Games only you have played

Games only you have played

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Remember renting that as a kid because I was just going for anything anime realated.

It sucks.

Well that's clearly not true because I'm the only other person in the World who played it too. I played it all the time but it was a very painful experience due to the fact I had no memory cards and if I died it was just a game over like that. Also that one section with the eye stone walls terrified the shit out of me.

They made a game out of this? Or did the game come first?

Really suprised at this series. From the reviews I thought it was going to be shit, but I had an urge to play a SRPG one day. Glad I made the purchase as it is easily over 100 hours.

Kind of like the new Fire Emblem in regards to dating sim/visual novel aspects. I enjoyed the combat more, but the map terrain is always flat which sucks.

I couldn't finish this one level because you needed to use the blow feature on the ds, which was broken.

I remember reading this shit late elementary school and early middle school. How is the game?


>there will never be a sequel
>not even a remake that fixes everything puts back what was cut out

Taco Theft Auto

>wanting a sequel to "break the Circle Button to hard kick: the game"

What a shit game, why would you post that?

pretty cool game too bad i was too stupid to finished this game

I bought it because it was Squaresoft, too bad it sucked.

sorry user, i finished this on pc and bought it again on gog recently

the sequel was a lot more obscure though

I played Total Overdose. Checkmate.

wait, there was a sequel?

I remember I stopped playing at the ruins stage, don't remember what, but something really pissed me off about that stage as a kid




i wanted to appreciate this game but it sucks


This game sucks dick

This was the first game for the PS2 I ever bought. I'm sure I still have it somewhere. Somehow I beat it, but I don't think I was too good at it.

I seriously doubt anyone else has played this


Played it. Not that obscure.

Reminds me of the jap fingerbanger from G-Gundam.


the game was chili con carnage, a psp exclusive if i remember right

it might not be classed as a "sequel" in the sense it continues the story, but it was the only additional game in the series:

You shut the hell up.

No, you shut the hell up, Rygar PS2 is trash and you know it

Man this game was SHIT. I gave two hours, everything is so fucking slow, from the terrible voice acting, the stupid cutscenes and dialog, the frustrating gameplay, the awkward battle system... no fun and engagement to be found here.

Uuiuuuugghhhgh my god I still have a copy of this. Some many bouncer points....i miss mugetsu and ko lei fou is ez mode

I haven't played it, but I was wondering if someone else has. It looks cool.

this game actually got a cult following.

Please tell me someone's played this, i can't be the only one

one of the worst games I ever played, I think I was the only person who bought it.

Centipede killing: The essential experience.

Saw it all the time back in EB Games. Was it any good? It reminded me of G Gundam.

This game. Probably my first actual RPG experience, besides watching someone play Legend of Dragoon.

Loved the game as a kid. I can still hear it now


Punch the monkey remix - Lupin the 3rd anniversy

Neat remixes and a good rhythm and beat game.