Lets talk about how Dice has already fucked up their world war one shooter by excluding France and Russia as playable...

Lets talk about how Dice has already fucked up their world war one shooter by excluding France and Russia as playable factions. World War 1 literally never would have started if Russia hadnt mobilized its troops to protect the balkan slavs but I guess they think that their audience is full of peole who only want to play as 'murika, britbongs or the proto nazis.

But at least they almost included female soldiers instead, right? Fucks sake this sjw crap has gone on long enough, dont you agree?

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Why do people who are making video games about soldiers brutally killing each other over and over think that they have to be politically correct about it? Like whats the fucking point of that?

It's retarded and dumb, but you people are blowing it out of preportion

It's a battlefield game, not a WWI game, expecting anything different and you only have yourself to blame

>muh sjws ruining my history game

It's for money. They know full well the importance of France and Russia. They are going to sell them as DLC. France is already confirmed.
I doubt they won't play any significance in the campaign, but who the hell cares about the campaign

But its a game based on WW1. Do you really think we shouldnt expect a little bit of common sense when it comes to something this simple?

user, they were gonna have female bedouin soldiers. Let that sink in for a little bit.

I wonder if the kebab will get pissed off at that.

While I hate historical inaccuracies as much as the next guy, the priority is good Battlefield gameplay, and as long as this feels like BC2, I'll be stoked. The race thing does peeve me, but most of you cunts just hate black people and use any and all opportunity.

I always see it like a Valhalla situation, like... people immortally reliving battles forever. Stupid but I see it more like that.

That's my two cents.

>as long as this feels like BC2, I'll be stoked.
That's fucking retarded. It should feel like WW1-era gameplay rather than giving everyone automatic weapons.

>It's for money.
It definitely wouldnt surprise me if thats what they are doing it for. We havent heard much about DLCs yet so it might be safe to assume that theyre gonna make you buy those factions or at least maps/modes with those factions.

But anyway, look at this shit, man.

>WW1-era gameplay

How does that describe anything? It should feel more akin to BC2 than BF3 and 4 is all I'm saying.

Yeah, WW1 guns and vehicles, atmosphere, whatnot, but core gameplay should feel like a Bad Company game.

no ones not gonna care enough or even at all to not buy the game/refund.

I miss BC2 too, but that doesnt mean you should let them do whatever they want in terms of DLC.

I really didnt care about the black soldier thing. The battlefield games have always had black soldiers and there were black soldiers serving in America during WW1.

Just because youre an ambivalent consumer of Dice's shit doesnt mean other people should be.

I'm with you on that one.
All we did in WWI consisted of getting shrekt by germans and bailing out when commies started to fuck shit up. Cyкa блять.

wow some history is wrong in a MP only FPS
>implying sp matters
youre going to just pass out the fun because of that?

Extra Credits tends to lean a little too left for my tastes, but they did a pretty good job of explaining how WW1 started.


Who the hell cares?

It demonstrates a basic lack of understanding of the war. Call me a faggot all you want, but I dont want to buy a game from a company that doesnt care whatsoever about staying true to the source material.

You cared enough to reply

You guys basically started the war, though. You should be more interested.

and thats fine, but generally """"""gamers"""'"''''' let slight alterations pass as it's a video game after all and not a documentary.

I don't really give a fuck.
In fact, only Sup Forums does.

Because of the nigger, now Sup Forums is constantly talking about BF1.
The system works.

Ok but what if I want to play as a russian soldier killing german soldiers?

>you have lived long enough to see Sup Forums begin to take over Sup Forums

Female soldier were just recently announced as being removed. They make up history constantly with 1 but at least there not going that far. Of course one of there employees had a feminist sissy fit over it.

You guys dont seem understand that Dice is relying on the fact that you arent going to care about what they are going to do so long as you get to run around like a maniac and shoot at people. You are literally the reason that the games industry sucks.

Sup Forums is a necessary evil.
You ever see the sad state of Sup Forums these days? Imagine if the entire site was that SJW. Sup Forums is needed to counterbalance the increasing leftist influence encroaching this site.

Sorry for thinking that playing a female soldier in world war 1 is stupid.

Are you concerned about ethics in games journalism too?

So Battlefield is going to be Battlefield?

ever think its not maybe the 5 people here, but the bazillion normies who dont give a shit because theyre not history majors, and would buy the game either way

Almost means not, you know

Nope, game journalism has always been stupid.

Video games havent always been about a publisher/developer spending hundreds of millions of dollars to produce a shitty game for a bunch of mindless drones to consume. They're doing it because you let them get away with it every year.

Yes, I too lived long enough to see 2012

Sup Forums is an infinitely better board than Sup Forums

You realise that Dice loves the free publicity they get from retards from Sup Forums sperging about a nigger being in the game and making it about some political horse shit instead of the (You) bait that it is.

If nobody cared either way, we would see it on its own merits as Yet Another Generic FPS the 6 millionth.

Its not necessarily about knowing history. Its about how Dice has become like the burger king of the games industry.

The next time you buy and play a shit game dont come crying back to Sup Forums because you let that shit happen.

No, that would be The Eternal Serb.

I dont think they like that kind of publicity, actually. Theyre pretty faithful to their sjw agendas.

Cause they're afraid if they don't comply they'll lose 500k from teh PC community out of the 100million they're going to make anyways. And publicity, you gotta get people talking about the game...especially after 1 world wide teaser and 1 world wide trailer.

oh my fucking god, you faggots are just tumblr-tier SJWs at this point

They are.
I mean, at first it was with the feminism shit, but jesus christ now even a single sight of a nigger triggers them.
Don't know how these people deal with getting out of their homes and seeing a nigger.

so youre agreeing with me. the same thing applies with every cod title and its community. again, normal people couldnt give a single fuck about the wrong history besides maybe the 2 history philosophers here. everything youve said in that post, weve been saying about CoD of dooty and look where thats at. the games are shit, but people buy them still

Russia fucked the Austrians and Turks up pretty bad at least.

I honestly don't understand how some people don't understand how to sell something. Putting in women won't cost much upfront, but having the vagina DLC would catch flak for being sexist. France and Russia are fucking white cis males so no one with a job and things to do will complain and people WILL pay for the DLC weapons, skins, and maps wihout a second though.