Any games that let me kill Nazis?

Any games that let me kill Nazis?


Plenty. But are there any games in which you kill Jews specifically? Bonus points if they're good.

No, that's a pretty unique idea user. You should make video games.



no there are no WW2 games at all, its the most unexplored setting in video games

Watch Dogs

The Saboteur

>2 posts in
Sup Forums has gotten quick.

Death to Spies.

you play as an irishman in paris, kind of like ww2 gta.

some young Sup Forumstard is gonna grow up and become a film director and make a reverse Inglorious Basterds in the next 30 years or so. Mark my words.

The Saboteur.

I got that and Inglorious Basterds on Blu-Ray when I got my PS3.

I'm just interested in playing something a bit different that's all.

old school cowaduddy

Sniper Elite V2

Sniper Elite 3

>next 30 years or so
it can't come soon enough

hearts of iron 4

Not even a Sup Forumsfag, but I want a game where I can kill Jews, cause I can't go around killing capitalists in IRL.

And no one will here about it because it's just on YouTube

are there any games where you can be the nazi?

>Pic related is what Sup Forums is comprised of

>a shtit german actor playing a nazi killer

Full of nazis or SJWs?

>next 30 years or so.

If SJWs doesn't completely hijack the government maybe.

Not all German soldiers are Nazis

Any games that let you kill Lienz Cossacks for England?

Why would you want to kill the good guys?

Call of Duty 1 and 2.
Nothing quite like mowing down Nazi scum, A+ games.

This, hidden behind millions of other fan film projects, in the trash where they belong.

>kill Nazis

Boring. Any games that let me kill Communists?

Kill commies as americans? Plenty

Kill commies as nazis? Red Orchestra

red orchestra as a commander with artillery or a tank driver

