When did you grow out of video games?
When did you grow out of video games?
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Who is that bad photoshop supposed to be?
I kind of am, games are just plain shit now from what I saw at E3 Thank god now I can move on with my life
>baby isn't black
What the fuck is this shittery
Yet still scrolling thru Sup Forums
When I started coming to Sup Forums. I can honestly say browsing this board has killed any love for video games I ever had.
I love the cuck meme
I go through phases, altho right now I'd say I'm real into games. I have a shit ton of games I just bought and haven't had time to finish because of school and work. After this week I'm going to play video games for 8 hours straight every day for 2 weeks.
I've run out of good games to play. Unless I start playing weeb games or obscure indie shit.
Not photoshop, it's real user.
Enjoy being a virgin memelord.
Who is that then?
for moment i thought it was moot
some pic of a random people OP found online
I think OP is implying it's him.
i grew out of TV at the age of 18
I grew out of music at age 21
I grew out of anime at age 22
I haven't grown out of vidya yet
maybe if moot bothered to work out
Never, now I am middle aged and married and we fucking play games every god damn day.
>I grew out of music
>I grew out of music
it's a form of media entertainment just like vidya or film
If you're life isn't dedicated to work you are a manchild.
When games became worse.
>If your life is life rather than literally-anything-but-life then you're a manchild
So you're either a manchild or a dead man walking? Sounds a very hard choice.
I haven't but I don't play video games as much as I used to.
10 hours per week is the maximum time I spend playing video games.
To have 2 giant cash drains in my life? No thanks, video games are fun as hell.
It's something I play in the car during my commute, have in my ears while I'm at work and need to concentrate and share with other people. It is absolutely an adult activity, "growing out of it" actually sounds more manchildish to me.
well considering he works for google now maybe probably not
at age 12 when I discovered weed
*tips Fedora*
50 yo and still going strong
This is acceptable as long as it is something to assist in productivity.
Otherwise it must be thrown out along with video games and TV.
>le fedora maymay
You are the cancer.
When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.
go fuck yourself op
>Le bait maymay
no user YOU are the cancer
I'm emotionally stunted and have no social skills
I'll never grow out of video games
video games are way easier than trying to negotiate all the commitments and responsibilities that come with friends and relationships
>I grew out of video games
what the fuck is the point of living if you're supposed to slave away and work in misery all the goddamn time
give me a good reason why I shouldn't kill myself today
Having a wife and kid doesn't mean you necessarily grow out of video games.
It usually does mean that you change up your gaming habits, though. Long games like Dota or LoL are much harder to come by, since dedicating that much time without being able to pause/step away is way too difficult.
>it's a thread where some NEETs pretend not to be NEETs to piss off the more gullible and autistic NEETs
Wew this autism is ripe
"Long" as in single sessions where you can't just step away, of course
have "fun" being a machine then faggot
I any case, it's why you generally see almost exclusively young kids playing that genre. Or old single people. Or a handful of parents who are bad at parenting.
When did you grow out of shitposting?
There's literally no reason besides for relationships you create or if you love your job
So just kill yourself pussy
Why not live like you're immortal if you want to die? If your actions get you killed, the result is the same.
Oh boy, I can't wait until I have a wife and child so she can leave me after a few years, take my money, alienate me from my child, and ruin my life because I felt the urge to pursue a traditionalist dream in a modern feminist society.
Sorry, but I'll stick to my video games.
your dream game will be announced the day after you an hero
I think you're overreacting a little
So... how was your childhood? Because that's far from a normal outcome.
All babies are born white/redish,they get darker over the weeks after their birth
*tips Fedora*
that's what your wife told you?
>be perfect husband, wife always comes first, provide for family while she stays home
>dick too big, she says it hurts to have sex, buy tool to try and stretch her out but no go
>she cheats on me with her best friends brother, he's Asian lol
>finally realize women are whores and the meme that they sold us that you need to "deserve" them is BS... They just want free shit and to get fucked
Why take the chance anyway. It's not like you're going to survive life. Neither will your kids. Might aswell enjoy them vidya before plunging in the big void.
This is why you shack up in a no fault state.
Who are you quoting?
I don't feel like I grew out of video games, but newer video games don't grab me anymore.
I can't tell if it's me or the games. I'm always replaying older titles (my favorite game of all time is Terranigma) and I have a Gaming PC but even then I was playing Star Control II last night.
I'm working on restoring a PC-8801 so I can play pic related.
I still get really excited for Nintendo. But this E3 seemed really dull and all these AAA titles seem the same. Honestly I'll get so nostalgia goggled that I'll bust out the 3dfx voodoo machine and play some Quake or Half Life.
I just don't know anymore.
Moot look so muscular
What happened?
>not recognizing moot
Newfag alert.
No I'm mixed and have seen me and my siblings baby pictures and children born from both races because of my family as well as some babies born in my family's church
>Christopher honey, what is this Four Chan on the computer?
I didn't really grow out of them.
They just died out.
I can't be bothered to play them anymore.
>tfw want to have babies but PCOS made my ovary explode
That is one gigantic tie.
Why tale the chance for anything, just stay inside like a scared little bitch
65% of marriages end in divorce. almost all of them end where the man pays alimony and the children live with the mother.
Not only IS it the normal outcome, you can count on it. There is no reason at all for a woman to stay married to you.
tits or gtfo
>Grew out of music
>65% of marriages end in divorce.
You'll die all the same and so will the rest of humanity. May it be 100 years from now or one million. It's already gone and nothing ever mattered.
Enjoy the vidyas while you still have time.
>tfw no gf
Is Tinder an option?
65% is bullshit, it's closer to 40-50%.
>mfw Americans say that marriage is a sacred bond between two people
>Ueda: It’s as if everyone “graduates” from video games eventually. When I looked around me, at people of my generation, I noticed they were all moving on. Yet, no one “graduates” from movies, nor do they stop listening to music as they get older. For some reason though, they stop playing video games. Why was that, I wondered? I sensed a danger in it, that it boded poorly for the future.
I think his statistic of 65% is marginally pulled out of his asshole, but the divorce rates today are exceeding marriage rates im pretty sure.
One of the biggest causes is cheating and infidelity.
uh...user pcos is usually because a woman is so morbidly obese her body stops functioning properly. You don't want to see "her" tits because she would likely be a morbidly obese cow with a beard dying of unregulated diabetes.
I hate shit like this. You make at least 1K a month with this kind of money. You can easily live comfortably on that much money, even with a family. You won't be eating at lobster restaurants, but you and your family would be way well off. When people say they want so and so job, all they really are saying is that they want more money while having less time off so they can fuck off more. It's all envy. People cry too much these days and the internet has made it worse.
a couple years ago, the last game i bought was new vegas on release, and last game i played was a dota match last month
>For some reason
Video games consume a lot more time than movies or music.
Americans don't say that.
Not modern Americans any how.
Marriage was shoved down our throats around the same time politicians started using Christianity to poll votes.
So early 1900s Late 1800s.
It's just stuck because it makes the church, city, and state a fuck load of money.
If America didn't want it, there wouldn't be commercials for it.
There wouldn't be reality tv shows for dream weddings.
There wouldn't be places to get married next to bars in New Vegas.
It isn't what Americans want its what America wants.
It makes money.
You know what makes more money? Divorce.
He's actually correct.
Obviously dependant on where you live.
Generally true of many western nations.
This link is relevant for 2014, generally stats are worse today in comparison.
They do in America
Probably in the US,I think it's very different globally
>in New Vegas.
Holy shit wow I come here too fucking much.
Las Vegas.
You're bullshitting OP, that can't be moot. Too muscular, too fleshy lips, and Moot doesn't have a black spot on his left cheek.
Happened to me too.
>dad's going to Vegas to blow money
>day of departure
>"hey dad, take lots of pictures around new vegas"
He didn't catch it at the time, but I realized what I said after the fact.
yeah same though I grew out of having sex too
>living comfortably on 1k a month
This simply isn't possible in any major city,and I highly doubt it anywhere else, especially not supporting anyone else.
I'm kinda like you, I'm very rarely excited by new games and I generally just play 90s PC games and sometimes arcade games if I want a challenge. It's just not the nostalgia factor because I play old games I've never played before often and enjoy them. The older (PC) games are often a bit clunky at some parts but they just have that... something that newer games don't. Gameplay-wise lots of new games feel very similar, I guess it's because devs have found out what works and what doesn't and it does make games more accessible but I also think that it has made the games less unique. I know that tons of shovelware shit was shat out back then too but still.
>any major city
Except most people don't live in the inner city where everything is high rise apartments, condos, and businesses. Most people commute to work, and the places around the city are far less expensive. If someone is hurting for money, it's because they spend too much of it. I had friends who made over 2K in a single month doing jobs, and they spent all that money buying expensive shit and gouging it on weekend affairs. It's their fault they were broke most of the time, not the system. You choose what you earn, and you also choose what you buy.
Yeah the last time my dick was inside a woman was when I was a baby xD
It's not. He's just using the wrong kind of knot for his neck/that shirt.
>over a decade after the seven hour war
>still wearing ridiculous ties
Once a Black Mesa scientist, always a Black Mesa scientist, I suppose.
I grew out of being a human,now I love as an ascended cross dimensional being
I want transangelic beings off my board.