Are you looking forward to Battlefield 1?
Are you looking forward to Battlefield 1?
>WW1 game
>France isn´t playable
Wtf familiam
Of course they're in
They took out women for historical accuracy yet left these idiots in why?
>WW1 game
>full of niggers
>no france
what the hell are they doing? stick france in there if you want niggers...
>no france
Bravo DICE excellent video game you got there
France or Russia isn't avail. The absolute fuck? It was Russia who gave weapons to the Serbians to start the war in the first fucking place, and Russia was contending the Hungrians for the Balkans before the assassination even started.
The game has to have Americans (To whom are the obese motherfuckers going to relate to if they are not in?), and by the time americans joined the war, the bolshevisks had already signed a peace treaty.
That´s why there is no Russia.
Not having France in a WW1 game makes no sense though.
Also 3/4 of the british classes are niggers.
Its Battlefront/Hardline 2.0
Normies aren't going to eat this crap up as much as they want to, especially with how fucked up it is, in terms of SMGs and late WW1/before WW2 tech being in the game (scopes!),
>no france and russia
gg no re dice
France had 8.6 million fucking soldiers that fought in WWI, and they aren't even in the damn game?
Gotta leave something for the DLC ;)
If I play as an officer do I get to run around with a revolver and a walking stick because I'm too middle class for that shit
For historical accuracy they should only allow players who went to private school to be commanders
I'm glad the UK has sikhs though, easily the most baller religion going
Because we're better than you.
Super power > everyone else.
>t. salty eurocuck
Hahahaha, eat shit Muhammad. You'll be begging to be let into our country once your islamic caliphate state of a nation burns down, pay your respects while you can.
Someone post the black German solider.
>Oh God guys I'm so triggered they shouldn't be allowed to do this
They shouldn't.
because we won both world wars for you
or made you lose
why are yuropoors still so salty whenever people bring up the true world war winners?
Last battlefield I played was 3 and not gonna change it. Dice can keep their shit after statement that they are pushing diversity in I think there won't be any new battlefield games for me.
well its only a game its not real : if there is a black man who is a medic in the game you know its fiction
Remove America and put in Canada if you need a NA rep so bad.
I love this Sup Forums history lesson where America didn't fight in a single war, including the revolutionary one.
Is white guilt a weapon?
Really mskes you think
nah america just lost every war it ever fought in
Am deutschen Wesen soll Afrika genesen.
considering that hardline is actually pretty fucking fun and the fact idiots like you wanting to hate it make the community quite good, i hope so.
I'm sticking with Overwatch and Titanfall 2 for my multiplayer shootan this year
Canada participated in the war more than the Americans.
Over the past few years I've learnt to hate the word "diversity".
>tfw the commander says it's time to push out of the trenches
>tfw you're in the first wave
Would a truly realistic WW1 fps even be fun? I'm still waiting for a good WW1 movie but I doubt even that could capture the scale of death and destruction. WW1 was a pivotal point in human history where we truly realized our capacity to destroy ourselves.
>I'm still waiting for a good WW1 movie
Is this a serious post, or are you really that much of an uncultured pleb?
Am I the only person excited for Austria-Hungary
Are there any movies about the Battle of the Somme
>considering that hardline is actually pretty fucking fun
good bait
good joke
its fundamentally backwards
not even developed to be part of the main series
it was bugged with hardcore issues in the netcode even past launch, mostly with hitmarkers/hitboxes
good fucking joke user
its dead too, baitposter
>if SJWs want their views in games they should make their own!
>still complains about SJW games
What is this supposed to show me, user? That there is character customization? So it's just like Battlefront, I suppose.
>no France
>no Russia
Confirmed shit
>the US was not involved in WW1 in any meaningful way
>still in the game
Might as well put blacks and women in too if your trying to be inaccurate.
swear to Dogg if they make a single austro-hungarian class a chimp i'm gonna shoot up a school
They're both in :^)
Now what?
Game is pretty comfy, defending a zepperlin from incoming planes is neat.
Which one of those is the black one
Nobody wants to be french, not even the french.
>Russians in WW1
>Play as a retard peasant who doesn't want to be there charging machine guns with farming tools or sticks
sounds fun tbqh
all of them
it's funny because even if you point it out, neofags and SomethingAwful cucks will still deny that their precious game industry has been co-opted to teach liberal submissive agendas to white kids.
Both used colonial regiments. Not in central Europe, that's right but they where used so it isn't completely wrong/historical revisionism.
Also the game is no way a representation of what actually happened. No one was using all those experimental weapons, neither where Zeppelins used as heavy air support (aside from dropping some bombs, maybe)
Reminder that DICE's president is literally a communist swede.
I wish there was some way we could get in touch with the devs with the unrealistic setting. Like, being able to play black germans.. I mean what the flying fuck is going on?
And as I asked earlier, if everyone is going to get pandered into some minority group, why not let us be able to play as caucasian ottomans as well?
I mean it's almost embarrassing at this point. No one has any objections with a modern setting, but this is fantasy, and they keep saying this isn't an alternate universe for some reason.
>Implying dice gives a fuck about historical accuracy
As if it wasn't bad enough that they have Kangz everywhere in this game (watching gameplay is a fucking joke with blacks all over the place), they put in fucking ITALY but not France.
Italy was only slightly more relevant than America, but at least America makes sense for us burgers. So why Italy over fucking France or Russia.
And if you want fuming blacks in a shooter be fucking creative and have fights in the colonies. But noooooooo they wuz kangz and shit and we gotta respect them and shieeeet.
Daily reminder if you still care about these games you don't belong on this board.
If you want to talk about race politics there are other boards for that.
>no Russia
>no France
>on Sup Forums
"gb2/v/ faggot"
>on Sup Forums
"gb2/pol/ alt-right faggot"
"Fuck off back to Sup Forums" seems to be the start response to retarded posts on every other board.
This board is really a retard magnet.
A little bit. Hoping the flying is good, it looked okay. Also hoping there's some good bolt action rifle combat that has nothing to do with sniping, and that shotguns are used often.
Kinda worried they'll make the guns more modern for gameplay purposes.
>Watch people hate the game when it comes out.
>games industry is infamous at being fucking awful at keeping historical accuracy
>another game does it
wew laddy.
yea but if you play as an American you only get to participate in the last 10% of the battle.
They are doing it.
its about WWI america entered the war right at the end when the war was literally already won
>post mlp shit
"gb2/mlp/ faggot"
>post trump / jews / SJWs
"gb2/pol/ faggot"
>post raids / epic lulz
"gb2/b/ faggot"
>act like a general retard
"gb2/v/ faggot"
>faught entirely by european men
While most were white, there were a bunch of blacks and Indians from European colonies fighting in the war.
of course you would : ^)
This is not an inaccuracy resulting from overlooking something or not being too serious about the whole thing: It's a clear agenda.
Imagine a game about a Japanese Geisha house and half the characters were black trannies. "Hurrdurr, it's just inaccurate, not an agenda."
>gameplay in the trailer consists of a man riding a motorcycle down street while firing a submachine gun with one hand at enemy soldiers before crashing into a tank
this is fine
>the man's hand is black
Why would ANYONE want to play any recent Battlefield game? Just don't buy it you fucking idiots.
>Imagine a game about a Japanese Geisha house and half the characters were black trannies.
You mean the sort of shit that happens in theater literally all the time?
>Imagine a game about a Japanese Geisha house and half the characters were black trannies.
I did, user. What now? Please describe this new environment in more detail.
>Didn't get an invite
BF4 was fun though
>Loves to shoehorn in diverse people
>Doesn't even inlclude the french who acctually used colonial troops
Figuratively what the fuck are they thinking?
Has Sup Forums ever gotten THIS butthurt over a videogame before?
We have one thread after another of this, i'm enjoying all this anger.
you literally got in when the credits started rolling in
Once fixed, BF4 became GOAT.
>Kinda worried they'll make the guns more modern for gameplay purposes.
Over half the guns shown so far were in their prototype stages or just hitting mass-production near the end of the war.
Don't really care, different sides don't change a thing in BF games.
>Kinda worried they'll make the guns more modern for gameplay purposes.
>Sup Forums saying gameplay is less important than historical accuracy
What the fuck.
Greetings, Reddit.
>hoping there's some good bolt action rifle combat
>Kinda worried they'll make the guns more modern
Bolt action rifles were fun in WaW is all. They're probably hard to balance for Battlefield though.
>Bolt action rifles were fun in WaW
Until someone came in with a MP40 and you got your shit pushed in.
Also, is anyone else getting two ''white boxes'' whenever you open the captcha window?
>Sup Forums saying gameplay is less important than historical accuracy
Well what's the point tackling the setting if you just going to make it like something else?
Look at COD WaW, and at Black Ops 3.
WWII shooter vs futuristic one set 140 years later.
Only difference in gameplay is the jetpack, wallrunning and infinite sprint.
These ''settings'' have always been gimmicks, trying to sell new coats of paint as new shit.
And WWII was conveniently the turning point in how we handled 'modern warfare'.
By your logic we should go back to the Punic wars so I can get me some sweet Assault Sling action. Maybe slap an ACOG on my pilum.
>By your logic we should go back to the Punic wars so I can get me some sweet Assault Sling action. Maybe slap an ACOG on my pilum.
We should? No, but that's the formula of this shooters, so it could happen.
Don't know why anyone was expecting something unique from a Triple A shooter, even more from Battlefield.
>games like CoD:AW and Titanfall have primed the market
>yet no return to BF2142
>Pre ordered the Deluxe edition of BF1 on Origin
>No Alpha Invite
May aswell fucking cancel.
>fights in the colonies
So, only European maps or something? That's dumb
I love the United States, d_g bless America. But I rather have the French be in the game since, you know, they were heavily involved lmao.
The thing that we should all be sperging out about is that there are fucking niggers. Holy fuck Dice wanted to celebrate having Niggers in a European war so they decide to invite a bunch of rappers to E3 just to play some Battlefield.