Character you really fucking liked dies

>Character you really fucking liked dies

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I hate it when a character dies and there is this huge dramatic moment and you just feel so fucking empty on the inside, if it is a somewhat light hearted game it is even worse and I hate to cry because the emphasis on that moment just... I cant really explain... JUST

I haven't cried in about a decade, but I just got over tearing up.




>Your the one that kills him

>Character you really liked fucking dies

>Character you don't really care about dies and it's a ten minute cutscene.

Reminder that he did nothing wrong

Both him and Nekomaru knew there was no way out other than murder, and they both accepted it

>Persona 3
>Shinji dies
>Dark Souls
>Estus Flask dude dies
>Super Mario Galaxy
>Lumas die
>Hotline Miami series
>Half-Life 2: Episode 2
>Eli Vance dies
>Metal Gear Rising
>Raiden almost dies 10 times
>Guide dies

>doesn't even die during one of the cases

and yes i'm aware this isn't quite correct, but THAT junko is shit, i fucking wanted this one

>He dies for a cause he really believes in
>If you wind up going against that cause you can find his remains

>You figure out just how depressed he was in the joyful
>You were literally his only and best friend
>You killed him

>Game has a morality system
>If your go evil he shows up at the end as a spirit and says how disappointed he is in you

>playing game
>turns out the MC was a huge asshole the whole time
>feel like a complete shithead for all the horrible things you did with him

>If you side with him you listen to his heartfelt speech about how he wants you to live on and make a better world

ACTUALLY he did it for selfish reasons and in the wrong ways. If he had done "nothing wrong" he'd have

A. Killed himself.
B. Killed someone but then made it insanely obvious it was him.

He did it for selfish reasons, and was aiming for everyone to die.

>Implying anyone liked the guide
>Implying everyone didn't put him into specialized house-shaped torture chambers for being a freeloading, annoying fuck

Never happened. Video games never kill of cool guys. In fact, the only time I one died I killed him myself. Montblanc in a Jagd.
fuck moogles

That one Orc bard in Skyrim I felt bad killing, because he seemed like an innocent guy

>videogames never kill of cool guys

He was the very model of a scientist salarian, user


>character I really like
>have to check if they dies beforehand so I can prepare myself

>the characters you wish would die ACTUALLY DOES

wrong you motherfucker

>spend 100 hours tracking down a character I can't stand
>wish every minute they're saying words out of their mouth that they would just hurry up and get killed off already
>finally they die
>minutes later find out it was just japes and they're back at it again with their big dumb mouth
Thanks Ciri you tracer cunt


I liked the whole Skyrim Brotherhood, minus Cicero and the fucking Night Mother. So the ending of that questline left me pissed.

The entire DB minus Cicero and that Nord bitch were based. I was furious when they died and there was nothing you could do to save them.

>character dies
>killer mocks you for being unable to protect him/her

>antagonist is cooler
>kicks your ass
>he ends up actually wanting to help you
>find out after you kill him

>put a lot of money into character
>get rare weapons for character
>character dies midway through game
>character betrays you at the end

It's been 5 years and it's still too soon.

It will always be too soon.

Chernov broke my fucking heart

>hey I really like this character and I wanna draw them
>but if I Google ref images of them, I might get spoiled

>Character you really like dies in a flaming blaze of glory

sleep tight, jorge

>character you like dies
>he comes back to life

>character dies
>you don't care at all because there are no well written video games

>he comes back in the sequel

>character dies with you having no chance of saving him/her
fuckin bullshit laddies. cheap as fuck

smart hamster poster

God I miss HER. SHE was the life and soul of the place. Alter Ego couldn't hold a candle to HER.

(Fucking everyone except Hifune misgendering her...)

>you get to kill a detestable antagonist
>the next game reveals that he wasn't always a horrible person and how he got that way

>You get a really cool gun
>Get knocked out and captured in a cutscene and lose all your weapons
>Can never get it back again

>character helps you even though he no longer believes in you
>he dies afterwards

>Character dies
>Turns out it was just a dream
>Character is dead in real life too

>finally unlock new outfits
>character leaves the game forever(I know you can get her back now)

>Character you really fucking liked dies
>Their killer is now a mandatory party member because of reasons

>character you like is pretty much ignored by the porn community while another character from the same game probably has the most R34 in all of gaming

he let you know what to build with different materials without having to go to the wiki, he was quite annoying when he kept stealing the Wizard's house tho

meant for

>Nameless soldiers just trying to help you get killed.

>Character you really fucking liked betray you

>like a character from a semi-obscure game
>series in general has barely any porn

>Game makes it seem like you can prevent the character from dying
>You play over and over trying to stop the one enemy that gets them every time
>It is actually impossible to save them.

I know that feeling.
I couldn't not replay the game once I found out you could save her

>Guide dies
Doesn't he just respawn anyway after beating / losing the Wall of Flesh
I'm on a hardmode save right now and he's right here

>a character's pet dies
>bad guy makes fun of how it died
>bad guy moves it's corpse to his city for display because he's actually proud

>Character tells you to run while he fights a bunch of enemies
>You never know if he actually died or not
>Hours later the villain reveals his corpse to you with it being barely recognizable

RIP Alex Mercer

Not vidya, but
>mfw ttgl episode 8
Fucking tag team bolt-from-the-blue bullshit that's what that was

>great character dies
>"He was the coolest guy... Alright, moving on!"
>never mentioned again

Hate this shit.

>likable character in dangerous situation
>Fucking cunt bag teammate won't let you help them
>likable character gets killed

I stopped playing Valkyria Chronicles because of this

>What's it like...getting shot...

>Your bro for life that you left and followed off in his adventure ABANDONS YOU at the exact second he finds a warm hole to slink away into

>Character promises to follow you until the end
>If you don't force them to leave they will die
>You either lose them forever or see them die infront of you.

>mfw you need a fucking PS3 to get this game on the Vita
>Error: Duplicate file exists. here.

Fuck you, Bioware

>character you liked dies and a shitty one take its place

>character you really fucking hated dies

>sequel cancelled after almost a decade of development hell
Still stings

>child character you liked suddenly gets aged up and turns into a different kind of charcater

>character gets their memory wiped
>all their character development is gone
worse than character death tbqh

>she was best girl
>she became worst girl

Name one game that does this besides FF4

>12 characters you really like die in unspeakably gruesome ways

the face he's making is too exaggerated. It looks like he's right on the verge of laughing, thus validating the poster

4/10 funny idea terrible execution

>character you like dies
>you have to kill the character you liked because your choices in the story demand it
Not too many games immediately spring to mind but I hate every time this happens

half as long

>main character dies before the story is complete

>Slather a bunch of memes in there
>random ellipses
>le crying wojack
Underage need to leave.

>besides FF4
Well that was the one i was thinking of and what's wrong with that?

Just checking to see if it's been done anywhere else

It probably has but I either didn't care about the character or didn't play the game.

When Dom dies in gow3. Muh heart.

>"Twice as bright"
>"I gotta try"
>"I know"

>Character you really fucking liked dies
>Other characters slander his death: IE "He deserved to die!"


Wow. Man, it's almost like you didn't play the game. The reason he held out as long as he did was because he wanted to test everyone's will to live. Especially Hajime's after he just fucking gives up. The moment the jig is up and he knows his friends deserve to live, he goes without a fuss. He even spells this out right before his execution.

>Character you really fucking liked kills another character you really fucking liked and leaves you to fend off for yourself, betraying you and becoming the main villain
Love it when this is pulled off well.

Goodnight, Sweet Prince.

>Game lets you call out on their shit and either tell them to shut up or in some cases kill them
>They beg to you saying sorry before they die

>hahaha his death accomplished nothing you fool!


Ocarina of Time


>Character you really fucking liked gets retconned out of existence

Dekar doesn't die, he just gets lost for a few thousand years then returns as a pirate.



I didn't care about Soap.

Rip in pepperoni, non-canon chan.
