just head over to Vietnam or the Philippines where they dump all the unsold hats to poor kids.

>Like the dub
>There's less of it compared to jp
I this how it is for the whole series or only rebirth 1? I can understand rebirth 1 having it since it started as a way unsafe vita title but now that it's multiplat they should go in and fill in the rest.

All the characters look like they have down syndrome

>starving african child has a TOP NEP hat and I don't
this is a weird feeling

still free on the master race plataform

>they are fine
No they arent fine just like the whole series


This is actually pretty clever. It's a combination of "post" and "poo" which implies that you're shitposting but "poost" could just be a typical cutesy typo that Nep would make. Lethal.

Half the game plots revolve around anti-piracy. Your illegal Neps will never give you true satisfaction.