Should I get it for PS4 or for PC...

Should I get it for PS4 or for PC? My PC is super basic with no modifications (never really play any games on it)--does this matter at all?

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Only reason not to get the pc version is if your computer can't run it.

Get in on PS4 if you don't care about being able to aim in your fps games.

get ps4 if you enjoy potgs like these

Just get it on PC

Blizzard managed to fuck up an FPS on console by setting the auto tracking way to fucking high with no option to turn it off

Better yet dont get it at all the game is shallow as fuck with no skill ceiling.

How would I check my system specs on Windows 10? Rather, just video--I've checked everything else and it will run.

Don't get it at all, unless you like being one-shotted or getting killed by auto-aim guns such as Symmetra's (that does 120 DPS at max charge).

Also, competitive mode is garbage.

t. rank 40 shitter

OP, by the way you describe things you should probably stick to consoles

nice one man, sure got me there :^)

>I've checked everything else and it will run.

i'm curious, just exactly what did you check, and what were the results?

System Information--memory, operating system, processor. I'm quite new to using a PC for anything outside of my work (read: Word, Excel, and web usage), so I expect to be made fun of here :)

well making fun of ignorance is a major part of Sup Forums

what processor and how much memory?

in any case, go here type in Overwatch and see what your results are

if you can't hit the recommended speccs at the very least, get it on console instead

>even considering buying a multiplatform multiplayer shooter on console

For processor:

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4785T CPU @ 2.20GHz, 2201 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)


Installed Physical memory (RAM) 12.0 GB
Total Physical Memory 11.9 GB
Available Physical Memory 7.04 GB
Total Virtual Memory 13.7 GB
Available Virtual Memory 5.87 GB
Page File Space 1.81 GB

as a side note, which of these memory readings is the one I should be paying attention to for checking game requirements?

it's a competitive game, you'll be too mad to care about the shadows or reflections after a while.

? Dude you didn't mod your pc ?!

lol you have an i7 core, you should be fine dude.

Do you know how to check one's graphics card on Windows 10?

...last question I promise

look up "speccy", it shows you your specs and is a useful tool in generalk

Go to your start menu, punch in device manager in the search bar, then look for display adapters. Click on the arrow next to it, tell us what's there