Characters that should be in #FE2.
It is happening, you fucks.
Characters that should be in #FE2.
It is happening, you fucks.
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None, FE is dead to me.
if they ever decide to actually include characters from the classic games, I doubt it highly though
Spear-wielding ladies are the best.
she's hot, but that one face she makes is fucking scary nightmare fuel
#FE has plenty of characters from the first game. Including Caeda and Her super saiyan husband.
Just like you said Awakening 2 would happen?
go shove it up your ass.
I'm going to be honest. I would buy and not mind the idol bullshit in #FE if it didn't pretend FE2-10 didn't exist.
What if they take a different route and make TMS2 #Zelda instead?
My dick.
2-10 actually had some measure of artistic integrity, otaku hate that, it always has to be some cookie cutter garbage. It's so bad you have to TRICK them into buying games by using bait and switch tactics.
fair point, what I meant was that I wish they'd include characters from throughout the entire series rather than the Marth games and Awakening
Did that shit game sell enough to warrant a sequel?
Honestly, actually playing the game really emphasizes why they chose to go this route. They chose some really strange characters to be partnered with the protagonists, including Cain and Navarre. Keep in mind they also have former Fire Emblem characters as boss fights, including Abel of all people.
I really like it. It really makes me excited about the possibilities for a sequel.
>the smug
my dick
Who is she ?
It might be possible for the game to incorporate other Nintendo franchises. This is in the game, for example.
Stay Fresh!
Put him in and I'll definitely use whoever gets him.
go away reddit
She's in Fates. Birthright. Her name is Oboro.
It sold less than 30.000 on Japan and will never sell more than 50.000 on the west.
Nintendo and Atlus lost millions on this game, it's a huge failure probably the biggest bomb of the gen.
You'll never get a sequel to this garbage.
They're already talking about sequels, genius.
Besides, the game was very well received critically. It only makes sense to try again on more successful hardware.
I think this game has a lot of franchising potential, honestly. It feels like it has that sort of Yakuza quality to it, where you have to do everything you can in the game.
>no porn
Merch and CD sold well.
See all that fujo anime that gets a sequel? Yeah, because merch sell that much.
They don't make profit only from the game.
>Besides, the game was very well received critically.
And so does Call of Duty, doesn't mean its good.
Did you even look? She's easily one of the more popular girls in the game.
How well, exactly?
It would be nice to see actual numbers. I don't doubt the statement at all. Some of those vocal songs are really catchy.
That's fucking disgusting, the gaming public makes it clear it doesn't give a shit about their bastardization idolshit propaganda and yet they're making more because the brainless idolfaggots impulse bought their shitty merch.
I find nothing on gelbooru and sankaku senpai
>a chance to have characters from the other games finally
>it's just Fates characters and Marth characters again
Nintendo made a concert for the game, that got sold out. Also the songs got licensed for karaoke.
And CD topped digital nip charts.
No, but just look at Color Splash and Federation Force. Nintendo loves making stuff that people don't want now.
And nobody on Sup Forums brought this up... why?
>Your face where #FE becomes the franchise that ties Nintendo products into idol culture
>Your face when the Squid Sisters become actual fucking idols.
>Your face when this is only the beginning.
I hate you for reminding me about both of those disasters waiting to happen.
Can Ninty just make garbage mobile games already and leave us alone?
To Be fair, Nintendo hired idol groups for both #FE and Splatoon.
But the #FE being a media based stuff is Avex group fault. Read the staff interview.
Someone kill me
Or the otaku, I'll be happy either way.
>there will never be a real SMT X FE crossover
Fantastic, a idol production company, mass producing shitty idols that are so samey they need gimmicks to tell them apart, who can't even fucking DATE without causing a riot with their pathetic, mindless 'fans'
I don't know why people bitch about idol stuff.
Fags never buy idol related stuff or play that kind of games.
And #FE isn't going make Miura stop berserk.
Would you want a JRPG with FE characters or a SRPG with SMT characters?
Atlus said that they didn't want make a SRPG because IS can make one. They wanted make something that IS can't make.
Also DeSu and Majin tensei exists.
The idol industry is a disgusting, horrofying shame of a industry that take girls and turn them into mass produced moe blob idol robots who can't even date or have normal interactions with other people for fear of breaking the 'illusion'. At least the American pop idol industry is somewhat amusing in its mindless debauchery and its spectacular meltdowns, Japanese Idols are just hollow.
What about Korean idols?
Made of plastic
I honestly think it'd be cool if they release sequels that focused on different genres of music like rap, dadrock, or country
I'd play the shit out of Def Jam: Weeb Wars
You don't seem to mind bitching about Battlefield 1 for doing things you don't like, why should I make the exception for Hashtag FE?
Aqua or that slut Camilla only
no it's not
I heard they're basically around for softcore porn.
You're literally defending Color Splash right now.
I don't actually talk about Battlefield or Call of Duty, or any other series like that anymore. They don't appeal to me, and they clearly aren't made for me, so I have no reason to spend time bitching about them when they don't bother me at all. Maybe you should stop putting so much stock in games you don't like and let yourself and the people around you enjoy something for once.
There were a whole bunch of otaku who went apeshit a couple months back because there was a rumor that one of the voice actors for Love Live was a pornstar
Idol life is no joke
>being this lewd
Shut the fuck up retard, they lost millions on this piece of shit.
Well received? By who? The 6 peoole that bought the game?
Your delusional, just accept your weaboo garbage "game" failed and pretend that makes it good cuz "casuals and stuff".
That would actually be less pathetic than what you are doing right now.
I repeat, 26.000 sales less than 30.000 LTD in Japan, you'll never see a sequel, everyone involved in this probably got fired already.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
Put Rock and Metal so we can have a true Weeb Hero(tm). or a JRPG brutal legend.
That face arouses me.
>Must be bullshit, google it
>It really sold 26k first week and never charted again.
People bitch about blacks in BF1, I complain about the idol industry and its cancerous cult of personality tendencies, you can't take either I suggest you leave.
#16 on UK charts.
Well, its doing well on west at least.
Oh, it's on the UK CHARTS that must mean something if they're taking their sweet fucking time from praying to Allah to play some shitty ass idolgame
It sold worse than every Megaten and Fire Emblem, as well as Maken X, Ronde, and every major WiiU game aside from Wonderful 101
To say it flopped is an understatement
Europe is Fifa land.
That's quite impressive, because aside France nobody gives a fuck about nintendo there.
>You're literally defending Color Splash right now.
Not him but there's nothing wrong with Color Splash either.
Just picked this game up, Sup Forums.
Please tell me it's alright and not a giant pile of shit
Reassure my purchase
You bought a stinker and you are actively encouraging the downfall of Japanese gaming.
I can't wait for Kirias daughter with Yashiro to have her as a Mirage
Yes, it's great. If you like JRPGS in general you'll like it.
It shouldn't get a sequel but I can see it happening. It will probably be even more butchered too.
Its ok
Story's trash and most of the characters suck but the combats decent enough
Probably not worth it at full price but you'll probably have at least some fun with it
Kill yourself.
Who is that dancer?
>"it's a huge failure probably the biggest bomb of the gen."
>He hasn't heard about Codename S.T.E.A.M. or Battleborn
Tokyo Mirage Sessions 2
Hasn't been announced, but it's always possible
Oh god please no.
I wouldn't bear the sight of the best FE protag reduced to an edgy summon in Idolmaster x Persona.
They can recycle Marth, Chrom and the Fates trash as much as they like but please keep them away from Sigurd, Hector and Ephraim.
Oh, that's not going to happen lmao
Yes it will
No sales.
I honestly think becoming edgy is one of the better things to happen to Chrom, even if it's only because it's really funny.