What is the worst/most useless ult in Overwatch?

My vote goes to Roadhogs ult.
I mean yea, it can be useful at times but most of the time it just prevents you from oneshotting 12 year olds and healing yourself and when you use it you get an aoe attack that deals minimal damage and just knocks around the enemies so you can't even focus someone down and reliably kill him.

What do you think is the worst ult in the game Sup Forums?

Winston's ult
Tracer does a better job at disrupting and tagging overtimes

I dunno user, good contender for worst ult but its quiet useful at contesting points and keeping the enemies busy since it also gives you a shitload of tankiness

i'd say genji's ult has the least impact
animation's way too slow

Yea I guess, but if you're sneeky you can take out the backline with it pretty easily

The issue is how inconsistent it is. If the damage always felt the same, it'd be better.

But you get situations where you pop ult and clear an entire point in three seconds of it, the rest you're popping ult and just pushing them to the wall doing no damage and having them come back at you when its down.

Its got shit synergy as well. Using it when a Mei, Zarya or Rein ults just pushes them away from potential damage if it decides to fuck you. Gladly i've had more than one occasion of a good Rein ult near a cliff and just pushing an entire team straight off.

Junkrat's every time.

Poor aussie's and their bad ults

Soldier's ult. Like what does it even do? Barely notice any difference.


Can be useful if there's a lot of confusion, but most of the time it just moves people.

that would be true if you weren't an idiot and waited until the animation for drawing out the sword is done before you go in

winstons ult is good if you can score environmental kills, obviously. but its also just good for pushing enemies off a control point and having them focus on you while, hopefully, your team focuses on taking the point. the added bonus of instantly regenerating health in an emergency situation is nice too. if you consider winstons to be useless, might as well pick d.vas as well because you have to be retarded to die to it.

I know that feel, I too get 100% hitrate with papaw 76 after every round but the sound of his ult alone makes dem bitches duck and weave

Dva's ult can be blocked by a pole.

Dva without a doubt

Git gud. Bring the tire up walls. Take the long way around. Don't just send the tire barreling down a hall to get shot.

At the very least, from the moment the enemy team hears, "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" they're going to be on edge and distracted, letting the rest of your team get free shot.

It's still effective at herding the enemy team away from the objective.

use it defensively after the enemy pushes with a lucio ult or something. offers great point control and makes the enemy scatter.

"JUSTI- ARGGGGGGGGGGGG" is the worst Ult in the game. It's the only Ult that guarantees the user's death 90% of the time.

Roadhog's may not be the strongest, but the fact that there's no vocal queue gives it an edge. The enemy team doesn't realize they're walking into a meat grinder until they notice all the extra scrap coming their way.

Pharah's ult is a suicide trip most of the times

An enemy Roadhog ult is accompanied by a certain laugh.

D.Va's got the worst ult by far. Can stand behind anything and it won't hurt you including Reinhardt's shield.

Mei's ult is pretty shit as well because Lucio can just speed boost his entire team out of it and Lucio is in like every single game.

Nah, if Zarya ults first it'll hold them in place while your ult decimates them.

You should almost always be able to get at least 1 kill with Junkrat ult. If you're greedy with it, or too obvious it'll die though.

You gotta be sneaky with that shit
Sneak behind the enemy team, wait untill they are bunched up, jump in the air and unload all over their unexpected faces
POTG evertim

Get your Zarya to shield you. Warning: only works when playing with friends.

Why does it even damage her? What's the point?

Yeah it does a lot of damage but it's provably easy to avoid because of it's massive fucking warning time so potentially having to have her put herself at risk as well as that seems odd.

Same applies to Tracer but it's at least less frustrating for her since it's clearly built to work with her rewind.

Roadhog has some of the best synergy with Zarya. It keeps them in place for her ult. All that damage that's usually spread is concentrated on a single point instead.

Pharah's ult, like almost every other ult out there, is highly situational, works best when the enemy is preoccupied as fuck or against just one or two nigs in close quarters.

is there a full video if this? Looks pretty awesome

Definitly McCree, you just kill everyone.
pff, whatever..

>against just one or two nigs in close quarters.
That's pretty much all I use it for anymore. Just a free kill on an enemy with his back turned.

I fucking hate Pharahs ult.

It is more effective not not use it honestly.

>Their McCree: "It's high noon."
>Me playing McCree: "It's high noon"
>all the enemies are outside of vision

fucking hell m8s
I don't even bother anymore


>Takes ages to go off
>Completely nullified by shields (will only take 50% of reins shield and he can protect his entire team from it)
>The only ult in the game that can actually damage/kill their user
>Takes a while to charge up

The only thing that it can reliably be used for is zone denial, but if the other team has shields then it can't even do that too well.

Pharah's is a close second but its damage output is so quick you can at least manage to get 1 kill in if you aren't terrible with it. It's also a lot easier to combo it with other ults because of how fast you can get it out.

>any McCree
>It's hi-

>Their McCree: IT'S HIGH NOON
>My entire team purposefully runs out of Reinhardt's shield to get wasted
>Playing McCree: IT'S HIGH NOON
>Entire enemy team suddenly is warped behind their Reinhardt's shield and focuses fire exclusively on me all at once

hook me up with that video

>Playing Attack on Gibraltar
>Enemy team holding us back at the second checkpoint
>I've got Ult, but they've got a Hanzo and a Soldier 76, either of which will kill me the instant I hit Q
>We eventually lose because I'm the only person on my team getting kills
>"Pharah, you use your Ult by hitting Q, just FYI"

>The only ult in the game that can actually damage/kill their user
Tracer's can kill her, splash from Bastion can damage/kill him. Not sure about Junkrat's, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Teeeeeechnically Soldier 76's can kill him with a Genji reflect.

>enemy junkrat
>entire team bunches up and tries to run

>play junkrat
>see enemy team grouped up
>everyone is either dead or nowhere to be found
>soldier 76 hits my tire with a helix rocket from across the map

[Overwatch SFM] If Overwatch Were a Highschool-Racing-Anime-Dramedy-Soap-Sitcom TV Show


I've Jihaded with Junkrat's ult, definitely kills you.

Iv literally never observed that happen

Pharah's ult does self-splash damage.

Winston and Zenyatta are tied for worst ult IMO.

Winston because it's nearly useless on its own, and relies on your teammates to capitalize on it. That and the fact that you do such negligible damage that most enemies see as more of an ult battery than an actual threat.

Zenyatta because it's very situational, and arguably the worst support ultimate.

Does it? I've used it while standing on the ground and had half the barrage hit the floor, but I didn't notice that I was taking damage.

Why does my team run away from me when I push the objective with my ult as Zenyatta?

This. Can't do shit if there's a team that's even semi-cooperative.
You can only fling them from points or hopefully into a pit somewhere.
Otherwise you'll generally be mauled.

Not even close. Both are guaranteed disruptions, which is more than you can say for some other Ults. Just because you're not getting kills, doesn't mean an Ult is ineffective.

>against just one or two nigs in close quarters.
My favorite thing is how assblasted people get when you ult one person (them). It's "took three of you to kill me"-level humor.

Protip: Genji's ult sword has a way wider range than it does length. same applies to Reinhardt

It's easier to hit someone diagonally than it is to chase them and aim at them head on

Dunno about ultis but the most useless ability in the game is edgelord's teleport. What the fuck is the point of it if you have to spend like five second is a pose animation with a big target on your stupid skull face?

Probably winston. It's fine against pubs but any remotely organized team can spread out and focus fire you very quickly without leaving the objective letting you knock maybe one person off

>Justice a Bastion
>"Was that really necessary?"
Killed you, didn't it?

>Lucio switching to speedboost outside of spawn
Why do you lie here

Can you name a worse ult?

he reloads way quicker thought

1000 hp heal
jump reset
jump cd reduc

Already have: Pharah's
D.Va's is worse than Winston's, for sure. Winston clears the objective just as strongly as D.Va, but can at least get some damage in.

You need to Git Gud if you seriously think this

Zenyattas Ult is actually fairly good

Too bad he's fucking trash overall

His ult is not for dmg. it's purely for panic and push offs. And for pushing them away from the payload.

I hear this all the time but those guys can be really pesky. They hit you with discord orb you pretty much melt. A good Zenny is always throwing out orbs everywhere and even DPSing like a mofo.

Majorly, he is just so unintuitive and weird to play that makes him so weak.

>Bullying a junkrat with my aerial superiority
>He hides in a building and uses his ult
>Tries to be a cheeky cunt by making his tire walljump and hit me
>Misses me just by a little too
>Flank him inside the building and ult his ass in return
>"fucking OP piece of shit"

>Pharah's ult is bad
>D.Va's ult, the best area-denial in the game, is worse than Winston's

How shit are you?

Zenyatta's only problem is being a sitting duck. Mercy can quickly escape to another teammate, and Lucio and his wonky hitbox can self heal or speed up to escape enemies. Both of them have more health than Zenyatta, who moves slowly and and has no real escape tools.

If Zenyatta wasn't hard-countered by the likes of Genji, Widowmaker, Hanzo, Winston and Tracer--one of which you'll find in nearly match--he'd be much more viable.

genji has arguably the strongest ult in the game

How shit are you, that you can't deny just as much area with Winston's Ult, while doing damage?

it is worse than winston's

Double winston is super good for a reason.

D.Va is objectively the worst character in the whole game.

idgaf if you do good with her, so do i. But compared to ever other hero she is garbage.

she does shit for damage. she has shit for utility. her ultimate is not only the most easily avoided, but also the SHORTEST area denial of all the ultimates. a junk rat ultimate rolling around for ten sec, a mcree high nooning and canceling at .2 sec.

Reinhardt is a better tank. Winston is a better flank tank

i need a overmeme shoop of INTO THE TRASH SHE GOES

>least impact

>genji already fast and mobile as fuck
>long duration
>crazy huge hitboxes
>long as fuck range
Nah it's easily the most overpowered along with zarya.

the amount of assblasting you can do with his swift strike cancelling, no, it's devastating and gamechanging

It pisses me off that so many Lucio players ignore the speed boost. It pisses me off more when I use the speed boost and you see 'change to heals idiot' message even though I just used my ult. Yeah I'm still annoyed at you GamerGregg, you fucking cunt.