How do I get good at sneaking games? I love MGS, I love the concept, the design...

how do I get good at sneaking games? I love MGS, I love the concept, the design, everything but I'm just not good at stealth games. I get really tense and nervous, my heart races and detection makes me completely lose all the cool I might have left and almost drop my controller. how do I stop being such a faggot?

just be aware of all the tools at your disposal and find hiding places from which you can formulate a safe plan to move forward

The tenseness is the point of stealth and why it's fun. Getting to your objective completely unseen and without disturbing the environment is really rewarding.

Though MGS isn't as much about that as some other games. If you get stressed with MGS you'd have multiple heart attacks with Thief.

>find hiding places from which you can formulate a safe plan to move forward
that's what I've been doing so far but sitting in a hiding spot until I calm down and figure out what to do next doesn't seem the way to play the game


MGS is merely an action game with a veneer of stealth.

I've played some deadly shadows and I admit it's worse in terms of tense situations, are 1&2 just as bad?

Use the tranq pistols. MGS is now so easy it's pointless.

I'm playing through thief 2 as my first thief game and I'm still stuck on the loading docks mission, how do I find the label thing that I need to finish the main objective

I don't want to cheese it THAT much

LMAOing @ ur life

Try playing splinter cell

Not him, but I never found Theif 1 to be that impressive in terms of sneaking.

It's sort of, the basic of the basic, don't make a lot of sounds and stay in the shadows, that's about it.

>Tom Clancy's games
No thanks.

never played the MGS series, does 1 emulate well with a 360 controller?

That's basically what stealth in general is. And Thief 1 and 2 are still pretty much the pinnacle of level design in stealth games.

Well, never games have introduced more ways to interact with that basic idea is what I mean.

Like what? The only things newer stealth games have introduced are game breaking powers and objective markers. If you're talking about using items in the environment to distract enemies you can do that in Thief.

Don't even bother.

you just calm the fuck down, and focus on observing the area you're in. Memorize key positions and guard patrol routes, make back up plans if SHTF, and perform your plan when the moment feels right. Don't stop THINKING, and focus on staying alive if alert rings.

Yes, it does.
However, it almost plays better with D-Pad, since it's technically like a top-down 2D game with 3D graphics. Dunno how that positioning of the X360's Dpad feels.

Here's good settings to use when emulating the game. Works on both ePSXe + PCSX-R. The plugins are : Pete's OpenGL 1.78 and Eternal's SPU Engine.

You can try the newer versions too, but they'll have a bit different settings and results. One thing I know is that quicksaving breaks MGS easily as in you will be stuck if you load a game that was saved in the middle of Codec call or similar. Thus, I'd use the in-game saving only.

Play 3 first, is a self contained story. Then, if you liked it, play them in release order and avoid MG, MG2, PO, Ac!d and TPP.




>Play 3 first, is a self contained story
No. It is not.
And also: fuck you.


honestly this
1 will seem too stripped down compared to 3 and you might not enjoy it as much as you should

>self contained
good one. If you want to do it right and play only ONE MGS game, make it MGS1. It is actually self-contained, fucking well designed, and also the corner stone of the whole series if you really get into it.

1/2 were stripped down in a good way

most of 3s additions just got in the way of the actual game

Kojima's entire MGS career was spent trying to fix something that wasnt broken

>how do I stop being such a faggot?

Stop taking a cock up the ass

>most of 3s additions just got in the way of the actual game
never felt like this at any point, and I've been playing MG games since the terrible NES port of 1.

Then again, I simply adored the jungle /k/ommando idea and gameplay, even before I found Sup Forums.

good advice, thank you

>this guy

Not OP but I finished MGS1 last night and loved it. Is the HD version of MGS2 worth playing or should I look for the original?

HD version is fine. Play it while MGS1 is still fresh in your memory.

this, they are quite tightly connected

the HD ports of all MGS games are superb.
No reason to play originals.

Will do. Thanks