Can we have a talk about this game?

Can we have a talk about this game?

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Clunky and repetitive as shit

"I had a dream of my wife. She was dead, but it was alright."

wack him off!


Love it. Only played it this year and it's one of my favourite PC games ever, love the writing, gameplay is repetitive but still pretty fun. It's just charming, really.


Someone who's played all three games rank them please.

I want your opinions.

.mirrorS arE morE fuN thaN televisioN



Mah nigga!

Then the spook (racist) house.

Nigger, of all my senpai.


There was a kid in my school named Max Payne.


Could he Bullet Time?

If not, did you cause him max payne?

I'm sorry, but

It's a shame we don't have more cop shooters everyone just spams muh warfare as if comfy small scale street shooting was a taboo.

1 > 2 > 3

I think Hardline tried to focus on cops vs robbers shit. Can't talk about it though, never played it.

>He was trying to buy more sand for his hourglass.
>I wasn't selling any.

OMG o.0 you love chinese cartoons too?! They are so funny and random! :D My favourite show is Tenka Senka Ching Chong Desu IV and what is yours?

best fucking lines in gaming

True. I always wanted to get a game where you played as a renegade cop kicking criminal ass.

True Crime: Streets of LA came close but not quite.

When did Max say that ''the only part I took seriously is the fact that he takes it seriously'' line?

The truth was like a green crack through my brain. Weapon statistics floating in the air, glimpsed out of the corner of my eye. the repetitious act of shooting, time slowing down to show off my moves. The paranoid feeling of someone controlling my every step. I was in a computer game. Funny as Hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of.

2 > 3 > 1


My lord!


I still to this day say "Kung Fu fightin' video game" like Rico Muerte, pissing my best friend off anytime he brings up his many fighting games

He even stopped playing Mortal Kombat on the ps3 a week after getting around me because of it

"Hey user you want to play some Tekken?"
"Two mad dog killers like ourselves..."

He still hasn't got the reference

pretty shit and overated as fuck t b h

Absolutely fucking kill yourself immediately


The truth is:
1 = 3 > 2

Unless you're a casual shitter or nostalgiafag you realise 2 did nothing but dumb down and casualise the the series.

Anyone who thinks 3>2 has serious brain problems.

2 wasn't as good as 1 but you'd have to be shooting up Valkyrie to think that 3 is anything but shit in all departments except gameplay. Hell even the gameplay turns to shit in the last quarter of the game.

Before killing Jack Lupino

>Third person shooters will just be cover-based, over the shoulder shooting bullshit
>We'll never get another third person shooter with stylish, John Woo style gunplay.


where is the


>that nightmare level
>that slim line of blood that you had to walk without falling

Why the hell did I play that as a 12 year old,I still carry the trauma to this day

Getting lost and finally seeing a hallway only to realize it's the entrance instead of the exit is a fate worse than hell.

They don't make em like they used to.

There's no 3. It's a completely different kind of game and shouldn't be brought up in these threads.

No Lake, no Payne.


they're all great, though

>Max Payne 1 and 2 don't work on 8.1

fug u too ms


>tfw new games will never have that feel

Threadly reminder that this is a thing, and a brilliant thing it is.

Why do people shit on 2 anyways? 1 has worse nightmare levels and spongey enemies.

Also every Max Payne thread.

Are you sure? I have 7 but they should work on your machine.

I'm sure. I could just be retarded as fuck, but I tried a bunch of different methods, but neither of them will actually launch on it.

First and the second are still one my favourite games of all time which I still play through in every couple of years.

The third one was complete ass though. Boring gameplay and shit story with even worse dialogue.

How can one man be this pleb?

I've played through all of them several times, it's one of my favorite vidya series. My ranking is unusual for the fanbase, though.

2 > 3 > 1

3 has the best and most frequent TECHNOLOGY moments, but all three of them have their share of that for their time.

2 is my favorite because it's the weirdest one (good if you're into stuff like David Lynch, probably bad otherwise) and is the most "short and sweet" -- people bitched about it being too short, but there's no bullet sponges like the first or parts that feel like boring filler. So to me, that makes it the most replayable; I see it as one of those "well polished, no fat, lean and to be played in one long afternoon/night" games.

1 is classic but the enemy AI becomes frustratingly accurate with their weapons, ready to shoot you in the face before they even see you. This might not be a problem if you suck at vidya or let yourself die enough to lower the auto-difficulty scaling, though. 1 also has bullet sponge enemies (ESPECIALLY bosses, just normal enemy AI bots with massive HP) which always felt awkward for me to fight. I still love it, but it's the hardest for me to replay all the way through just 'cuz of how long and frustrating it can be. I have a sneaking suspicion that people who suck at shooters have more fun with this one than those who don't, that's how bad the difficulty scaling can be.

3 has really interesting shooting/movement mechanics and can be very fun to play when the game lets you play it. There are a lot of cutscenes to tell a story that's basically a vidya version of Man on Fire with Max Payne in place of Denzel Washington.

>that kid who quicksaved by accident as he was falling off the blood line


What's the problem, buddy?

Show me where Microsoft touched you.

Rockstar just do not care about their older games on PC. I mean fuck, they never bothered to get rid of GFWL on GTAIV.

I like you.

>1 is classic but the enemy AI becomes frustratingly accurate with their weapons, ready to shoot you in the face before they even see you. This might not be a problem if you suck at vidya or let yourself die enough to lower the auto-difficulty scaling, though. 1 also has bullet sponge enemies (ESPECIALLY bosses, just normal enemy AI bots with massive HP) which always felt awkward for me to fight. I still love it, but it's the hardest for me to replay all the way through just 'cuz of how long and frustrating it can be. I have a sneaking suspicion that people who suck at shooters have more fun with this one than those who don't, that's how bad the difficulty scaling can be.


Mediocre at best. Bad mechanics.

Reminder that the Max Payne 3 comics were amazing and written mostly by Sam lake.

ice him


>2 did nothing but dumb down and casualise the the series.
Glad someone else realizes this.
Hey, 3>2 guy here. I don't try to say that three is better, but in comparison to 1 and 3, 2 isn't that great.

There's just so many off putting things about it. Timothy Gibbs is a terrible face for Max. Sam Lake was perfect, and James McCaffery worked perfectly as an older version of Max.
The constant jabs 2 took at the first game was terrible with the TV shows, the funhouse, everything. It's like for some reason they thought the first game was in some kind of "so bad it's good" territory, and felt like they best way to "correct themselves" was to poke fun at it. 2 felt like some weird semi-parody.
Playing as Mona in a Max Payne game. These parts just drag on, and the fact that you can shootdodge and use bullet time when that's supposed to be Max's thing turns me off. I always make an effort to avoid using them when I get to those chapters.
Bullet time mechanic was fucked. Enabling it didn't even slow down time, it only slowed down after you started killing guys but there are never any areas in the game where there are so many thrown at you that it's worth it.
And then maybe it's just me put James McCaffery's narration in the second game seemed off. Can't put my finger on it though.

And fuck the fags that say MP3 isn't a Max Payne game

Can someone sum up all Max Paynes after 1?
I honestly thought the main story ended with 1, after that its bullshit

I wouldn't be so sure about that, there's always some studio somewhere trying to make a new stylish shooter and John Woo is more stylish than cover-based.

The problem is that devs are reluctant to remove cover systems since it helps out people who have to aim with a controller and don't like aim assist, and that making stylish games is hard and so a lot of them end up sucking especially if they're low budget.

1>3>2 but 2 had best mods and replayability imo.

His loved ones were dead, they were alive.

It wasn't over.

>he has a max payne 3 statue on his desk
>"le sam lake only said mp3 was good so cockstar wouldn't sue him!"


Why don't you guys like 2? I thought it was the best one.


It's called not being a complete asshole. He pretty much had no choice but be an asshole or give it his blessing by these kind of things.

You'd have to be stupid to actually think he approves of what 3 did to the characters.

Hey I know that guy, he's that dudebro that searches for ghosts on the Travel Channel. 2spooky.

It's on PSN. Is the PS2 version shit?

far inferior to pc version

Yes. Maps are cut into 2-3 sections, and whole areas are missing form others.

Only morons do. Though it's not the best one. 1 is.

3 is complete shit.

You know the area between your balls and your butthole? There. That's where they touched me.

3 > 2 > 1, all masterpieces
3 is the GOAT first person shooter aside from some mildly annoying superficial flaws


No seriously what's wrong with the game? Why won't it run? It can be a bitch.

It just does not start at all. The exe pops up in task manager, but nothing else happens whatsoever. I've tried compatibility modes, running on a single core and a bunch of bat files, shit just does not want to run on my machine.

Great series until Rockstar killed it with the third game.

Its incredible how much cringe could they fit in the last game. And they didnt stop there. The story they tell is more dull than picking your nose.

>Timothy Gibbs is a terrible face for Max.

Respectfully disagreed. He had the "noir detective" look down to a tee. Also, you can see the similarities between MP2 and MP3 faces.

Try deleting the intro video
Are you sure you don't have a problem with the crack?
Are you sure the game is patched?
Are you using any mods?

2 > 1 > 3 imo.

Max Payne's one of those rare series where every game has its lovers and haters.

Tried that, nothing
I have it on Steam

2 works fine on my 8.1, but with 1 I had to download a fan patch for the sound.

Can we agree that all 3 are amazing? 2 is probably one of my top favorite games.

anyone else having this glitch in Max 1 where instead of shootdodging Max just penguin slides on the ground?

Most other MP threads I've seen have people praising 2 even more than the rest, I don't know what's happening here.

I like MP2 the best because it has the best balance between gameplay, atmosphere, great characters and story. It also has aged pretty well. It also gets my respect for being one of the very few games with non-shit romances.

Why is MP1 so hard?
>dive around corner
>kill two guys
>get fucking shot to death
>google how I'm supposed to play this
>you're supposed to use proper bullet time, not the stuntman shit
>turn on bullettime
>kill two guys
>bullettime runs out
>get fucking shot to death



Tried software/hardware mode?
Tried different resolutions?
Turned off graphics options?
Tried pirating it, patching it and trying that version?

It should fucking run though. At least to the title screen. I don't know why it's not running. The game requires a sound fix for 7 but other than that it should run.

>turning people into glue
How is this possible

should I go right to 2? I suck at fps's and 1 sounds hard