Ok niggers.
subtle casual gaming clothing thread.
anyone has a subtle vidya wallet?
Ok niggers
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i would wear that honestly.
im not even memeing.
and from where i am from i bet i could go all my life without no one knowing what the shirt is about.
bumping with another thing i would seriously consider buyin
I remember seeing some t-shirts based on the wipeout team designs I would wear, don't have a pic tho sorry, but they looked pretty good
are they on ebay?
I would buy and wear that.
This is fucking cringe
its subtle you casual fuck
That shirt is something my autistic brother in-law would wear
only non-subtle shirt I would wear
bumping because I want to see more and I would buy any of these
The Storm and io shirt are my favorites, and i will get the storm one eventually
Heres my outfit for when I go grocery shopping. Most people dont know its from Dredd.
neck yourself
Nice lobster shirt, user
Current wallet
cant find a decent Fzero T
None of these look good if you're 300 pounds, anons.
i would wear the fuck out of that one.
Im actually 20 pounds underweight.
Been the same weight since middle school
but not subtle enough for me tbqh
i need something that validates my hipsterisness
This wallet is pretty subtle
I don't think you know what subtle means.
> iconic DK colours
> red fucking tie
> fucking emblazoned with the letters DK
Quite literally the opposite of subtle.
I love to see people taking bait
I bought something like this at Nintendo NY.
I'd consider the Storm one the worst. It's not bad, but I personally don't like how is face is drawn.
The hoodies are great, really subtle.
It will just be a black shirt after a month or so.
love me some 100% cotton
Not vidya, but I think this is a good place to ask.
Is it subtle enough? I actually like the design.
I want this shirt bad
It's a really subtle way of saying you're from Sup Forums.
Shit you beat me to it.
Helmet isn't an animal. Even if she's best girl.
I can see where your coming from, I like the artists design because it reminds me of Sufjan Steven's album cover for Illinois. look how smug he is with all the storms coming up. The beanie is also really subtle and is supposedly comfy af
Atleast then it will be subtle enough.
Nice... but would be awkward if someone gets it.
No, New York.
What is it?
what is that one about
but yeah subtle as fuck
Fucking rebel scum
The wife loves this one haha
It's supposed to resemble Charizard from Pokemon
where do i buy one
thought it was a batman wallet.
This one's better.
Well it doesn't. It's just stupid in a bad way,
did you ever lose something?
Why are you guys so anal about video game clothing? I wear Mario and Sonic shirts that are so obvious as to what they are all the time in public. If people judge you, then you shouldn't give a toss. Those people spend £2000 on clothes that are fashionable for a month then they throw them away afterwards.
Obvious video game shirts are the way to go.
I hope you mean fucking awesome.
fuck, now i see it.
I cant read alien
Then put it through a website translator it isn't that hard
Used to have this bad boy. Loved this fucking shirt but I stopped wearing it because the series is dead and buried.
I just bought this
I got this one from E3. Too small now that I've kinda bulked up a bit but I still like it.
but is your wife's son embarrassed by it?
Half of this shit is so ostentatious, I don't see how anyone could consider it subtle.
Too bad I already own an Elite shirt or else I would have gotten this one.
I've only ever had this one recognized once.
A sperglord from across the airport noticed it and made a beeline right for me. Proceeded to talk at me about Mother 0 for 30 minutes before my plane left.
I never wore it after that
I would unironically wear this, maybe if it was in a different color.
Unless you're going for some meme fit, you like a fucking manchild.
Why would you wear a funyanrinpa?
This one would be great if not the fact they fucked up the color
Woah is this middle school?
Why not?
why does this dude have crayola markings on his neck?
Apologize to the funyarinpa, blasphemer!
>not a bat
Is that a sailboat?
I don't think your clothes matter that much when you're already a walking coloring book
Can I actually buy this somewhere? Or do I have to make my own?
Filthy, disgusting Rebel scum.
I own this shirt, people always say the "green spine"
Ayy I got one as well. Love the simplistic look to all of their logos
Are you also 12?
I've got this.
This is my wallet, anyone who knows what it's from comments on it but no one else gives a shit. Not too subtle though.
I used to own a doom shirt, it was my favorite shirt. Ex took it like the cunt she is