Member of the military

>Member of the military
>Racist towards all robots and omnics
>Is the face of the anti Omnic propaganda in Russia
>Exercises and cares about body looks

Holy shit, did the SJWS not look past the hair? You can literally tell half these people didn't play the game.

Other urls found in this thread:

They're also convinced the buff chick has to be a lesbian too

It's perfect

everyone knows they don't really play games, so they just kind of give it the appearance they want then design the character in whatever fashion suits them.

blizzard is actually pretty fuckin' smart

So like, was it ever confirmed if she was a lesbian?

I'll find it hilarious if they all just assumed she was gay when she's not.

>racist towards a machine

no, she just knows they are dangerous
think terminator

Not confirmed. We know there are 2 gay characters in the current roster tho.

yes, very bigoted of them to assume her sexuality
top kek

Good niGGer narrative

>Nationalist bodybuilder woman who happens to like girly things too
I wish she would take me away.

Which is why I think the Tracer pose controversy was a marketing stunt by Blizzard. I'm sure they're well aware that a good portion of their fanbase is horny teenagers.

Even Sup Forums calls her lesbian.

She's muscular and military so she's obviously a lesbian, guys. Stereotyping lesbians and women is totally fine, guys.
Quit being sexist shitlords.

This is so boring now, all you faggots do is talk about Zarya over and fucking over again. You sure you're not worse than tumblr about this shit?

>>hurr hurr if you have colored hair you must be homosexual

Not even close. I dye my hair every other week and I'm not homosexual. It's bright orange right now.

I bet it is DVA and Symmetria. At least that would be the hottest.

It better not be 2 dudes.


Homosexual detected

They're convinced all of them are lesbians, user.

Actually if you look very closely you'll see blizzard has been really smart with this game. Anything they do either generates buzz around the game which, in turn, give the game more popularity, or is made to pander to a certain demographic the best way possible.
Every character has been made to appeal to a certain demographic but they're studied so that nobody can complain.
You can't complain about zarya being sjw because she's "racist" towards robots.
But sjw don't know that and they're happy anyway, so everyone's happy.

Is there any skins of hers that actually look good?

>Junkrat and Roadhog

>Hanzo and Lucio

>Reindhart and Torbjorn

Morrison and Reyes

Going by the Sup Forums threads, it's Junkrat and Roadhog.

But gameplay-wise, it's Bastion and Genji.

>The gay characters end up being Winston and Bastion

>Morrison and Reyes

I'd laugh for all the rest of the day

Where the fuck have you been EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER IN ANYTHING POPULAR GETS PORTRAYED AS GAY holy shit how is this news to people.

the gay characters should be bastion and zenyatta with the reasoning being "Robots dont have genders."

Yep, this over-use of the word racist is getting tiresome.

Women in the military are total cocksluts.

So who are actually the gay characters guys

Tracer and Genji

I can already see the article headlines

>"Overwatch teaches all of us that you don't need to be human to be gay"

Most women in the military fuck higher ranking male personal to get promoted faster, not to mention the lower scores they receive to get accepted.

they are not gay. They are robosexual

Zenyatta is the least dangerous character in the game though, and bastion isn't even an Omnic.


i think genji is too obvious, he already is "reconciling" with his android existence. it'd have to be someone who doesn't have as much backstory and isn't obvious.

Got news for ya pal

>not to mention the lower scores they receive to get accepted.

AFAIK in combat roles and special forces the standards didn't got low. It's dangerous send to battle someone that can't take care of himself/herself. If for gender equality you want to put risk human lives, you deserve to be invaded and conquered.

BTW, when I was younger I wanted to enter the military. I couldn't because shitty physique and I didn't work out

say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens

>Morrison and Reyes


They knew SJWs dont actually play games so they chose the character reveal footage very carefully. Their PR guy is a crafty bastard.

Post Zarya with pasties

UHHHH I don't think I can believe tracer.

It's pretty obvious who the straight couple is though

Reminder that Zarya's racism is Justified.
Omnics Attacked Us First, without demands
Humans Never Fired First.

>Harmony Orb not up

I remain unimpressed.

hence racist you fucking idiot

>She's gay because she has muscles and funny hair!
Is this not a homophobic stereotype?

yeah but everyone knows tumblrites love stereotypes just not like in the moment

>Zenyatta is the least dangerous character in the game though

That's a nice tank you got there, shame if something were to happen to him.

Why are people so obsessed in finding out if characters that don't exists like dicks or pussies?
They're not even real! Are their colorful personalities, background, nationalities not enough to relate or like a character? You NEED to know who they fuck too?

It's not gonna happen bruv.

I'm going to need a picture of Zarya in a jump suit, top part turned down and tied around her waste with her bra on up top. Probably doing some shit like working on her gun.

It's the hair.

Anyone got that image of a bunch of screen from that self felating "documentary" about indie devs, where almost all of them had pink hair? Specifically the nu-males.

It's only a stereotype if it's something negative. Like when you say all blacks are underprivileged and deserve pity.

>straight couple
>gay man and a lezbo adopting a korean as cover



>dad soldier 76
>mom mercy
wow! all three tumblr memes in one!


Not like the rest of these musclefags, but you do have to admit though, Zarya does have the best and relatable personality out of all the characters in the game.

>Widowmaker is cunty and edgy fascinated and obsessed with death,
>Tracer is a annoying preppy cunt with an even more annoying accent. She is also out of touch with reality. The look she gave Widowmaker when she killed that Omnic Buddhist at the rally. She looked as if though she couldn't comprehend that someone can do something that evil.
>Mercy is... just Mercy. She isn't even liked for the character but for waifu related bullshit.
>Symmetra... literally who??? The character who is a confirmed autist?
>Mei is a bubbly cutesy chink, that's it.
>D.Va is Umaru-chan personified. Perfect, but hardcore gaymur.

Zarya on the other hand has seen her village destroyed by Omnics, fought in the forefront of the Omnic crisis, watched her comrades die in battle, and still didn't turn out like to be an edgy cunt like Widowmaker. She fights for humanity sake, wants to liberate humans from making the stupid mistake of taking in robots as citizens, pumps more iron than you do, and even with all the lifting she does to make her robust, she has a feminine side to her where she paints her hair and nails pink. I wouldn't be surprised if she thought D.Va looked "so cute".

You mean like pop she shield and remove a Discord?

Or put a shield on her teammate?

>not a racial group
Im having hotflashes back to when you fucking ugly whites kept trying to imply blacks weren't a race and were animals

racists are sooooooo gross

>game features black female character, poo in loo female character
>not SJW bait

>game features white female with pink hair
>SJW bait

>hundreds of games feature multiple white females with pink hair
>not SJW bait

literally what

This. She witnessed first hand what Omnics can do when they attacked her homeland. She gave up a promising career to defend it. Also it's not as if she participates in linch mobs, she just has a legitimate distrust of the things that tried to to destroy humanity.

>yfw Blizzard ends up making 76 and Reyes gay and a former couple, which is why they're salty

>being forced to use a cooldown against something with no cooldown

Yes that's exactly what I mean.

Her face reminds me of Clay Puppington.


>god is often referred to as omni* (omniscient, omnipresent, etc.)
>robots are called omnics
>omnics obviously represent god / the next stage of evolution

Why are you still supporting fleshbags?

>Miss the zarya 50 times
>Your only contribution to killing her is a single melee attack

Sick plays, brej.

You've gotta be playing against literal retards though.

>her original costume is already best costume
Being a Zarya fag is suffering.
She needs a weight lifter costume.


That's objectifying her user

As a rl black let me tell you that I have never been a fan of the rather silly Pinocchio complex that a lot of sifi has. Robots aren't people, they are imitations of life.

semen demon

robots are REAL HUMAN BEANS they actually do the work we don't wanna do
stop oppressing them

tumblr warned me about this internalized racialism

>kept trying to imply blacks weren't a race and were animals
I mean... let's be honest...

>>The gay characters end up being Winston
>Nerdy strongfat gorilla with giant fuzzy ass and tiny dick making him a fantastic bottom
Don't tempt my dick user

>angry at world military character in love with Hispanic character
I can see it.

Thanks for being clear user, here's your (You)

I don't care, it fits her character perfectly.

Fucking this, gym attire or swimwear.

This is all I need.

you mean coalburner

thank you for joining us in making the world a better, kinder, more progressive place free from racists

>still posting this coalburner

god tracer makes my ears want to commit suicide
it's so satisfying to hook her as best hero

I'm the best Junkrat ever. Hmu on Xbox GT: Kae Takara


Oh no she likes niggers!
The sky is falling

but omnics are cool
how could one want to destroy such a beautiful machine as zenyatta, for example
i'd fucking listen to what he says about life and buddhism shit all day

>Street fighter 5

Seems like a good start for muscle girls in vidya

I really like playing as her and even the character design has grown on me. I'm happy she isn't as one-dimensional as we initially thought she would be.

>Zenyatta is the least dangerous character in the game though, and bastion isn't even an Omnic.
Wrong on both counts.
Zenyatta is dangerous if you know how to aim.

Bastion is one of the original Omnics from the first war. His kind being the reason Overwatch was even formed.

We can only pray that it is. The whole "body acceptance" movement has conveniently overlooked muscle girls.

So is Zarya a good loser?

Zaryafags are the worst, constantly trying to reassure Muh Legion that they're allowed to like her while staying in Le Club. Who the fuck cares what her politics are, just like who you like. But no true conservative would wear that haircut and distrusting unstable AIs is not conservative.


You have to admit, she is cute when she's angry.

I didn't know I needed this, ty user

Can they transfer their consciousness if their body is destroyed?
Cause we sure as hell can't, we'll just be making a copy of our consciousness, Which is just a clone and not really you.

>listening to a machine talk about life

thats like reading the salty NEET poorfag posters saying how TF2 is the best game ever in OW threads

how can you have an opinion on life if you arent alive?

t. James deen