T-thanks Sweden

t-thanks Sweden

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>implying the british didn't use manpower from their colonies


did they make up 3/4 of their infantry units?

Have they addressed this at all?? There is no way they are making them black if they are putting so much effort into making the game historically accurate. Is it possible dice hasnt finished the white player models yet?

>There is no way they are making them black if they are putting so much effort into making the game historically accurate

>Historically accurate

Fucking please.

If anything, BF1 is just flat out disrespectful to people that actually fought in the war. Even if there wasn't all this Sup Forums-tier shit about there being blacks in the game, they are just getting the whole thing so wrong.

Stop whitewashing WW1, bro. Everyone knows that every war is a war about black people suffering.

>historically accurate

They are going as far as to use pre-nato call signs. Why put in the effort if they are just gonna fuck it up elsewhere.

>EA had no input

>An extremely small amount who almost accomplished next to nothing while 17 million whites and other Europeans died fighting for their homelands and their country should be put in a game about the battles of the first world war

They've addressed it, said the game promotes diversity or something.

Diversity meaning for most of the soldiers to be black instead of most of the soldiers being white, obviously.

can Swedes please leave their nigger fetish out of vidya?

Threadly reminder to buy Verdun if you want that real brutal WW1 experience.

There a map on the Somme that literally takes half an hour and it's grueling as fuck, it's awesome.

You guys do know that the Game director is a literal Marxist, right?

Should have seen this coming


I haven't played it, but this seems like WW1 done with significantly more tact and respect.



First World War: 1,750,000
Second World War: 2,500,000

how does that justify making half the British army niggers?

They tried and they couldn't do anything.

Their colonies were just flags bolted to some concrete at that point, they had no real control.

>instead of white people with many different hair colors and eye colors
>we just have blacks and asians with black and brown everything all the time
I don't understand this shit

>Pajeets in Microsoft
>Pajeets in AMD
>Pajeets in Battlefield 1

what is this, the indian apocalypse?


>No women
They didn't pander hard enough

Check the battles that army fought in.

Small battles in the middle of nowhere, they did literally NOTHING.

So you're literally forced to play a black guy or muslim if you want to be a certain class? Man I was really looking forward to this game oh well guess I'll find another fps

>there are literally people on Sup Forums right now who don't wanna be cool sikh bro's.
You're fucking abominable, all of you.

Indians actually did fight for the Brits in WWI though, there's no justification for making half the team niggers though

There's a playable woman character in the main story. They'll probably get added to the multiplayer in the main game.

This is not the problem with the game.

The guns in this game are the problem.

>female narrator/announcer
Time to end this all

No ones complaining about the Indian.

>low ranking infantry being given countless grenades and "gadgets"
>sub guns
>low ranking infantry being issued sidearms

kek this is hilarious
just imagine the next wolfenstein games
full of black nazis

>As a German-American, always feel bad about killing Germans in WW1 and WW2 games
>Now not only don't have to kill Germans, but get to kill shit-skins in droves

It's a win-win.

Its not disrespectful. Disrespectful would be to make a game about a war and sell it as entertainment/action product ala hollywood.

S U P E R P O W E R B Y 2 0 2 0

I'm glad you're all very much buttblasted about actual colony forces fighting and all but no word about the obvious lack of french or russians. Never change Sup Forums.

its still shitwashing white history

they should have make like camouflage in the other bf
i didn't mind playing ablack or indiant or asian dude in bf cgames but in ww1 contexte it's just so fucking dumb

French get their own DLC, but don't worry I'm sure half their team will be niggers too

>In the aftermath of last year's asylum-related sexual attacks at the "We Are Stockholm" youth festival, the Swedish police are now launching a new campaign. Officers will give out bracelets with the text "Do not molest me" to girls attending this year's festival, according to Dan Eliasson, head of the country's national police force.

Let's be fair here. The Ottomans were pretty class during WW1. They even had the same poofy mustaches and mutton chops.

That's the problem with blacks. They can't grow real man mustaches.

Guys if you want to really play real white war 1 then play Verdun. Leave this game to die.

>the French will be nickled and dimed from you in classic EA fashion
Wew lad

Literally no one is saying that, get your head out of the gutter.

An estimated 42,000,000 soldiers were enlisted for the Allies at some point during World War One, around 700,000-1,000,000 of which were African.

At this stage it's very clear theres an agenda being pushed in the game.

It's a western front game and Frenchies are obviously going to be the first DLC.

>Historically accurate


DICE is saying it

I'm pretty fucking sure for what ever reason even if these regiments did exist they all would not be fighting in the same theater.

>Battle of Gallipoli
>Small battle in the middle of nowhere
Please end your life, I hate this "diversity" shit as much as anyone here but you know nothing. The only real respectable non-white class is the Indians.

That'll stop them

Vote with your wallets and don't buy this shit.

I don't know why you faggots can't comprehend this. If you don't buy it, they don't get money. If they don't get money, they'll think twice the next time they decide to niggerfy an entire game.

>that subtle dynamite vest

What happened Europe?

How long until this SJW madness ends?

>they've already been open about taking great liberties with history to make the game more fun
>this shitposting persists every day

>mixed race units
>not all one race with white officers
these people cant look history in the eye without wincing.

Once the EU falls and Donald Trump is elected

European soviet union + crippling cultural marxism enforced by the former

Whitey thinking they have the numbers to "vote" with their wallets. This games will sell tons, and you'll still be bitching about muh niggers

>muh heritage

They're already making this WWII: WWI Edition.
While they pretend that it's going to be historically correct to get people who got sick of Modern Warfare to buy it, it's not accurate at all.
I wouldn't mind it if they wouldn't pretend otherwise

That game is good

Let's hope Brexit actually causes the fall of the EU

Try harder, shitposter.

Did we meme them too hard?

who fucking cares
no really
tell me how this affects the gameplay at all
and if it doesnt fuck right off because gameplay is all that matters in a multiplayer shooter

Donald Trump is a fucking tool and you are a fool for believing he stands a chance.

The entire American election is rigged, how you are still too blind to see this is beyond me.

unfair advantage to certain classes in night fights

>At this stage it's very clear theres an agenda being pushed in the game.
It was very clear since they straight up said it in one of the first Q&As


Historical accuracy and evidence are white male constructs. Thanks, Captain Sweden for leading the way.

unless whites glow white in the game (which it didnt appear that way in the e3 gameplay) then no

>who cares about immersion
>who cares that a political message is being forced onto a whole playerbase



Gotta love how Sup Forums just created these thread so they can get triggered.

>oh no
>people are trying to do something about the problem of racism

Yes man. EA's clearly shooting themselves in the foot in order to push a political agenda. They are the kind of publishers that are t totally not 100% about the sales. It's all a fucking conspiracy . I mean, DICE's from Sweden! Connect the dots, wake up sheeple!

Fucking retard.


>So you're literally forced to play a black guy or muslim if you want to be a certain class?
No. You can customize your character like in Battlefront.

>"Leave" politcians are backpedaling since day 1 after referendum results

Also funny considering that the most immigrants in UK are from commonwealth states and Poles

It's not even SJW madness, they're just being stupid.
They didn't put female soldiers into the game because of historical accuracy or some bullshit.

Probably the contrary.
Leave-politicians are laying really low right now, Johnson even said he won't run for prime minister.
The whole thing looks like not even they wanted "Leave" to win, they just used EU and muh immigrants to climb the ladder which makes a lot of people kinda feel betrayed right now.

The ones who are pushing to get the thing over with were "Stay" advocates. They just want to get the whole thing done, so it's clear what the future of the UK and EU will be like.
"Leave" advocates are just unusually silent right now and busy with backpedaling

>white people proceed to force niggers in everything

>who cares about immersion
if you cared about immersion you wouldn't be playing a ww1 game filled with automatic weapons in the first place
>who cares that a political message is being forced onto a whole playerbase
you're exactly right, who fucking gives a shit
unless you're some pathetic pussy that has his opinions affected by the entertainment he consumes like the femnazis claim

I can already imagine the fat virgin crying while he made this pic.

this is going to make it worse you retard, nobody likes seeing their own history get shitwashed

t. buttblasted nigger

>misrepresenting history is a game for neckbeards
>that'll stop racism!!!

If they wanted more sales, they wouldn't put niggers in the game.

Funny because it's white people the ones forcing niggers into everything.

>Let's make almost all of the player character models non-white for the sake of diversity
>But let's not include female soldiers because teenagers won't think it's realistic

DICE are really making themselves look like a bunch of self-righteous tools.

>no control over the colonies
What? The decline of the British Empire didn't truly start until after the WW1 economic issues.

>misrepresenting history is a game for neckbeards

To be fair, and i KNOW this is world war 2 i'm talking about. but there's a picture floating around of an R.A.F squadrons of just Sihk dudes.

It's actually somewhat likely that the British military didn't have an ENTIRELY white army in world war one. and plus. it won't effect the game play. so why do you give a shit?

I don't think your grandpops ran around teabagging the enemy, shouting "NIGGER" while firing his fully automatic 1 out of 100 produced prototype rifles being shelled by a low flying zep. So unless that happened there isn't much history happening here. Or is Assassins' Creed also a historical documentary now?

>BF series
>game for neckbeards

Niggers arent cool sikh bros.

>if you cared about immersion you wouldn't be playing a ww1 game filled with automatic weapons in the first place

Are you fucking retarded?

>you're exactly right, who fucking gives a shit
unless you're some pathetic pussy that has his opinions affected by the entertainment he consumes like the femnazis claim

Some of us don't want an agenda pushed on us 24/7. There are plenty of places to focus on whatever politics you want. A "historically accurate" world war one game with so many "minority" troops is fucking ridiculous. You're not being a cool guy by going "pfft big deal"

what the fuck is your problem?

I just told that user that it's not a new thing, didn't say it's good or bad or ANYTHING
I don't even fucking care about this game since the first footage they showed

self-hating white lefties***