Why did Battleborn fail, Sup Forums?
Why did Battleborn fail, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because it's all about badass women instead of about good gameplay.
How many times are you going to post this today?
>"But let's pretend Overwatch doesn't exist for a minute, and talk instead about what makes Battleborn great.."
oh, so nothing?
Proof your deviantart sonic characters turned 3D women have to actually be interesting to look at
not anymore?
did they change it?
Okay, last thread ended with the discovery that the Author of this article is going to write a book about Borderlands.
Let's see how far the rabbit hole goes, shall we? Because indeed, we are all about ethics in game journalism.
She's a blogger, but let's face it. Shit sites like polygon, kotaku and Vice are all part of the problem that almost ruined videogames.
Dead men tell no stories
because the game is so dead it might as well not exist anymore
I don't think Battleborn is that bad. I think it's the best thing Gearbox has made, which isn't saying that much.
The story was none existant though.
If the severs where a desolate wasteland full of game "journalists" trying to tell us the game still has players.
Seen this thread literally 4 hours ago
I hope you get AIDS
The art style is confused and ugly. The characters are grotesque and have zero personality. Where is the booty? Where are the titties? Hm?
because it is literally a game about trannies made by trannies for trannies
Hooooly shit this mirage is bad.
Cause its being spammed you fucking idiot
Shit art direction
Shit writing
Shit gameplay
Sorry I'm not on Sup Forums 24 hours a day. I don't know what's going on. "You fucking idiot"
>Hooooly shit this mirage is bad.
Are you hallucinating in the desert? It's a collage.
Also, fuck Stillborn.
what a pleb. kill yourself.
>linking the article
collage + mosaic = mirage?
There's that word again. Why is badass used so often around Gearbox games?
Still a good game. You should play it.
no clue, but i love this animated intro way too fucking much.
Because the cool kids are hip badasses, am I right son?
>Where is the booty?
OPs picture literally has the booty. If only the face could be fixed though.
I dont know about anybody else though, I forgot who was in the beta
apparently this
answers that question
Because it's actually not about the women and this shit is being made up
I take it this is the level of journalism we can expect from AUSTIN WALKER'S VICE GAMING
Badass != tryhard & angsty
because all their games are bad and suck ass
To get the thread deleted, silly.
Why are these articles so passive-aggressive? Do liberal white people really hate themselves this much?
Basically a white knight sealed away from reality for too long.
>Badass Badasses badassing badbadass badasses
Man, Gearbox sure loves that word
Reminds me of the whole "mature gamers for mature people such as myself" thing
And I thought Vidia had problems with the liberal faggots, comics seems to be broderline infected with them.
My country isn't so bad, but Sweden, Germany, Amerika and Canada instills in you a guilt because you're white. Germany double so because of the war, some of them welcomed the refugees as a perverted form of repentance against it.
Because a rat (Gearbox) tried to pick a fight with a whale (Blizzard)
thats why. If the rat was content with eating it's cheese instead of trying to shittalk the whale in the Alantic Ocean on a papercraft boat, they wouldn't have gotten rekt so hard and may have found a niche with other cheese lovers.
First week on the job and this is the shit published?
So what is he saying women don't play video games? How sexist.
>Germany double so because of the war, some of them welcomed the refugees as a perverted form of repentance against it.
Even at the cost of they're women being raped by the MASSES in public? Damn, Germany. You cucked as fuck.
Would something have to be alive to die? This game had nothing going for it.
Im an american white male and i have no white guilt. Am i flawed?
>Even at the cost of they're women being raped by the MASSES in public?
It was just groping because arabs thought Germany is just like in those german porn videos on the internet.
The thing is, britbongs like to blow it up in order to cover up Rotherham, where immigrants raped children for years, made them accuse their fathers who then ended up in jail and the police didn't do anything because it would've been racist.
If you're looking for a western country to rape in, you should go to the UK.
>Sweden instills in you a guilt because you're white
>Shit gameplay
>SUPER MEGA BADASS shit character design
> shit interface
>releasing at the same time around like overwatch
>the character design is rrrreeeeeeeaaaaaalllllllyyyyy shitty
I have no idea
>Atari Jaguar
>Im an american white male and i have no white guilt.
It's just that there is no common enemy anymore.
There was Nazis, communists and then uptight conservatives (Rock is the devil's music and shit like that).
Now nothing really stands in your way except yourself
>Cindy Kai
Why do they always have these horrible unique snowflake names
HAHAHA fucking completely written off 2 month after launch. I love it!
Did we already have this thread? Why do keep posting this and illiciting shit post, user.
>see threads on Sup Forums getting deleted all the time
>this piece of shit is allowed to shill his clickbait for 32 fucking threads violating global rule 11 with no consequences.
do you fucking job hotpockets
but were actively shitting on it in the comments, and, i would hardly call it shilling.
hinger dinger durgen
do you have noting better to do than make this thread 5 times a day
Really makes you think.
This makes me laugh.
> giving them clicks
> not shilling
okay kaitlin
Explains the tranny faces I suppose.
/r/ing gearbox dialogue screencap
at least it's not a food analogy
This is probably the dumbest stretch out of these threads.
Not really related to the thread, but...
I'm not the only one who sees this every time I see him, right?
Post yfw Battleborn is contractually obligated to make DLC that nobody will buy.
I´m Swedish and i never felt guilt for being white and my country have never shamed me about being white.
Har du ens träffat riktiga människor i Sverige? Fan jag har arbetat med skolan och har aldrig sett människor bli mobbade för att vara vit eller att gilla att vara svensk.
Inte ens folk på gymnasiet är lika dumma som du.
Someone got the picture of the fake meme FPS hub compared to Battleborn's hub?
Battleborn at its core is a neat idea clouded by terrible execution.
Killed all potential hype by trying to attack blizzard.
Devs refuse to actually engage in discussion with their playbase.
Been extremely slow to patch both performance and balance issues.
Killed their matching by removing the lvl filter from matches.
Introduced a cash shop instead of pushing out much needed fixes.
Recently announced another matchmaking overhaul which will remove the ability to choose a game mode so that they can force their remaining playerbase into 1/2 queues together in hopes of speeding up the queue times.
>really makes you think
And the thought is 'yuck'.
>you suck my dick i'll suck yours
oh wait, i'm doing all the sucking
> Okay, last thread ended with the discovery that the Author of this article is going to write a book about Borderlands.
might as well post it to KIA or cripchan (the board is dead but the thread on their Sup Forums seems to still be active)
Do you feel like a badass now?
>nuanced storytelling
Oh pull the fucking other one. Borderlands' current standard of writing is as subtle and nuanced as being hit in the head with a brick.
maybe after the three hundredth time OP makes this thread
Why is women being "badass" somehow a virtue? Women are not supposed to be "badasses" nor does it somehow make them better characters if they are. Rather than being proud of all the great traits of feminity, you're trying to have women compete with men for the role of masculinity.
freelance writer for... try reading.
>wanna go out?
>sorry, i'm into chicks
What did they mean by this? I feel like a joke is there but i just can't quite put my finger on it
>At least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013