Thoughts on Okami?

thoughts on Okami?

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its good

I only played the sequel it was good so i can imagine the first game is even better


con man disapproves it?

Exceptionally comfy game with beatiful art and game design.
The only kinda gripe is that it's too long.

He shut down Cloverstudios for not making enough money

Artsy fartsy garbage

Tried to get into it twice, the horrible noises of the characters and the slow, slow opening of the game made me fall asleep. Last time I playd I reached a bomber or some shit but I dropped it there

One of my favorite games.
Good battle system, music, environments, art, multiple story arcs and loveable characters.
10/10 game, just wish okamiden wasn't for the ds then I'd actually play it.


I wanted to emulate it on Dolphin after 5.0 came out but apparently you can't play it with a classic controller despite it beinga PS2 port.

>it's the best zelda ever made!!!
>has all the flaws of modern zeldas without any of their strengths

>thoughts on Okami?
tought me I don't like Zelda anymore

It works fine on PCSX2

Extraordinary, one of the best games ever made.

Yeah, but I wanted it in native 1080p.

I found it to be better than WW/TP but not better than OoT/MM.

It also does enough to differentiate itself from Zelda with the drawing system.

My favorite game. Played it for 80 hours 100% and wished it was longer.

It took you 80 hours?
Which stray bead was it?

They added rather good motion controls so yeah.

It wasn't even 720p on Wii so you're raising the internal resolution with both emulators if you want 1080p.

Exactly this.

Not a big fan of the combat either, specially the design of the standard enemies. Most of them were pretty bland and made the gameplay repetitive. Bosses are amazing though.

HD version need to be ported to a console I give a shit

Should I play it next?

Currently playing MHtri. Fun game.

I don't remember but it was a couple of them.

yes, Okami is pretty damn good

Good art style and music

Too long
Annoying talking sounds
Motion controls were awful

I only played the Wii version, so maybe the other versions had better controls.

For me it was last gauntlet. It was fucking brutal.

I think the Wii version is the worst one to be honest. I absolutely HATE the combat controls. Drawing stuff may be a bit easier, but I don't really think it's worth the trade for an awful combat. PS3 is the way to play it right now, though I wish they released it on PS4 too.

It was Zelda tier as in it's good and had an interesting world but too easy with forgettable bosses

tick the action replay code for gamecube controls
ur welcum

It's my favourite game of that gen.

PS3 with the Move controller is best of both worlds. You get button combat and motion paintbrush. I replayed it that way recently.

Good adventure game.

That seems interesting. I don't have a move, so I just played it with the DS3, and it felt just as good as playing it on the PS2, even with the slightly awkward painting. Button combat plus motion controls for paintbrush seems perfect.

+wonderful atmosphere, mixing comfy and adventure. HD version is drop dead gorgeous, if you like the artstyle.

-mind-numbing easy combat and extreme handholding in puzzles

Fantastic game.
Played on PS2, emulated years later and...I prefered software mode over hardware. That fog and blur that helped with draw distance adds to atmosphere to me.

>think game is ending
>it's actually not
I got tricked 2 or 3 times. Pleasant surprises. Kinda weird, when mnay today's production can be beaten in under 8h.

Wish there were more sidequests and maybe harder puzzles or maybe some bonus dungeon with harder puzzles, but can't have everything. I imagine they made lots of drawing easier just to not annoy players.

>there will never be a full Okami sequel in HD

I loved the way the combat controls were, I wonder if you just didn't give it a chance? The way you charge up the sword with the wiimote is pure bliss.

You can play Okami in hardware mode with the paint filter now.

You will care more about a scrap of paper than many other games' entire cast. God-tier OST. Dat artstyle. Easily one of my favourite games.
Blockhead Grande/10

Love the art style, but the gameplay was monotonous at times and the game felt like it went on way too long.

sparrow boss theme is the best song in the game, Sea Dragon Queen is best girl
That is all

>Too long

fffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you

I would also like to add that i mapped the canvas button to left trigger and wii cursor position to mouse position (I don't know if these are default) so I'd just hold left trigger, put my right hand on the mouse, and draw

I tried with my wacom bamboo tablet too but it didn't play nice with dolphin. it would have been a fun gimmick for 5 minutes to actually draw the things you draw

I finished the game on PS2 with no issues, but couldn't stand the Wii controls. I think I got to Tsuta Ruins, maybe a bit earlier or after that, and had to stop playing, because the combat controls were annoying me. It was extremely boring and tiring to keep doing motion shit to attack, when in PS2 you could just press a button to do the same. It just felt like they just added those for the sake of it, like everything else related to motion controls that time.

Does this actually work? Can you actually draw with your mouse?

It's not like you have to move your wrist a lot, just like -any- other wii game. A tiny flick and you're good to go.

I loved it personally for the drawing and combat was fine. Especially charging sword combat, that was cool as fuck with the wiimote.

is that webm supposed to be impressive?


It was still a really repetitive task which I didn't enjoy. Plus my wrists are fucked, so maybe that made things worse. I think I just played with the first two weapons, so I haven't tried the sword thing you mentioned. The drawing was indeed better on the Wii though.

Yeah isn't it amazing? So many things happening at once.

>Pick up Okami on a whim because I like dogs
>Bright and colorful
>Jump around and be crazy in combat
>Though combat isn't overly difficult, it's still fun to complete fights with finesse and flair
>Crazy cool weapons
>No truly shit weapons. All have their awesome points, main or secondary
>You thought this was the end? Bitch, you're only a third of the way into the game!
>Ninetails can draw on your canvas
>Dedicated bark button

I fucking love me some Okami.

When I replayed it, the end when everyone gives their power to Amaterasu thanks to Issun and gives her the same appearance as Shiranui is the only time I've ever gotten emotional over a video game.

>>Dedicated bark button
Bad feels when it turns into the poop button.

weird ghosting issue

>I can't comprehend media beyond violence and action
10/10 would convert to Shinto to power up Ammy

i normally describe things that don't work in great detail

>Buying the poop/pee skills
>Not keeping it the dedicated bark button
>Whoop some ass in combat
>Enemies poofing into wisps of black smoke
>Run in circles
>Continue on adventure

GOAT tier video game song

Welp. Time toe re-download the game.

Gotta get dem demon fangs. Loading screens? Damn right I'm gonna press X to make big paw prints for more sweet sweet fangs.

dogs are fucking crazy dude

>You thought this was the end? Bitch, you're only a third of the way into the game!
what a great feeling that was

>Ruining the dedicated bark button for demon fangs
>Not getting your demon fangs from Floral Finishers

Do you even sun goddess, bro?

Unironically my favorite game ever

don't forget, you can have your mouse mapped to A for drawing, and also one of the buttons on your controller mapped to A for jumping so you don't have to use your mouse to jump like a caveman

It's super long, but I still enjoyed the game and I'm not even sure why, because it's mechanically pretty simple.
Gotta admit, I was annoyed by Issun in the beginning, but the game got me to like him and he was pretty badass in the level when Ammy shrinks.

>Nothing shows up on loading screen
>Hit a button
>It's the tapping loading screen minigame
>tfw the game finally loads

i can't stand how relentlessly handhold-y it is

like, it's not just that it's easy, i can live with that, it's the fact that you're constantly steered and fed every little thing every step of the way - even for shit that would only take two seconds to figure out you're stopped in your tracks and have it explained to you in excruciating detail

i don't think i've played a game that puts less trust in the player than okami

danged purdy visuals though

The completionist in me couldn't leave skills untrained. However, I kept it on New Game+ playthroughs for bonus fun when swapping forms and becoming fat.

doges are pretty fast eh

THIS. Fucking thank you. It's about on par with Wind Waker.

>let's go "our way"
>oh okay, he wants me to restore the broken bridge
>actually he just wants you to jump in
i fell for that like 3 times on 3 separate playthroughs

What flaws it has that are like Wind Waker? WW felt like the world was empty as fuck, ton of useless islands like the reef ones where you get a chest and that's it, or the lack of dungeons and compensating padding.

What are you even talking about?

Okami is longer than any Zelda game and it has the same type of exploratory mechanics that made OOT and MM great. Instead of the ocarina you can draw, and drawing is much deeper than the ocarina.

Combat in Okami is more advanced too since you have more strokes than Zelda has weapons.

Okami has way more characters and side quests/collectables as well.

And it's harder. With more easter eggs.

skyward sword

>tfw any time I was close to town I'd always swing by to get some pettings

>boss so hype you think the game is about to end

Using bloom and the rest of the strokes on NPCs is so fun.

I wanna fug the butthole in da dog.

>tfw Ninetails fight

Normally a boss gauntlet where you have to fight all the bosses a second time would piss me off, but I was thrilled to get to fight Ninetails again.

I was just annoyed the game makes you fight Orochi 3 times, that was too much.