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>he doesn't tear his clothes off

That was cool. His power is so immense it stears his suit off as he transforms into his battle mode. I miss this.

Yoooo is Urien confirmed for Marvel?

Why is he so sexy, Sup Forums?

what went wrong?


He's supposed to be modeled after the Greco-Roman Wrestler.

So does this mean he's holding back in SF5, or does he not have bronze mode yet?

It could mean that Capcom just forgot that he transforms at all. He's bronze with white hair in his suit in V.



here's hoping his new theme doesn't suck

He looks like a nightclub owner. Does coke, smug and hits women.

Not the Greco-Roman fighter with a metal body I remember.

>No man thong
>Tight fitted suit with well framed man cleavage

I'm OK with this

why he bleed

God I hope his theme doesn't suck.

he rip arm

Looks like a generic dude now. Sadly without that diaper, he just loses that aura of a god.

That kind of degeneracy sounds like what I would expect a Pankration master who just won the ancient olympics or something. Still, I wish he had the diaper.


He looks like he uses a horrible spray tan

I want to motorboat those perfect pecs

link to that image?


>You will never wear a suit so well fitting that it shows your back muscles off perfectly

>character is complete
>but we can't play with them outside story mode

Is capcom the worse company in existence

Go to 1:30 or so, there's a couple seconds of minor Urien stuff but that's about it.

Self harm because he's E M O T I O N A L


Dat voice doe.

Thanks for not directly linking to those shitbags

Looks interesting, I wonder why rashido is holding him back. Hopefully his diaper is his alternative costume

>loved that series
>hate MLP

He is in bronze mode in OP's pic

The other way around is actually less embarrassing.

Me too, man.

I also like the porn.

is he crying or laughing


Remember when everyone was posting pictures of Alex and talking about how he's their favorite character and whatnot?

Because that's what you were doing a few weeks ago, you fad lords

He's hotter now desu.

the underwear didn't come off, too


I actually play 3s

see me on fightcade

Somebody really beats his face into a fucking pulp in SFV considering what he looks like in Second Impact.

My favorite character is Twelve, cause I think it's cute how when he copycats the enemy's character he tries to imitate their noises in his lil goo voice.

why is nobody memeing about poo in loo when this guy is posted

cuz he's not indian ????

Because he's not even sort of Indian. His brother is about as Aryan as a blue and red skinned man can be.

the fuck are you on about?

>you fad lords

Is that an insult, or...

Because his nationality is Illuminati, not Indian

If Capcom has any sense clothes will rip off during V-Trigger

it's funny seeing these "alex fanboys" coming out the woodwork when there weren't even that many alex players during the 3s days

Oro when?

I think he has great chances to show up next year.


why does he turn indian

Chances are very likely

Why do you say indian?

He feels a sudden urge to defecate publicly

He better have this as his victory pose.

Capcom hopefully doesn't drop the ball.

Because he couldn't find a loo.

He coats his body in metal

same skin color as I

Its Ono. The nigger took away a lot of SF's charm (ex. pre fight animations) in favor of coked out dancing npcs and generic all in one pre fight animations.

Why indian though? You could have said black, mexican, or some shit.

They're not complete, retard.

If they arent, then why are we able to play them?

Damn son, are you fucking stupid?


For story mode purposes and as a little treat. It's kinda like how some characters were in MKX's story mode but weren't playable. Except this time you can play them.

Fun fact; Twelve, Necro, Urien and Gill are all the same voice.

Because they could be missing moves or unbalanced against the rest of the cast retard

But Sagat was unbalanced in Sf4 vanilla.

Because story.

That shade of brown is exclusive to indians. Blacks are darker and Mexicans are lighter

T. Summerfag

There models are done and rigged
Some of their moves will be in, what stays and gets added may change
They aren't going to be balanced at all, the properties of their moves can change

Fighting game characters are complex, having a model that can walk and punch is far from complete

A lot of characters were unbalanced in SF4. In fact, vanilla 4 as a whole was unbalanced.

>pot calling the kettle nigger
jesus you suck.

But it doesn't matter if the game is done with.


Is there a trailer or something?

>we could have had this
>instead we get tranny laura

WTF capcom?

It isn't, they said we will get updates this season till September

Plus balance is important and has become more so over time

She looks too much like hick Makoto

What I would give to hump his pec cleavage.

I wish.

That seems like an odd gimmick for only one to have destructible clothes

I like the brown tho

Oro legit scares me

Reminds me of something from Oddworlds

Hugo and Oro are the spookiests

Then why is Zangief useless right now?

>Hes so strong ge can beet the entire csts with ONE hAnnd XDDD

Why tho

t. Akuma

>when I look at women I see cocks!
>have you ever been so gay that you look at women and see cocks!?

simmer down Laurafag

She can use my tool if you know what i mean

Not even gonna give you a (You)

>hurr you not say bad thing you total fanfag!

You retards really neeed to stop with this Anakin Skywalker nonsense. And thinking of penises whenever you look at women.

One just got top 16 at CEO. In fact SFV's balance in general is pretty good which is why putting in some half finished characters is a bad idea

Even in Gief was completely useless, how does that justify putting in more unbalanced characters to use in all modes over trying to make them balanced?

Because balanced is subjective.

Season 2 will have
>Oro (already has a VA appears in story modes)
>Sean (VA and model appears in story + cinematic mode)
>Decapre (VA and model in cinematic story)
>Sakura (VA appears in story modes)
>new character Eisbahn (WINTER 2016 billboard in train station)
and 1 other character I can't predict.

Go ahead and screencap me, if I'm wrong I'll be fucking glad.

Was Oro a motion character? Never played 3s