Do PC Gamers still make the argument that PC Gaming is less or as expensive than Console Gaming?

Do PC Gamers still make the argument that PC Gaming is less or as expensive than Console Gaming?

From what I understand, to build a decent PC to play modern games you need twice the amount that is needed for a console and that's not including the peripherals.

Plus, while the Steam Sales make it cheaper to buy games etc. they seems to have a trend of consumers of the sales to build up loads of games they don't like or ever even play.

t. sonygger

More like:

t. doesn't own any console right now and is exploring my options

>buying games
You're a moron if you think PC gamers buy all their games, that makes all the difference when one part costs as much as a console

don't you also have a computer when you build a '''''gaming''''' pc

>be an adult
>with a decent job
>can afford to build a computer

Good thing I'm not still 17 with a minimum wage job

>and that's not including the peripherals.
This always cracks me up
Call me back when you start to include the price of your TV with the cost of a console

This meme has gone too far
The birth of pcucks
Everybody has a PC but not only for gaming thats so fucking stupid pc are for working,emulators and rts

Online fees + more expensive games more than make up the initial cost difference. Keep being a dumb peasant

It's not cheaper unless you buy a shitty PC. Granted a pretty shitty 5 year old PC can out perform the consoles as long as it has an okay graphics card.

It is a lot cheaper if you already have a computer. Typically all you need is a graphics card and PSU and that is less than 200 dollars if you're really intent on pincing pennies.

I enjoy having a gaymen PC, but yeah, the mustards who claim "PC gaming is so affordable because of Steam sales, Humble Bundles, and torrents!" don't factor in how fucking expensive the components together cost, how much of a pain it is to assemble it all (fuck you and your Lego analogies, there's more to it than snapping things together), and the low amount of games that truly benefit from mouse and keyboard

You get what you pay for and you pay for what yo u get.

You want top of of the line graphics then you're going to pay for it.

You want mediocre then you're a broke ass nigga.

You want shitty cheap graphics, you buy a console.

It's dramatically cheaper in the long run because of how expensive console games are and how they have to pay for online

Fuck this gen console owners are having to upgrade their hardware more often than pc owners

Do you want a PC with bad, average or good graphics? Of course good graphics will cost more. That said with the new cards you can get the old ones more cheap.

>fuck you and your Lego analogies, there's more to it than snapping things together
You have to be literally retarded. All the computer building jobs I've had were filled with high school dropouts and convicts. They all picked up the basics within a fucking hour.

>buy console
>can play 1, maybe 2 console libraries

>buy PC
>can play dozens of console libraries + a 30 year + PC library

Price of buying every single console < Price of any half decent PC

The argument was and has always been, its cheaper to upgrade your PC than buy a new console.

The wars have misconstrued that as "all PC gaming is cheaper than all console gaming"

>wah PC gaming is expensive
Yes. PC gaming will run you anywhere from $600-$1500 depending on what you want.

The benefits are playable framerates and graphics that don't look like dogshit. Try before you buy (or never buy) via piracy are also attractive. The hardware used to make a good gaming PC can also be used for other applications.

The cons are that it is more expensive than a console.

Really this is like arguing why everyone doesn't just drive a manual 1994 Honda Civic with no AC and anyone who pays for a nicer car is a Carkek. Some people want nice things. Some people want to go fast instead of slow. It's the same fucking concept and yet you never hear any arguments or complaints about cars.

Would you be happy with a 94 manual trans Civic? Because that's what you're getting when you buy a console.

Is it drivable? Of course.
Is it economical? Of course. Mine gets 40mpg and I like stick cars anyway.
Is it fast? Hell fucking no. Doesn't even have cruise control and can't go above 80mph without hitting the red on the tach in highest gear.

Same shit with consoles:
Is it playable? Of course.
Is it economical? Of course. $350 is pretty cheap assuming you're not factoring in games or a nice TV.
Is it pretty or fluid or anything more than the bare minimum? Nope. That's why it's cheap.

PC is the poor people's choice as much as it is the rich people's choice.
>you can build a low-end PC for cheap
>even a low-end PC can run emulators and old games
>tons of f2p games

During the length of a generation, console peasants will pay $500 just to play online

And next gen they are dumb enough to rebuy HD versions of all thier games

It's literally plugging things in and screwing in a few parts. And I'm using "literally" correctly there. Kill yourself.

It's just a matter of time before PC starts charging for online.

Sonycucks like you like to ignore paid online and buying new releases under 40 bucks without paying for discounts. That and pirating. Not like it matters since you'll be upgrading to a 400-500 dollar console every 3 years and pay 150 dollars in paid online on top of that.

With a pc at 1k you're getting 60 fps and better visuals over the ps4's 15 fps. It's initially more expensive for a reason.

its only more expensive if you want a PC that's literal miles ahead of a console graphically/performance wise

and to be honest you really get more for the dollars you spend regardless (since building a "gayming pc" automatically qualifies it for more than your idea of gaming)

What are you posting from ? A PC is 10x more useful than a console

yeah it's called your isp

Not him but you have to check if these parts are compatible too. This can be too boring sometimes.

Not feasible, we have been there and done that with subscription MMO's, they market spoke and they dont want subs, if Microsoft started charging to connection online with windows they would get a lot more hate than just gamers, not to mention people would just stick to older versions of windows to avoid the fees

>Do PC Gamers still make the argument that PC Gaming is less or as expensive than Console Gaming?
Over the moderate and long term it will always be cheaper

today's consoles start at a few hundred dollars but due to their expensive proprietary peripherals and mandatory online fees makes them more expensive in the long run

Also a PC is far better price for what you get, you can do SO much more with a PC and a Console can't even multitask

Core PC components for a gaming build run you $700-$750 starting
This is assuming monitor, keyboard, and other external parts aren't included
PC games tend to cost much less than console due to constant sales, and piracy

pcpartpicker literally tells you if the parts are compatible or not. And even without it, it's a simple google search.

If you're going to be this lazy then you should just buy a console.

>Core PC components for a gaming build run you $700-$750 starting
not necessarily. There is a huge price range you can invest in from as low as 500 dollars to as high as 2000 or better.

700-750 is just one price point in a huge market

It's natural for people like you or me, who have been living around computers the entirety of our lives. For a normal person building a computer is a near impossible task.
You're seriously underestimating how much thinking goes into doing the whole thing.

> CPU X Socket Y
>Mobo Z Socket Y
>Aftermarket cooler compatible with sockets Y,W,R
Wew lad that's a fucking hassle. How do you PC autists do it???

Depends on the level of pc you want to build. If you want something with the same power as consoles it will cost slightly less than one, but if you want to achieve the high-end graphics with a real beast of a machine then you'll have to pay a lot. The point is there's a choice, and choice is the cornerstone of pc gaming, you always have a choice in everything: graphics, controls, mods, prices, vendors, software, even gimmicks.

The new mid-high tier graphics cards are just coming out, costing between $200-300US. So unless you can get every other component for less than $100 PC gaming is more expensive.

It isn't astronomically more expensive but remember that PCs do a lot more than games and netflix.

And if you are so worried about game prices you can always pirate.

700-750 is the price point where you can build a decent gaming PC with brand new parts. Below that you really don't want to buy new parts.

>Man asks a question about interactive visual kino entertainment on a personal computer system ™
>Pcuckods from Reddit areadly start insulting op and calling him names
Trash neo Sup Forums at its apex.

The ticket is expensive. The ride is wild. It's a lifetime membership until the ticket gets defecated

>sonycuck from neogaf already crying about being bullied

can't handle the bantz I see

Its simply:
- console: children
- pc: adult

Cost of tv+console+online fee. The tv can be a one time fee

Cost of pc+cost of monitor
The cost of pc does come down if you buy a solid case and psu and monitor. Only upgrading the mobo+gpu(sometimes ram)

Both need intrawebz and you can assume that one would buy the game for either platform.

So yeah. Hard to say but good shitposting thread op! Youre totally a faggot.

A $1000 PC is worth it for emulation alone lol. Must suck being poor.

Keep in mind the current consoles are using GPUs that were barely mod tier when they were new. Matching that is going to cost you considerably less.

$400 for launch console
~$400 for upgraded console 3-4 years later
$300-400 for online costs in that time

or a $800 pc and throw in a new $200-300 gpu half way down the line. and thats not including cheaper games or better and more frequent game sales.

the upfront cost is always higher for a pc, but console fuck you in the ass more in the long run. assuming you wanted to get the most out what each system has to offer.

>From what I understand
So you admit not to know?
Why make the thread in this inflammatory fashion then?

Dude the hardest thing is hooking up the case power switch to the mobo and thats because you have to look it up in the manual. Other than that it's like that kids game that teaches kids that a cube goes into rectangular hole not the circular one.

>All these newfags in this thread pretending that building a PC is difficult.
neo Sup Forums confirmed underage. It is literally snapping in parts in the ONLY spot they fit and connecting the wires into the ONLY outlet that they fit in.

Sonyggers should be killed

No. As I told you before, you're seriously underestimating how complicated building a PC can be.
I understood that when I helped someone close to me build a desktop.

Built a $300 toaster last year and it runs most games released before then fine, and even newer stuff like DS3 and GTA5 runs comparably to consoles.

I'm sure if I spent $400 or so now I could easily get something that would outperform a console.

then you hang out with retards

What the fuck dude? Everything in modern PCs is square pegs in square holes and round pegs in round holes. You barely even have to read the manual. Unless you built your PC in the 90s, you're full of shit. Yea, back then it was hard because everything caught fire and exploded if you didn't RTFM 3 times, but now it's impossible to fuck up.

Even a flipper handed freak can do it.

I used to be an exclusively console gamer, but ever since I built my rig I haven't looked back. Any time I play games on console, I notice a significant downgrade in FPS and graphics (what else is new) and it does actually make the experience less enjoyable for me. I know some people don't share that opinion, and that's fine. But yeah, monetarily speaking, a PC is a big investment at first if you want a god tier rig like mine, but you end up saving in the long run with things like steam sales, free to play games, or just piracy if you're into that sort of thing. Anyone who thinks console gaming is better/more affordable is entitled to their opinion, but yeah I don't see how a sane person could switch to PC and ever want to switch back.

However old school consoles like N64 and PS2 will never get old, mostly for nostalgia sake. Pic related

>Unless you built your PC in the 90s, you're full of shit
In fact, I did. You had to handle too much shit like master/slave jumper configurations on the disk units, those stupid IDE "ribbons", Windows 95 / 98 taking hours to install, dicking with drivers, etc.
It's easier today, but not THAT easy.

Almost everyone is going to have a PC anyway. A PC that can play games is cheaper than a PC that can't play games plus a console.

PC gives your freedoms, you fucking commie. You don't like freedoms? Then leave move from USA to Mexico or Britain to Europe, you freedom hater degenerated fuck.

Here's a very, very simple equation;

You own a computer. As evidence by the fact that you're posting on Sup Forums.

You paid X amount of dollars for that computer.

Either, you could spend another $500 for a console, peripherals, and a game or two, OR you could put that money into a PC.

It's your fault that you invested what is likely $1000+ for a shit laptop you can't upgrade because "lol im in college i gotta be portable".

You're also missing the fact that PC gamers have decades of games to choose from including emulated games that were released on consoles in the past. The library available to PC gamers is unprecedented.

What do you mean it's not that easy, I don't even touch the manual beside for case header map just to make sure I get it right. You just plug shit in and it werks.

Setting a Jumper for a Master Slave HDD set up was easy, your boot drive with the OS was your master and the latter was your slave

I bought a PS4 for £190, Im not building a good PC at that price, a good monitor alone can cost as much as that. Im not so deluded to believe that consoles are better than PC, its just dumb that people think this, consoles are accessible, thats it, as someone who doesnt play every piece of shit that hits the shelves investing in PC for me personally would be a very bad investment. All the games I play run on my shitheap already and the 1 or 2 games I buy a year play on my PS4. PC is the best platform, hands down, but I really dont care about games that much anymore that I would spend that much to play them.

If you consider yourself a "gamer" you need a good PC, if youre a turbo casual like me that only plays a handful of modern games then its a complete waste of money.

You should get out of your basement and interact with people (actual people, not imageboard retards) more often.
You'll get a new perspective about many, many things.

That's because you already know the process from beginning to end, have the experience and spend many hours talking and reading about computers.

>It's easier today, but not THAT easy.

It absolutely is "that" easy.

I built my first computer a few years ago in an hour with a 20-minute Youtube tutorial on my phone.

It's so easy that even on my last build when I bent a pin on my motherboard's power connection, I managed to fix it without fucking anything up.

Come on man, motherboard manuals are thin little books. You don't have to read about the damn computer for hours. You just have to know which hole you stick your devices into. It only takes a few hours if you're doing it for your first time and you're particularly cowardly.

>a good monitor alone can cost as much as that.
Is your TV suddenly incompatible with computers?

It is cheaper.

For example one reason why is on PC I never have to buy a game at full retail price.

Recent examples are DOOM for 40 USD, DS3 for 40 USD, FO4 for 35 USD. And these were all on the release - steam isn't the only place to buy. And old games you can also get for pocket change, I recently purchased Injustice for literally 2 dollars. On top of games being criminally cheaper I can also refund most games extremely easily if I don't like them. Example of this is Star Wars Battlefront, a shit game where I was able to get my money back in about a day.

And don't forget about not having to pay for online features. All this just makes PC a better platform in virtually every single area, including being cheaper in the long run.

It isn't complicated because ever computer is the fucking same and you can L I T E R A L L Y just follow along on youtube

OP, on this sale I've purchased something in the lines of 30 games, with the same amount of money I could only purchase one PS4/Xbone game.
What you spent on the hardware you compensate on everything else, think as an investment. And to upgrade is easier than consoles because you can do it gradually while with consoles you have to buy a whole need product.
Plus I already need a decent PC for job stuff

My normie friend with literally zero computer knowledge was able to build his computer from scratch and install windows/drivers from literally a single youtube video.

Not to mention Windows 10 will also handle driver installations now as well, making the whole process even easier. It's idiot proof these days.

I have a new laptop and I pirated Diablo 2 and bf1942. Stay mad with your non backward compatibility.

Consoles typically run games at 720p@30, you can easily build a computer for the price of a console that achieves that, the thing that makes it a near impossibility for low-spec PCs to take off in the past is that you have to buy a Windows license. For a home build that can add $100-$200 to the cost of a build, and for OEMs that still adds $50+ which tends to price them out of the console market price range, considering Microsoft who makes Windows also makes the Xbox console this is almost certainly intentional.

Valve's Steam Machines are the first real attempt to make PCs that are real console alternatives, but they've run into the wall that is Microsoft's graphics API monopoly and their existing deals with OEMs like Dell that keep them priced too high.

>From what I understand
stopped reading right there

Can confirm, I'm and I really need one for professional needs although I had no idea how to build to begin with. I only looked at tutorials and at the very best asked a friend or two.
It isn't easy the first time but it's doable if you aren't stupid

>have to make sure the motherboard doesn't short out
>dealing with cable management
>dealing with drivers and software issues

If you're coming from a console where literally none of the above is an issue then it's not gonna be as simple as fucking legos

if you value gameplay quality you buy a pc, probably same fps per dollar, say a 600 dollar pc gets 60fps with the same settings a ps4 that gets 30fps and the ps4 is 300 dollars.

same dollar/fps but you get twice as much fps on the pc for twice the money, excluding games and a tv for ps4 and m+kb and monitor for the pc.

a console is like half a hamburger, its good but not as good as a whole hamburger.

and also:

>whatever year
>not having 1.5 hamburgers

Yes building a PC costs more than a console. Especially if you didn't already have the peripherals laying around and are too dumb to pirate Windows. Yes, very good.


Your games cost less with regular sales. You don't have to pay a monthly fee to play games online. You can use your PC for productivity purposes. You can run everything at better settings, resolutions and frame rates.

You get what you pay for.


>sitting up close to any display over 30" in size
>shitty TV post processing that creates input lag
>shitty response times
>shitty refresh rate


>>sitting up close to any display over 30" in size
just because its a computer doesn't mean you have to sit close you fucking monkey
>input lag
the screen updates faster than you can blink faggot
>response times
faster than you'll ever notice the screen shift
>refresh rate

Do you realize that you don't really own those games, right?
Tomorrow Papa Gaben can proclaim
>Steam is no more
and "your" games are no more.

Meanwhile Sony or Microsoft can't come to your house and take away / break your PS4One disk.

You're saying this as Sony is literally removing all content from LBP

I've never seen this happen on PC
Although on PSN this has happen quite often

You don't own your games either, Why is it that you purposely ignore the DRM and EULA's of your console while shitting on a PC's DRM and EULA's?

Maybe in Britain, Europeeans are protected by consumer law. Kek on you.

Piracy is a federal offense, and while you might get away with it pirating Windows for your own personal use the added cost of Windows effectively keeps any attempts at a mainstream PC as console replacement product from being a reality.

We are fast approaching a world though where we will have sub $100 single board x86 systems capable of 1080p gaming, and Linux based operating systems with game libraries numbering in several thousand titles. Once that happens it may be difficult to stop a wave of console-like devices from taking marketshare from traditional players.

>Piracy is a federal offense
No its not

Microsoft and Sony have both demonstrated the ability to brick consoles, remove advertised features, and ban users from games that they purchased.

Valve is much weaker in that they can really only do the last thing on that list. They can't stop you from playing games single player on your own system. If Steam goes away the only thing that will happen is you'll lose any games that you don't have downloaded or backed up.

I haven't built a PC because it doesn't have the games I want to play or they come out a year or more later with dead online communities.

Over a certain level of damages it is, and most pirates don't just pirate one thing and call it a day. Almost any pirate has enough software illegally to earn themselves a stay in prison longer than what they'd get for a number of far more serious offenses.

Who even cares about that stuff, 30 fps prevents consoles from even being an option at all

That's wrong completely wrong, but nobody wants to buy a pc as weak as consoles. that's stupid as fuck.

The point of playing on pc over console is that pc is that it's better. If you just aim to get console performance then stick to those.

How the fuck are you supposed to sit far back if you're resting the display and the keyboard on the same desk you fucking troglodyte?

>faster than you'll ever notice the screen shift

You've obviously never scrolled through a webpage on a monitor with 11ms response time then tried one with ≈3ms

>gaming at 60hz

Not even gonna bother with this one

>Over a certain level of damages it is
No its not, felonious crimes are not rated on the amount of damage. Felonies are prosecuted based on definition

Im still waiting for EDF 4.1 to come to PC, I love it on console but I feel that if it was on PC it would be alot more active and easier to play, shooters on consoles never last long because I feel the controls just arent as responsive as with m+kb and die on their ass.

>11ms response time
You can't even tell the difference

>tfw get a steady stream of hand-me-down parts from my brother that likes upgrading
>only thing I had to buy was a decent mouse

>noticeable streaking on 11ms monitors compared to 3ms

You probably think the human eye can't see past 30fps and that there's no difference between 60hz and 120hz

It's only noticeable if you care like a autistic faggot.