ITT: Shit games with great soundtracks

ITT: Shit games with great soundtracks

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The soundtrack is shit too

You mean shit games with great fanbases?

You mean shit games with great sluts?

You mean great soundtracks with shit games?

you mean shit gameplay with great story?

Too easy.


Hotline Miami 2

>half of them dont even play the games and watch them on Youtube
>actively tell others to do so

Idk senpai I like Taros games but the fanbase on Sup Forums is pure cancer more often than not

>implying the game wasn't supposed to be shit

>Taro-san, QA says the game runs like a Parkinson's patient!

But Drakengard 3 isnt a shit game

You mean great games ruined by horrible English dubs?

I think it's a good game tbqh

I unironically loved every aspect of this game aside from the 5fps dips at a couple points. I may or may not just have shit taste, however.

I like this soundtrack

I wouldn't say the gameplay is shit. There's the quite horrible frame rate issues of course, and it could use some polish overall, but I found the gameplay quite enjoyable.

Worst platformer I've ever played

user please

Best platformer I've ever played.
TFW on your first run you get to the final boss with 300 lives and finish with only 4 left.
Mostly it felt like my hand was broken.

Pretty much my only major critique of the game aside from the frame rate. Thankfully they did release the original voice track as DLC. Just sad that it didn't work on DLC chapters.