Sale ends in 2 days so let's trade all your ancient shit before it is too late!
Post what you want and what you have.
Sister sale thread:
Sale ends in 2 days so let's trade all your ancient shit before it is too late!
Post what you want and what you have.
Sister sale thread:
>2 days
i thought it's ending in 5 days, including today
I'm willing to trade any Steam game under 13€ for Overwatch :^)
Steam Keys:
Lots of Star Wars games (Battlefront 2, Kotor, Jedi Knight etc)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut
Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
Grow Home x2
Dead Island GOTY
Risen 1 & 2
Saints Row 2 & 3 complete
Hitman Absolution
The Last Remnant
Murdered Soul Suspect x 2
Tomb Raider games
Remember me
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae
Fairy Bloom Freesia
Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising & Red River
Steam Gifts:
Nuclear Dawn
Omerta: City of Gangsters
The Ship - 2 pack (2 times)
Final Fantasy XIII
Lightning Returns
Anything else for RM?
>nuclear throne
>secret ponchos
>gun monkeys
>the void (got itself removed from steam so it's rare game)
will trade all of these for DOOM 4
(gift items are 3 magicka 2 sneak peek gifts and the void (made by the guys who made pathologic))
I'm open to offers, but don't have anything specific in mind.
They all together not worth of DOOM
But I will trade you Terraria from your wishlist for NT
doom currently costs 36 euro
all of them together (except for the void since it isn't on steam stor anymore) is 33, the void should fill the gap
Okay, no problem, then you surely won't have issues with offers.
AoE 2 HD
100% OJ Juice
>says all of them together are not worth the same as DOOM
>want to trade terraria (4.99) for NT (11.99)
It doesn't matter if a game is removed from steam if it's a shit game.
It will only be worth something to a real collector and it could take months to years to find someone who is willing to pay much for it.
i don't have one, just hoping for offers
>the void
>shit game
fuck off
Steam gift:
SP Fractured But Whole
Dark Souls 3
+ fill in for the rest.
Void was bundled many times and still being sold on other stores,
It worth nothing, all collectors have it.
As I said - sure you have no issues with offers then.
some bundled game for aoe2?
what game?
Crypt of the Necrodancer for both?
This thread is pretty dead, huh?
a little bit
Killer Is Dead Nightmare Edition(Steam Gift, not HB code)
Crypt of the necrodancer?
Want: New Doom, Zero Time Dillemma, Witcher 3 Expansions, Firewatch, Killing Floor 2, The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed
Are they all revealed cd-keys or you still can generate gift links for some?
Also, what region is FF14 code? NA or EU?
Almost all are unredeemed keys from Humblebundle, FFXIV is from Square Enix Bundle 3, bought in EU but I don't know if you can pick.
Killer is Dead
Deus Ex Collection
Total War: SHOGUN 2
7 days to die
Not interested, sorry...anything else?
So it is EU one, that sucks.
I can buy you Firewatch for:
DmC + Forest + Bastion + FF EU code + DmC4
Arkham City GOTY Edition
Offers or TF2 Stuff
I want similar giveaway shit 1:1
Nah, pretty cheap right now
so is Asylum
it also was bundled 2 times you jew
Steam Summer Cards:
Everything is fine x5
The Swell is righteous today x2
Naptime is the best time
Go for the gold
Yes I am talking purely about the steam summer sale trading cards.
Call of Pripyat for Nuclear Throne?
Pic related
Tonnes of Steam keys (not listing them if you are looking for something specific ask)
Hyper Light Drifter
War for the Overworld
>tfw just sold one
Will buy Slain for prototype and DR2
Christ people like you are stupid.
If i buy a card from the market, can i use it in crafting of a badge?
I mean there are restrictions with when it comes to trading and marketablity
Holiday Sale 2011 Gift: Half-Life 2: Episode One
Nuclear Throne Cards
Binding of Isaac Rebirth Cards
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream Cards
Cthulhu Saves the World Cards
Garry's Mod Cards
88 Steam Gems
A bunch of TF2 cosmetics and shit I will probably never ever ever use, because TF2 is dead to me.
Darkest Dungeon
Valkyria Chronicles
Dunno what else, honestly
You can use the card you bought to craft, but the items you'll get(emote and BG) wont be tradable or marketable for a week
Yes, you can.
However, crafted items will have 7 days cooldown
Do you have Lil' Hunter card from NT?
Dead Island Riptide Complete Edition
Dungeon of the Endless Crystal Pack
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Planetary Annihilation TITANS
Risen 2 Dark Waters Gold Edition
Sacred 3 Gold
Saints Row 2
Saints Row the Third The Full Package Steredenn
W: offers and wishlist items
everything I posted is a Humble Bundle item that I can gift you
Yes. Yes I do.
Do you mind trading it 1:1 for other NT card?
want dragon's dogma.
have couple of game, check the profile.
Remember me for Hurtworld and Fahrenheit for PA:TITANS?
>private gift inv
sounds good, add me senpai
made a list
>trying to trade actviated games from library
I have 2 Frozen City, 1 Crystal Caves, 2 Desert, 1 Lil Hunter. I'll probably convert everything to gems, and give you Lil Hunter, not sure. Honestly don't care for Steam badges or anything like that anymore. All that died years ago for me.
You have anything that I might want for this Lil Hunter card?
>live in Mexico
>can't gift to 80% of the world
get walled
Hurtworld and PA:T are gone, everything else still up for trade
You know he is going to lose hard, right?
silence Paco
HAVE (keys)
Dungeon of the Endless Crystal Pack
Planetary Annihilation TITANS
>dawkins pouting.jpg
not as hard as your currency
Hotline Miami for trade
Do you want any of these games?
Hotline for Hurtworld?
still giggling about this.
Hey, everyone had their first time
>pic related
Humble Bundle Codes:
>Samorost 2
>A Virus Named TOM
>Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken
>The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II
>Grey Goo Definitive Edition
>Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes
>Endless Space Emperor Edition
>SUPERFIGHT Closed Beta Access + Micro Deck
>Gunman Clive
Plus pretty much all the codes from the 2016 E3 Digital Ticket, minus Warframe and Monster Hunter.
>Rocket League
>Stardew Valley
>Salt and Sanctuary
>Hyper Light Drifter
>Hotline Miami 2
>Resident Evil 0/REmake HD
>Neptunia U
Hello, from your list I have:
Hotline Miami 2 and Rocket League
ORI, TRANSITOR and Dishonored.
Ori and Dishonored for both? by the way.
Anybody have Darkest Dungeon?
I will pass.
ori isn't even definitive, you have to pay for upgrade
I do, what do you offer
Didn't even Ori had a Definitive Version, sorry.
What do you want for just Rocket League?
how do I know which games are tradeable?
Ori + any of the mentioned.
click on the item in the inventory, it has tags
Deal, Ori+Dishonored for Rocket League.
This is my url
See if you want to know what specific TF2 items I have, check
user, what's is the current price of DD?
$14.99 from $24.99
[H] this
[W] anything from my wishlist
Titan Souls for RUST or DST?
I have Valkyria, Titan Souls, AOM, 35mm, HM2
want: rust mostly, DST
noty; price difference too high
I have:
Dust: An Elysian Tale
Guns of Icarus Online Collector's Edition
I want:
Willing to trade both away for this game.