It's another JonTron doesn't review video games and does stupid shit Reddit told him to do episode
It's another JonTron doesn't review video games and does stupid shit Reddit told him to do episode
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Fat nigger should've never gotten famous.
>still watching Shilltron after this retardation
He's a fat dune coon with multiple onion layers of father issues.
gotta make money somehow
Does he have any creative freedom at all any more?
Don't forget your audible subscription
>Jontron isn't allowed to have fun
You don't make decent revenue off YouTube making vidya review videos every 2-3 months.
why can't you just say it instead of posting a faggy anime image
Does Sup Forums like Filthy Frank AKA Jackass 2016?
wait he does vlogs?
He literally isn't allowed to have fun, unless his sponsors give him the okay.
And revenue comes from all of his videos.
As long as he has something up, and someone is talking about him (OP) he's making money.
Every Youtuber (even literally whos) has their own sponsor link from Audible/Crunchyroll/Lootcrate. As far as I can tell, Jontron is pretty free to make what he wants; unfortunately, he isn't often in the mood to make game videos anymore. On the bright side, he hasn't re-succumbed to the creative bankruptcy that is Let's Plays
You complain, but I just went to his channel to check, so thanks for advertising him!
it was literally an advertisement for walmart with him filming himself walking through a walmart.
>jackass 2016
I feel like these boys are going to end up more like jackass than anything yet
So his contract with Disney expired then?
>watching people who actively tweet anti-trump bs
When did vanilla Jontron end and when did Jontron 2.0 begin?
>its a jontron reviews a movie episode
Space Ace
Game Grumps
Pretty much.
I think these type of videos are what he's wanted to do all along though.
I thought it was kinda funny.
I doubt it
there was a 12 month hiatus then he was offered a sponsorship deal
apartments in NY aren't cheap
So what the fuck does this guy do on Youtube?
His parents are loaded. He could do whatever type of videos he wants.
If he still wanted to do video game shit primarily he wouldn't have left game grumps at all.
Space Ace was the last Vanilla Jontron
Hercules, while still being a decent video, was the start of Jontron 2.0
This might come as a surprise but not everybody wants to be dependant on mummy and daddy
He probably still is somewhat.
I really doubt he makes enough money from youtube along to live where he does.
From Hercules to the Barbie were his best videos.
maybe his girlfriend has a job too
an actual job
There are four incarnations of JonTron.
Jon-One, where he was still awkward in his own skin and was doing whatever seemed funny. Had about the same reputation level as pretty much every other video game reviewer besides the cuck nerd and the angry Mexican.
Jon-Grump, which is how he got famous by jumping on to Egoraptor's Newgrounds fame and suddenly making people interested in what his stuff was. Becoming famous boosted his ego, which allowed him to get a girlfriend and finally have the balls to do what he wanted.
Jon-Three, which is the stuff he made immediately moving to New York, which was a great part of Jon's channel when he wasn't crossing over with those gay guys who also review video games but look like fat fish people.
Jon-Four, or Sell Out Jafari, which is everything he's made starting with StarCade. Tried watching it as best as I could, but having Jon and Arin pretend to be best friends when his own girlfriend has already told everyone Suzy pulled a Yoko Ono on them made me too sick to keep watching his videos.
Did game grumps really put him on the map?
Needed more Remington
He was pretty famous before that already.
JonTron is my favorite youtuber, but I swear to a God I don't even believe in, the new video is completely retard.
I gotta give it to James and Aleks. I thought they were funny before, but now that Jordon isn't keeping them from doing stupid shit, it has been turned up a notch. Especially with Joe and Aron going in on it now. Add Trevor into the mix with his own shenanigans, and it all becomes the hilarious, jackass-like mess that is, Cow Chop.
>We'll never have another episode as good as Nightshade
What's wrong with that?
it was definitely game grumps
he never would of reached where he is now without it. dont kid yourselves
I didn't even know who he was until Arin announced GameGrumps.
>Needing to hugbox yourself on youtube with only people who share your political views
>the 55 gallons of lube video
>the TMNT video
Unless he's shilling for shillary, it's ok.
He had a pretty large following before GG
>Go to Jon's channel
>Kingsquest is gone
>not including the bit before this where he goes 'HHMMMMNNNNN'
>its another jontron episode
This guy should just fucking quit already.
he has a p nice place too
I like his new stuff but it does feel too "professional" if that makes sense.
That said hardest I've laughed in a while was during that skateboard movie review when he said something like "oh... he can fly now" in the most defeated voice I've ever heard in my life
Last good thing he did wasn't even him, it was Schmoyohos Titenic songified
It is too professional. His videos were better when it was just him and some friends using a simple camcorder and video capture instead of having a full team set up stages to have asides like Family Guy.
feels more like a sketch show now
his schtick has always been surrealist comedy, but like all great things, he did the most with the fewest resources.
Giving someone a blank cheque and telling them to produce funny won't give the same results as someone looking to make funny with whatever they have available.
Literally as soon as he left Game Grumps and moved to new york his videos took on a different style. Even the few videos he put out while still on Game Grumps felt more or less the same as his old stuff.
What was Jordan's deal anyway? Wasn't he like 90% of the reason why most people left the creatures?
He literally sold out himself and all his west coast friends
Now he, Frank, and and Ethan&Jew have banded together to shill themselves harder
He also deleted drunk gaming, which was probably his funniest video. Maybe disney didn't want to associate with that kind of tomfoolery.
OP you giant faggot, that gets tiresome to watch, and I was a big fan of his since even before GameGrumps
It's nice to get some NostalgiaCritic-esque reviews in sometimes.
>his Food Fight review was 10/10, sides never came back
I'm more into smaller channels now, they seem more pure, but Jontron still a good
>unrelated bane because my HDD crashed and it's all I got
Selling yourself and your view on things being dictated by others isn't exactly what people want
you FUCKING imbecile
It was Jordan and Dan together. They just kept rejecting everybody's video ideas and forcing everybody to censor themselves and be more "family friendly" so they could get more sponsorships, as well as not communicating with the rest of the guys. The CC lads try to make it seem like Jordan didnt fucking ruin everything, but it's pretty clear he did.
Also keep in mind how based Jon was during GG
whats up with these youtubers i used to enjoy watching like gg, best friends, jontron.
like something clicked in my head and realized they are not funny, witty, or charming and realized watchin people play video games or le random funny stupid shit like jontron is the worst way to spend your time
It might not be exactly what people want, but if it's clearly labeled as an ad, which that video was, all it does is put some extra money into the content creator's pocket so that they can make more of that content you like.
>would of
kill yourself IMMEDIATELY
This is not video games. You even admit it's not video games. If he doesn't even review video games, then he's like double not vidya. Get your underage content out of here.
Does the hot guy have nudes?
Jon was the best thing of Game Grumps. I like how he wasn't a flaming homosex like Arin and how he was always high-energy and his stories weren't all about his dad being a foreigner (or in Dan's case, Jewish) and waking up in sex dungeons after having a drug-fueled orgy (like Dan).
You grew up
They were funny. Then they changed. Their channels used to be things you could watch after having a bad day at work or, in the case of GG / Let's Play, watching them while you're eating so you feel like you're hanging out with friends.
>implying it even happens in that episode
Fool me once, I'm mad.
>its another e-celeb shit thread episode
>Talking shit about Continue
Go fucking kill yourself, Continue is fantastic. Those guys are who he teamed up with out there to write, shoot, and edit his shit. Those were by far the best Jontrons, definitely in part because of them.
Did she really or is that another one of those r/gamegrumps conspiracy things? Why would Ego's fucking wife do that? Why would it work on Jon?
Hello fat fish person.
If you got some real friends, you wouldn't need to care about e-celeb shit.
You must be 18 to post.
Only underage care about e-celebs. Please leave Sup Forums. This isn't the board for you.
I think it has to do with these channels becoming more like careers for these people instead of just fun little things that they do in their spare time. The videos start looking and sounding like they're making a serious effort and are trying to appeal to a defined demographic, and you no longer feel like you're just killing time with a stupid little video that you think is funny. It feels like you're consuming some product, which makes you feel like a gullible idiot.
And how is this videogame related?
There was a chat log a long while back where people were asking Jon's gf what happened, and she finally got drunk enough where she let things slip. Suzy wanted to get in on GG, Jon wanted GG to just be him and Arin having fun, and then Arin wanted to turn GG into a cash cow. Jon skipped out, started doing his own videos in New York, then the economy fucked him in the ass so he ended up selling out as well, and through that reconciled with Arin since Jon lost moral high ground.
It's Sup Forums, calm down. Go to /vg/ if you want video games.
Arin just sucks. He can't play games, refuses to read comments, gets pissed when he messes up due to sucking, spews poor man's humor that doesn't even work half the time, and has severe repressed homosexuality.
>Arin leaving his password up through 20 episodes of Dark Souls
>Sup Forums is an image hosting website
>complains when someone uploads an image
>it's a "team of people making a video for Jon instead of just him alone in his parents' house" episode
That's where internet videos in general are headed, and it's mostly because of so many people attempting to make Youtube videos for a living. You can see it in internet animation, too. 10-15 years ago everyone was just having fun and doing it as a hobby, but now they've grown up and have to either do something else or try to make it their career.
Don't compare Filthy Frank to Jackass, you cunt.
Yeah it's an IMAGE HOSTING WEBSITE, not a weebshit picture exchange website.
>Sup Forums
>literally stands for Video Games
Are you retarded?
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
That's it exactly. Jon is a perfect example because before he would release a video once a year and it was a goldmine because he was just having fun. Now he has to release on a consistent basis and his stuff has dropped in quality.
>suppressed homosexuality
He regularly dresses up as a girl, declared to the world he would have swordfights in a dick club, and has stated which male actors he wants to fuck him in the ass.
All over the channels of the people we are talking about
Jackass is The Wire compared to filthy frank
its funny now, the newgrounds animators like ego, stamper oney etc just haven't made shit in over a year. everyone hopped on to this bullshit