Overwatch sudden death is such BS the attacker instantly loses. Its like they didnt even so ANY gametesting...

Overwatch sudden death is such BS the attacker instantly loses. Its like they didnt even so ANY gametesting, why bother with a beta that only has quick play?

Are you saying people don't usually manage to take even the first point on defend maps?

Stop being shit.

lol the coin flip heavily favors attackers

what are you retarded? Your team can't build charge for teamwipe ults, and coordinate using them to wipe the enemy team and push once to win? i've lost every defense sudden death because the first point is so close that if your team loses a fight by the time to spawn its halfway to the point, and then you have to run there

It did get testing...blizzard launched a ptr before it was released so that people could test it. After the feedback they implemented short term changes so that the chances of getting sudden death were lowered whilst in the long term they are looking at phasing out sudden death entirely.
You know maybe you should look up these things before making a retarded post.

>playing lucio, defense sudden death
>have my ulti ready in case of bullshit
>see reaper soften up our Roadhog
>start to see his spin, hear the start of DIE DIE DIE
>fully block the die die die
>simultaneously hear:

please god

SD is okay. The real problem is when somebody leaves a match and never comes back.

If it makes you feel any better they're removing the coin flip in season 2.

Competitive shouldnt allow hero stacking. Sudden death is so short its extremely easy to cheese

Why wouldn't you use this "cheese" strategy to take the first point in normal games?

I'm really hoping they rework this in the future.
They should know by now that some maps favor one side or the other.
If you get attack on Sudden Death in Hanamura or Volkskaya, you're fucked.

That first point doesnt win you the game and hero stacking is still retarded regardless

Because I

out skilled mother fucker

>the attacker instantly loses
how to spot a sub-40 rank mouthbreather

Blizzard made posts on the OW forum. Basically sudden death will be gone for season 2. And they've identified the KOTH rank bug.

You what user?

Ive done one(1) sudden death. I was attack and we won within a few minutes

You only have a minute - two to get an extremely defended point. Fuck off.


>attacker instantly loses
>not the defender

if you arent shit you can build charge to 100% in like 30 seconds on most offensive heros and most of these heroes have teamwipe ults. if you wipe the enemy team once you win. you must be shit

a-user please, are you there?

>attacker instantly loses

The fuck? Attack has advantage almost everywhere

>the attacker instantly loses.
what. dude the attacker almost always wins. every time their team gets to attack because of the coin flip, everyone in chat says "oh their team won the coin flip, we lose"

you need to get ONE POINT in slightly less time than a normal match. All you need to do is kill 1-2 people on their team and you can just bumrush the point easily.


The only teamwipe ulti is Zarya's and it charges slow as fuck.

maybe it's balanced and you all just kinda suck?

>Reaper ult
>D.va ult
>Junkrat ult
>pharah ult
>hanzo ult
>mccree ult
>to a lesser extent S76 genji bastion and Mei can also have teamwipe ults
pretty much anything that is a large AoE of high damage, locks down a large aoe, provides high damage precisely for a time or instantly to multiple people can be a team wipe