Name a plot twist better than this in vidya.
Name a plot twist better than this in vidya
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Kotor 1 caught me off guard, and I can usually sense plot twists like that from a mile away..
Digital Devil Saga 2's plot twist was pretty fucking cool
>protagonist is villian's son who was genetically created to develop incredibly fast and was created with a tick that would allow him to obey any command as long as it follows the phrase "would you kindly"
Shitty twist
I honestly cannot think of one. The first Portal comes pretty close, but Bioshock did a better job of building up to the twist..
>inb4 idiots ITT say that the bioshock twist was lame because they already knew that it would happen because they had it spoiled for themselves.
>inb4 was literally one second too late
Where's this plot twist from?
Also, Matt Engarde being guilty was GOAT.
that one was beyond obvious, what the fuck?
Going from tanker to big shell was a giant curveball
morphogenetic fields
I'm rather dim at times.
Don't open it.
god looking back on it it baffles me that the bioshock games are successful at all
awful gameplay and fucking awful writing that thinks its way smarter than it is.
ken levine happened to read a wiki article about conditioning on the day he decided to write the script and the rest is history.
*golf clubbed*
twist was lame because it pretends its smart while being revealed to you along with the rest of his plans by a maniac cartoon villain.
You can say all you want about Infinite but don't you fucking date act like BioShock 1 isn't one of the greatest games ever made.
Ken Levine aside because he's a massive flaming faggot, BS1 is perfection.
>fucking date act like BioShock 1 isn't one of the greatest games ever made.
im sorry what
>everyone the entire game tells you not to open it
>people still opened it
What an explosive ending
He obviously meant dare
obviously not what im concerned with
>characters heavily emphasize the time limit
>there is no time limit
ruined the entire game for me
>actually not getting it
>not enforcing the time limit yourself
>needing more that 1 minute out of the 6 for easy mode sudoku with handicaps (highlighting correctly filled groups)
Makes M. Night. Shyamaladingdong look like a 5th grader.
>a plot twist that introduces the best characters and triples a games length
nothing comes close desu
I felt manipulated.
Paz turning out to be a bad guy was better.
There are still faggots who don't believe he actually is solid snake.
Just about any other "guy you thought was good is really evil" generic garbage
You can't specifically name a better example though.
lords of xulima
Grimrock 2 Leprechaun
Heiss in Radiant Historia.
eye divine cybermancy
better written game too
Serph did literally nothing wrong
Dude, it says right there Iroquois Pliskin.
>play game 3 times
>still have no idea there's a twist
>You monster.
>the bullshit at the end where it's supposedly up to Phoenix to choose Engarde's verdict, but if you choose "Not Guilty" he gets the guilty verdict anyway
I'm still mad about this. It would have been better to not have that choice at all, than to create the illusion of free choice
Great case overall though.
I think the mindfuck was about you thinking you did it all by yourself when in fact it was a setup. But SpecOps does the same thing better. And both of these games are shit at doing it, since both of them think that deconstruction of game design is worth a shit without providing the alternative choices. Not memeing here, but Undertale actually managed it better.
How its revealed is pretty shitty but the twist itself is really good.
How it ties in to mother 1 and 2 is great.
That's not Solid Snake though. Solid Snake died on that tanker two years ago, did you pay attention to the game at all?
James killing his wife Mary.
Dark Souls 1
>Get too excited to show De Killer the Video Tape and accidentally swap the order in which to show them
>had to redo the entire second half of the trial
When the Exo Stranger didn't have time to explain.
>More info at
What twist?
The entirety of Silent Hill 2
(which I love just slightly more than Bioshock)
I bet Sad Dad is actually just the Stranger in an elaborate suit.
Think about it, you never see them in the same place and they both can't explain shit.