Now that the dust is settled... Can we all agree that... Nintendo won E3?
Now that the dust is settled... Can we all agree that... Nintendo won E3?
Sure, just like how Dragon Age: Inquisition won GOTY of 2014.
>no Bayo 3
It was the game of show but if you're rating overall presence and conferences Nintendo's was awful, three games
>half of the conference devoted to some dumb gamur gurl sluts slowly playing fucking pokemon
more like cucktendo
going by overall presence, Nintendo had the longest line at e3 by a large margin, there was a thread yesterday comparing them.
Also going by presence, people's talking about BotW on social media blew out every other game shown there. Battlefield 1 maybe being 2/3rds of what BotW was.
to put it bluntly, Nintendo garnered more attention to 1 game than the 4 other companies did to their products, with stageshows.
Sony: many different new games, VR technology
Microsoft: many different new games, Windows 10 integration
Nintendo: Zelda and Pokemon
Not really. To be fair you can argue that it was on-point given how Nintendo fans only care about Zelda, Mario, Smash and Pokemon.
Funny how Nintendo fanboys spent weeks saying how irrelevant E3 is, and now they're going on about how Nintendo "won" a supposed irrelevant game show.
Everyone lost
>VR technology
Are you marking that as a positive?
Microsoft did way better since they understand exclusives (unless they are in-house) are pretty bad and should be there for everyone.
The one who won this e3 is us, the consumers.
Fuck off, Booger.
>Nintendo Life says that a Nintendo game won E3
no shit sherlock. I'm a Nintendrone myself and even I get triggered by shit like this
That's just an illusion.
>WiiU owners: 10 million
>10 million people talking about Zelda because it's the only game they have.
>PS4 owners: 40 million
>1 million people talking about COD IW
>1 million people talking about Spider Man
>1 million people talking about Battlefield 1
>1 million people talking about VR Star Wars
>1 million people talking about VR Batman: Arkham
>1 million people talking about Dad of War
>1 million people talking about Resident Evil 7
>1 million people talking about Dead Standing
>1 million people talking about COD MW remastered
>1 million people talking about Xenoverse 2
>And so on
>And so on
>Same scenario for the Microsoft conference
The Xbone and the PS4 have such a varied library that there's something for everyone, so people doesn't agglutinate around a single title.
I didn't even watch a single stream.
so I won E3 2016
like it won this console generation
Pretty much. Depending on how good the Windows 10 titles are, I may be forced to create two partitions: a Windows 7 one for computer things and a Windows 10 one exclusively for those games.
Saying Nintendo won is bullshit.
Just because they get their head out of their ass for ONE game in a series of disappointments doesn't make it the best of the whole expo. This is what we should've gotten instead of them sucking off the casual Wii audience with Squidward Sword. All that time devoted to a piece of hot mediocre ass instead of BotW. Hell, we could've gotten this early in the Wii U's life cycle if they didn't bother with SS.
>Every PS4 owner has different tastes while every Wii U owner has the same
I don't see how that's wrong. Nintendo's the only making games for it, so they're obviously buying it just for Nintendo games.
go they even have an option?
No. It looks as shit as SS and one game is pathetic. Nintenyearolds are grasping
>We are only allowed to like one game
>E3 was completely divided by console fanbase
>people didn't play games on more than one system
>journalists covered only Xbox, or only Playstation, or only Nintendo
>people tweeting about God of War or Resident Evil or Recore didn't tweet about Zelda, and vice versa
I see your what you're doing, Angry Joe.
Mmm. You're right.
You only like three games.
If by won you mean were the least shitty.
Nintendo won themselves good PR, which is what they needed. I wouldn't say they won more than that even as a fan. I will say BOTW is probably in a rightplace-righttime scenario. People need a new open world game so it's hitting the right spot for people.
Really though E3 was kind of a disaster this year, as per is the norm since 2010. Hardly anything worthwhile shown that actually matters in the long term. Hell if anything there's only been more letdowns since E3 and the following weeks.
>VR shit no one really gives a fuck about
>animal crossing confirmed for mobile
>more mobile shit in general
>Resident evil 7, which was supposed to be "returning to roots" is a walking simulator in demo, and once you get a gun it's going to be just a jumpscare FPS
>NX "loosely" confirmed for weak and more gimmicks by reggie's statements.
>Damage control everywhere
I cant remember the last time a E3 was truly good to be quite honest, unless you mean cringe then we'll always have [/spoiler]Hi..[/spoiler].