Are there any games besides Half-Life where you kill members of the United States military?
Are there any games besides Half-Life where you kill members of the United States military?
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Probably world war/war games in general but as for game types like hl...I can't think of any
In spec ops the majority of enemies are US military, you also kill (or at least cause the death of) a CIA agent.
Don't you do that in one of the modern CoD of Duties?
Spec Ops The Line
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Glorious mission. Released in china
Any battlefield game
Half life aged terribly it's shit now
>Never ever will we get a western version
Can't someone from China just upload it to a torrent site?
lazy bait
How? Half life is still great only slightly more aged than say quake
Now half life 2 aged like milk
Ground Zero's
Dues Ex
Syphon Filter 2
Half life 2? How
Saint's Row 3. It's a super secret high-tech division of it but it's US military nonetheless.
Portable Ope
Peace Walker
Ground Zeroes
The Phantom Pain
Man, what does Kojima have against America?
Unskippable cutscenes severely hurting replay
Physic and other gimmicks out the ass
Obligatory vehicle sections
nothing wrong with the vehicule
This shit will never not get responses. You would think Sup Forums would catch on to bait this ubiquitous eventually.
Absolutely retarded
You are the retard lad, it's no different from cutscenes
It's in fact worse as there is no way to skip it
To be fair, HL2 is pretty shit, compared to HL1. HL2 was just a tech demo for Source.
Its not a cutscene retard, learn what that works means then proceed to hsng yourself
Tom Clancys endwar, you can play as Russia or Europe against the US. Or most Gtas
Being worse than half life doesn't make it a bad game
You are the retard lad, it's no different from cutscenes
It's in fact worse as there is no way to skip it
>OP's face when neither Americans or Barneyfag are falling for his bait
Not him, but I've replayed it recently due to it being on sale (I played HL2 before I had a steam account) and I really felt it.
It feels older in a way that the first one didn't, and the first one didn't make me think about it like 2 did. I can't really explain it, but I guess it's the way levels are and the way enemies act and the way the story is told. It's probably because it wasn't as much of a game as it was a showcase of the engine and the physics. I've a lot fonder memories of HL1 and I remember most of it, whereas I realized that I forgot almost everything about Half Life 2 when replaying it.
Yes it does make it okay, now hang yourself
When do you kill Americans in 3?
I'm also not convinced Dead Cell counts as US military.
I didn't say it was a bad game, only that it falls flat on it's face compared to HL1.
Any rts with America in it. Command and conquer generals especially
HL2 was basically a tech demo for its engine. When the gimmick the whole game relies on is outdated and buggy, you have a bad game.
I replayed it for nostalgia a while back and got instakilled by a physics glitch from running into too sharp a corner in the trainyard after Ravenholm. This is unacceptable for a game that touts its physics engine.
>it wasn't as much of a game as it was a showcase of the engine and the physics.
There is that meme again
I guess the Boss? That doesn't really count either though.
Barneyfag only comes when he posts the thread himself.
Why is the army always so retarded in zombie and alien settings?
>le kill all witnesses!
mind your own business you fucking bullet catcher also
>rekt by a scientist
literally can't prove him wrong
hl2 is as much of a tech demo as doom 3 was
Rogue genomes
and the rest are a bunch of mercs.
In America's Army, you play as two groups of drugged American soldiers where they believe the opposite group are actually terrorists.
Half life 1 was a tech demo too
The Boss is still a member of the US army in MGS3, as are these guys in MGS2, not to mention you kill the former president of America.
RO2 Rising Storm if playing as glorious nippon
the death cries are really sad
then it's tech demo done right
Do you have any counter-argument?
Every level in it is made to showcase and put in practice a gimmick. The physics, the gravity gun, the cars, and so on. And the story constantly tries to justify you using those gimmicks, as if it's there for their benefit, not to tell a story.
It is why Half Life 1 is more memorable than 2. 1 was a game, 2 was a tech demo, and it's in Episde 1 and 2 where the gameplay, story and levels became better.
>Inb4 hurr durr opinions
I want you to go replay it and tell me how much fun you have with Nova Prospekt or boating in a swamp while stopping once in a while to open a gate. I bet you've never even played it, and only know of Ravenholm because of the memes.
Half Life 1 was on the Quake engine, and it had a clever story that the game didn't force you to stop and look at like 2 does.
None of those are associated with aging.
Those are only gripes about things you personally didn't like. (the airboat section was awesome. fuck you)
In prototype you kill us army, same with hulk ultimate destruction I believe.
where is he?
>it's in Episde 1 and 2 where the gameplay, story and levels became better.
nigga episode 2 is almost literally 50% downtime and the final fight is pure cancer
>Nova Prospekt
One of the best parts of the game?
>is a tech demo
>still more fun, memorable and influential than 99% of other games
>Half Life 1 was on the Quake engine
Modified retard, they were showing their their improvements
>didn't force you to stop and look at like 2 does.
You literally start the game just looking retard
I don't agree dude. I played HL2 years after its release and I think it's a phenomenal game. An exercise in level design and environmental puzzling, perhaps, but in my opinion it excels at each of those.
"Unskippable cutscenes are better than skippable cutscenes!"
That pic related would've been cool, but its ruined by the fan fiction, tumblrina feminzai.
>didn't force you to stop and look at like 2 does
Half Life 1 was not on the quake engine it's a heavily modified quake engine queerbait. Even Half-Life 2 has lines of code from Quake still in it.
probably the worst part of the game
You kill a lot of Enclave soldiers in Fallout 3. I suppose it depends on whether or not you count alternate-universe post-apocalyptic-future US military.
Look I can understand someone preferring HL1 over 2 but the episodes are indefensible.
5 seconds in hl1 vs. 5 minutes in hl2
Take your pick
>anything that isn't pew pew action is a cutscene!
But the moments in hl2 literally are cutscenes. You are locked in a tiny room forced to listen the exposition going on.
That only applies to ground zeroes
The rest are rogue mercs or CIA/special forces
>5 seconds
>I've never played Half Life
The tram ride was 5 minutes long in HL1. You were on the train in HL2 for maybe 30 seconds.
Almost every GTA, Payday, Destroy all humans!
I tried playing HL2 for the first time a year ago and I hated that boring piece of crap, got up to the speedboat part and left.
It just felt so soulless.
Why'd you post a picture of yourself? Ha, you got fucking owned.
Both games take forever to start. Not an argument
Any part of a game where they player doesn't have significant interactivity is, indeed, a cutscene, whether you're still technically in control or not. Even dialogue sequences in RPGs, where you usually have dialogue choices to make, could still be considered cutscenes. Mind you, I'm not saying cutscenes are bad. I like them fine. I'm just saying that I'd prefer an honest cutscene I can skip if I don't feel like watching it over being stuck watching the entire scene every single time because some people are fooled into thinking it's not a cutscene because you can still walk around (and do nothing else).
When the demo first came out I got killed by a table, weird physics bug, during the apartment chase from the Civil Protection.
The argument was that Half Life 1 didn't do that shit, and we proved that it does.
>they player
*the player
I don't disagree with that, they both take a little to heat up, but what was your argument?
>no cut
I don't give a fuck if those moments are cutscenes or not, they're SHIT
after the games get going, half life 2 has several extremely long expositions moments where you can't do anything and just have to sit it through, half life 1 practically has none. half life 2 episodes are even worse
Now you're just arguing semantics. It's a cutscene in all but the most technical sense of the word.
If stuff like that didnt get shot down then newfags would think Sup Forums agrees
Why does reddit love HL2 so much?
I tossed myself into the death ray for a full 10 minutes
It didn't read like that's what you meant before, but that is true.
Sup Forums used to like HL2
Reddit likes whatever Sup Forums likes
since Sup Forums hates whatever reddit likes, Sup Forums hates HL2
It's the same with any game that gets popular on Sup Forums, like Undertale.
Splinter Cell Blacklist
I like how in the Guantanamo mission they'll try to identify then arrest you before firing at you
Yeah, but can't they move away from it, it's been 12 years now.
How can God allow someone to have such shit opinions?
>fan fiction
What? What fanfiction?
This is the new meme. Video games are shifting away from story-focused, and are shifting towards mindless shooting. This generation hates media that makes them think because that's "not fun".
>It's exactly what the word means
>except for the definition
>Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important. - John Carmack
I bet you think RPGs are about story you faggot.