When did you realize that he was right?

When did you realize that he was right?

When they didn't put him in fucking Dissidia.

Probably around the time I fapped to him.

>he was right
This meme needs to end

when you realize some kids got turned into monsters. who cares that mewt got it good.

>implying there is any other way to cut a pizza.

When his "friends" were vapid cunts

When I'm embarrassed to tell girls that I play video games.
At the age of 29

everything is subjective so you take it case by case

in most cases, the populace got along well. some people drew short straw and was reborn as zombies and malboros, but most got to live a mostly normal life in the cities.

marche effectively commits mass genocide at the end of the game. ivalace was an entire -real- world, and he snuffed it out. that was his crime.

>tfw I enjoy more fapping to 2d than having sex

Aside from what said, Marche went on through all the game shouting that the Ivalice they were in was fake, they were dreaming and "it's not healthy". All this without actual knowledge on how the place is made, if it's actual a dream, a transformation of a pre-existing world or an alternate dimension and without medical/psychological knowledge to tell if a situation like that is "healthy" or not.

Marche is literally the embodiment of a religious extremist who imposes his view of things on the others and in time ammasses a following cult until the entire world bends to his will.

And you, OP, you have the guts to tell me to think he was right.

you know if he had just said

"Fuck it, I want to go home" that would have at least been honest.

But the "escapism" card works both ways. He also didn't want to deal with how the world was now.

Stop jerking it. Your brain is getting fucked.

I always knew he was right

When I realized the localizers purposely fucked with the story.

The Japanese version makes it clear that staying in the world eventually sucks out your soul.

that seems like an important detail to omit

if you keep self-pleasuring yourself constantly, you wont feel the need to have sex, or feel that sex is better (which is). stop masturbating for a month or so

When i turned into an adult and understood that one must stick to reality in order to persevere in life.

Not the best FF of all time, but it has the best message.

Embrace reality. Face your fears. Accept yourself.

These are some stuff we all need.

How does this make any sense? If sex was better it would simply be better whenever.

Im not that user but I feel that way too, but I guess its because I never fucked someone I trully loved.

But if you love a woman you'll be a beta slave and she won't be the one loving you, so I think you can't ever win this fucking game.

So masturbating to 2d women is the best cost efficient answer to the conundrum.

When did you realize that he is the villain

I want some sauce, because that changes everything


during the time he mentioned all the people in their lives that would miss them

fucking cucklord moderators dude

I wanna know where it exactly says that in japanese.
I want the proof.

>Marche shows up in Dissidia
>Reminds Firion and Terra that their world's were ravaged
>Reminds Cecil of the bomb ring
>Reminds Bartz of his parents
>Reminds Cloud of Aerial
>Tells them to stop running away and face the truth

It's some Japanese propaganda bullshit.

>go to school!
>study! study! study!
>pass the exam!
>be kind to your elder!
>get involved in the club!
>do well i uni! (lol)
>get good job!
>get married, have kids, die!

Fuck off. Look at the younger generation in Japan now-that's all the proof you need that their societal bullshit is finally getting pinned for what it is-fucking bullshit.

No one is doing shit because it doesn't pay off anymore.

>childhood dream of being a hero in some fantasy universe comes true
>some fucking normie forces you to go back to your gay meaningless reality where you'll probably die alone after 30 years of re-enacting Office Space

>people around him were living in a fantasy world
>refusing to accept reality
>said fantasy world was killing them to fuel the fantasy
it boggles the mind that people think marche was the villain.

>in most cases, the populace got along well.
This could not be further from the truth, to the point where I think you either didn't actually play the game or last did many years ago when you were a small child

Literally every single dialogue line by random townspeople is them complaining about how fucked up the laws are in Ivalice. I mean christ one of the first things that happens is that a man is sent to jail for trying to heal is gaping sword wounds because the government arbitrarily decided that using medicine was against the law today. That's like something out of a fucking political cartoon.

Then you have all the fact that ivalice is so shitty that people need to hire mercenaries to do literally everything. Have you actually stopped and read your "goal" in the side missions? People need armed escorts to go anywhere because the only thing the judges do is prevent you from dying (but not getting hurt) and don't actually help anyone. Not to mention all the dispatch missions that have people needing soliders and other people to solve very innocent sounding problems.

I don't need to draw implications from flavor text to prove that ivalice was like north korea times 1000 though, theres plenty proof in the game itself. The excuse marche has to enter the palace and talk to mewt is that it's present day, which is a holiday where literally everyone in the country has to give mewt a present. Is that how you run a country that gets attacked by monsters, enemy nations and turf wars between mercenary gangs every five minutes? Mewt wants to make the previously established "go to jail for healing yourself" laws HARSHER because hes a shithead and that just happens without any real argument.

Those schoolyard bullies that ended up as zombies got off easy because they just respawn endlessly unless someone uses one of two abilities on them, I feel way worse for all the regular civilians who were suddenly transported from whatever town to this hellhole dictatorship.

>Marche can use law cards in Dissidia
>Forbidden: Brave Attacks

Marche should become a lapdancer with an ass like that.

That childhood dream of being a hero in a fantasy universe was one marche had as well, however he realized that fantasy isn't worth fucking over all the random townspeople that didn't arbitrary spawn as someone in a clan which means they're worthless in ivalice.

Mewt was a crybaby that became a dictator when given any power, despite being a cripple Donned sold marche out to get raped in lizard jail forever without even bothering to ask him if any of the rumors about him were true and Ritz only doesn't want to go home because her fucking hair is a strange color and she's too stupid to realize hair dye exists.

Marche is the only one of the kids that didn't instantly turn into a self-centered asshole when given magic superpowers but because of a bunch of sad fucks that hate their lives people call him the villain?

>she's too stupid to realize hair dye exists.
the bitch was dying her hair weekly to get rid of roots and it was making her mom depressed as fuck.

This is a Japanese 12 year-old boy

Okay, I'll admit I forgot the exact details of her retarded "character arc", and that she was dying it but then she stops and is okay with that

"Dying my hair a different color drove my mom into depression" is still insanely retarded though, and the fact that "finally I don't have to dye my hair every week" is her reason to stop subjecting everyone she's ever known besides mewt/marche to living in an objectively awful place because it's pretty sweet for her as one of the 1% still makes her a little asshole

All I know is that it's pretty obvious that Cid was a depressed alcoholic deadbeat but they never actually say he is

oh, definitely. ritz's motivation was the stupidest of the main cast.
>mewt: mom is dead and dad's a drunk loser
>doned: final paraplegic
>ritz: MY HAIR IS WHITE A BLOO BLOO BLOO and then she fucking spends her days with a clan of viera, ALL OF WHOM HAVE WHITE HAIR
in the opening scene he was slurring and getting chewed out by his boss for being worthless.

That's the point the viera see it as beautiful so she wasn't self conscious anymore

no, in ivalice her hair was naturally red, and she just realized that it didn't fucking matter what colour her hair was.

I'm remembering way wrong then

yeah, she got mad at marche for wanting to change things because she didn't have to dye her hair anymore, because she remembered how depressed the dying made her mom.

Imagine a tumblrette being taken away from having purple or green hair, and she freaks out. That is Ritz.