Persona > #FE > SMT

Persona > #FE > SMT

Other urls found in this thread:

SMTxFE>>>>>>>>>>>Persona > #FE > SMT

Reverse that order, senpai

>defined robutt
That's highly illogical


>Put hair on a toaster
>Put hips on a toaster
>Put a soul in a toaster
>Don't put a pussy on the toaster
Makes no sense. She obviously had a vag; why treat that part of anatomy any differently?

Well as far as MT goes I've only played DDS and P3P but DDS was definitely the better game.

Can a toaster feel love?

Those are all very fuckable toasters.


But it can feel my dick.

I thought you were better than this.

He is probably like me, personally I would have a mitsuru, but if a qt toaster offered herself to me I wouldn't say no.

Why compare #FE to any of those? They aren't related in the slightest.

Post more best

ITT: Waifufags


Ready and willing. I pride myself in having the finest largest collection of quality best girls.

Fuck this thread and everyone in it

Aigis is the best robot and I think Boston Dynamics should base it's future mass produced waifubots off her image

Of course I have a decent balance of lewd's and non lewds. Something for all user's

What the fuck is #FE?


Eh I knew this thread was dumb from the start, I just joined because I was bored. Also wouldn't that include yourself?

It literally came out last week


I despise her Japanese voice.
It makes me want to grit my teeth.

I prefer the Yukari

Then think of the english voice actor, whatever makes your time with her all the sweeter.


SMT press turn games> FE pre-waifus >= Persona 1 and 2 > early SMT > FE waifu editions > Persona 3 and 4 > #kowashitai

Hopefully P5 > P3 > SMT 3 > P4 > SMT IV


>FE pre-waifus
>random stat increases upon leveling
>above anything

I have high hopes for P5. Before now, I would say without a doubt that SMT > Persona but P5 is looking to bridge that gap.

My only worry is that it might be too easy with all these new features they've been showing.

It wasn't that big of a deal really. It's not like they're games where stats are really all that important.

Hopefully we will get the harder difficulties in the original release unlike the bullshit we got with fes and golden only getting the hardest settings.

Pourquoi tu postes des photos de chats ?
Ici on poste des photo des best girls.

Kyoei mizugi > sukumizu

>an srpg where stats are of little importance
yeah great games

SMT 2 > SMT IF.. > SMT 1 > SMT SJ > SMT 3 > KMT > DDS 1&2 > Hope P5 > P3 > DeSu 1&2 > SMT 4 > DSRK 1&2 > P4 > P2 IS&EP > P1 > #FE > Everything Else except Majin Tensei maybe

la chat est la meilleur fille

The absolute best. No one can beat Touko.

>SMT if....
You speak the nip huh? Must be nice, faggot.

I like toasters user.

Actually I like just about anything. Sorry if this is late.

Remain angry

t. P4fag

Mitsuru is the one true Persona waifu, all others are pretenders.

Stats aren't important in chess either.

Is IF this good ?



>Chat 2
>Chat 5

>fuck mitsuru
>try talking to her in the hall
>she doesn't want to be seen with you

Its alot like SMT 2, and I fucking love SMT 2 so take that with a grain of salt

Gotta get smart fool, she don't like idiots.

It's after you fuck her that she doesn't want to be seen with you, she says something about her image.

Qu'est-ce que tu racontes?

Hey this nigga gets it


>One guy here saved all my Mitsuru spam from 8 years ago

Joke's on you fag, I never completed my image dump.

She then breaks down and goes to her room with you anyway. Pretty much every other girl does the same thing.

P3 ou P4 ?


I've heard SMT 2 is really good, and I tried to play it but I had just marathoned SMT 1 and I really needed a break after 40 hours of dungeon crawling and monster fusing. Is it much better than SMT 1 or about more of the same? I remember the monster stat screens seeming more complex. Also, is speed and int the way to go for the beginning in SMT 2 as well? Guns were so good in SMT 1 until the last boss or so that STR was almost an afterthought until endgame.

use the spoiler hotkey my man
control s

wew lad is this a new feature or am I retarded

pretty old but a lot of people don't know about it

Not new.
I can't imagine typing my spoiler tags myself again.